Domain |
Eukarya |
Kingdom |
Animalia |
Phylum |
Chordata |
Sub-Phylum |
Vertebrata |
Class |
Aves |
Order |
Anseriformes |
Family |
Anatidae |
Genus |
Branta |
Species |
hutchinsii |
Common Name: |
Cackling Goose |
This is a newly recognized and smaller species of the Canada Goose. Recent work on mitochondrial DNA genetic differences found the four smallest forms to be very different. These four races are now recognized as a full species: the Cackling Goose. It breeds farther northward and westward than does the Canada Goose..Fall migration includes staging on the upper Alaska Peninsula for several weeks, then a trans-oceanic flight to Oregon and California. |
These small geese are probably migrating through southern Vancouver Island although this is the first one photographed at Race Rocks October 22 2010. |
Images by Raisa Mirza |
This file is provided as part of a collaborative effort by the students, faculty, staff and volunteers of
Lester B. Pearson College |
November 2010
Garry Fletcher
Go to the Taxonomy Index
for Race Rocks |