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Bugula californica
Race Rocks Taxonomy
Tidal Energy Project
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Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Bryozoa
Class Gymnolaemata
Order Cheilostomata
Suborder Anasca
Family Bugulidae
Genus Bulgula
Species californica Robertson,1905
Common Name: Spiral bryozoan
A colony of Disporella separata, Photomicrography by
Anita Brinckmann-Voss 2001

This species is classified in The Lophophorate Phyla of British Columbia: Entoprocts,Bryozoans,Phoronids and Brachiopods by Aaron Baldwin School of Fisheries, U. of Alaska.

We see this bryozoan frequently in the lower intertidal while diving at Race Rocks in 8-12 metres of water.

"Each colony is hte result of budding or cloning from the original individual itself having developed from a planktonic larvae that settled ... In the case of this species, the process is programmed as a spiral growth pattern. From " Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest, Andy Lamb and Bernard P. Hanby ,2005,

This file is provided as part of a collaborative effort by the students, faculty, staff and volunteers of
Lester B. Pearson College
April 2010
Garry Fletcher
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Garry Fletcher