BBC interview on the future use of technology to bring Race Rocks to the internet

In November of 1997, BBC reporter Hugh Warrick accompanied Garry Fletcher to Race Rocks and did an interview on the future plans for using technology to make available the resources of Race Rocks to all through the internet.

As is said in the interview : “Typical of ecotourism you could love an area to death”—  the solution of using the right kind of technology to broadcast on the internet is discussed and even robotically controlled video cameras on the internet are mentioned. Later in the early part of 2000 that was to become a reality .
for mp3:




BBC interview on a Proposal for Virtual Race Rocks

In November of 1997, I was interviewed by Hugh Warrick of the BBC on a plan to set up a network on RaceRocks to be able to have live streaming video on the internet, Here is the audio clip of that interview

BBC Interview at Race Rocks in November of 1997 on Technology for Sustainability at Race Rocks