Plants of Race Rocks

The contents table below provides links to the great biodiversity of plant types
found at Race Rocks.

(I’m still working on getting the following transferred to this CMS and  linking  up archives for a full listing see The Race Rocks Taxonomy and Image gallery/.

Plants Marine Algae, Brown Algae Green Algae
 Red Algae  Phytoplankton
(seed plants)


Refer to this file for archived video of algae from Race Rocks



For videos catalogued by species, go to The Race Rocks TaxonomyFor a complete listing of all the algae described and photographed at Race Rocks see the algae section, (Protochtista) in the  The Race Rocks Taxonomy and Image gallery/.



Refer to this extended essay done on
Halosaccion glandiforme with a focus on height and slope as factors in intertidal zonation




Ryan Murphy, former LBPC student returned to Race Rocks to do research for Mt.Allison University on the macroalgal community. He constructed this Digital Herbarium using photographs he took while at the reserve.



Phytoplankton : lab exercise on biodiversity and quantification.
Also see the taxonomy for some of the local species.



From the archives of Pearson College– marine science students preparing herbarium sheets of algae

A herbarium of the species which have been found growing in the reserve is kept in the Biology lab at Lester B. Pearson College. The students in the picture above are floating a filamentous algal form onto a herbarium sheet in a tank of seawater. The algae are then dried between blotters in a drier with heat and circulating air, creating a permanent record of the species.