wintering gulls departing

10:45 – called tour boat” Great Pacific adventure to close to West and of North rocks chased three sea lions into water. We talked to Andrew.

11:52 small blast, no wildlife disturbed. Nesting goals visiting nesting areas early a.m. but do not stay all day. There are more glaucous-winged gulls arriving every day. gulls  that over wintered [probably Thayer’s] are all gone except for 30. On February 14 they had all left
February 15 , 5 tour boats through reserve.

Cleaning chimneys, furnace filters etc.

Pearson divers out

four bald eagles – three mature
one California sea lion hauled out 20 feet above high tide  On the east side of great race – it has been there five days, there are no visible injuries.

15:00 hours –  Second Nature  out with Garry and students doing a drift dive and getting specimens for the tanks. Departed 16:25.

Installed weatherstripping on both houses.