Race Rocks Advisory Board Meeting # 7 Minutes

1200h —1400h, NOVEMBER 28 2000

Participants: Cheryl Borris — Friends of Ecological Reserves
Angus Matthews, Pearson College
Tom Sampson , Coast Salish Council
Gord Hanson, First nations advisor
Marc Pakenham, DFO
Kelly– DFO

Regrets: Erin Bradley — Dive Community



  • Roundtable introductions


  • Marc Pakenham gave an update on the regulatory process. The regulations for the MPA have passed through Gazette I. The regulations will go to the Special Cabinet Committee again for final review. Pending their acceptance of the regulations the proposal will enter into Gazette II, making the MPA official. The next step is to flesh out the further development of the Management Plan.
  • Marc and Kelly suggested that it would be useful to meet individually with the Chiefs of T’souke, Songhees, Beecher Bay and Esquimalt First Nations.
  • Tom Sampson indicated that he has already met with the tribes and that they support the MPA and its educational opportunities. He suggests that by going down the road of one-off style meetings will create divisions amongst the bands and that will result in an intervention in the regulatory process by First Nations.
  • Angus Matthews suggested that the strength of the process lies within the educational merit and benefit, not necessarily the judicial/technical aspect. Any meetings with First Nations should focus on educational opportunities and management, not Treaty.
  • Tom Sampson suggests that if we ask for a legal representative for the management board will be creating division amongst the bands. He indicated that he has no desire to be the First Nation representative on the management board. He felt that Beecher Bay First Nation would be the lead band, but that is for them to decide.
  • Gord Hanson discussed the success of the Bamberton project where more than one First Nation was involved. He felt the project was successful because it focused on all First Nations, not just the band directly adjacent to the site. He felt that if focusing on the Te’Mexw Treaty Association would lead to problems. We need to work towards broad consensus of Coast Salish people and let them decide who is represented on the management board.
  • Tom Sampson suggests not meeting the bands individually but invite the Chiefs and elders to neutral ground for a larger meeting and focus on the educational opportunities. He suggests that Pearson College would be a good venue. Gord Hanson suggested that the Coast Salish Sea Council could co-host the meeting.
  • Meeting adjourned 14h00.

Installation of Sensor Bar underwater at Race Rocks

In this video, the diving students of Lester Pearson College brave several cold hours in the water to bolt down the 5 meter aluminum sensor bar in 8 meters of water off the docks at Race Rocks. Faculty members Garry Fletcher and Chris Blondeau join them to help install the first three sensors.

The orange rope previously installed in the 3 inch conduit is attached to the top end of the sensor cables. These cables are pulled through the buried conduit from the installation location in the ocean, up to the top of the docks where they connect with the instrumentation to allow the data eventually to be made available on-line. The sensors are brought down by a diver and fitted to the bar as the cable gets pulled through. Next the crew straps the sensors and their electrical terminal boxes to the bar. The hydrophone points upwards, the other two sensors, for chlorophyll and turbidity point down. A special thanks is due to our video expert Jean-Olivier Dalphond for enduring almost three hours in the 8 degree Celsius water to video the process.

See other Diving Videos:

Student Research From: .. The Race Rocks Marine Protected Area

Shade Preference in Sub-tidal populations of Dorid Nudibranchs: an Analytical Rebuttal

Ryan M. J. Murphy
November, 2000

A Submission for partial fulfillment of the requirements of the International Baccalaureate


The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the claims of H.L. Geiger and A.R. Holyoak (1996) that adult dorid nudibranchs displayed a distinct shade preference during laboratory test  runs, and then to analyse their conclusions.


Dorid nudibranchs, oval or ellipsoid in general shape, are dorsoventrally flattened.  Protruding from their backs are two sets of structures. Anteriorly is a pair of rhinophores, chemosensory antennae that often have numerous folds and lamellae (or ridges) that serve to increase the sensitive surface area. This is their primary sense organ. More posteriorly are situated the flowerlike, branchial plumes (or gills).  Dorids differ from the other main division of nudibranchs, the Aeolids, in that they have no ceratan extensions[1], but rather small papillae or no skin protuberances at all.

(from Morrow, 2000)

Nudibranchs are useful to marine ecologists as they are indicator species, that is, they can be used as early indicators of environmental change, such as degradation, to a community or ecosystem (Pidwirny, 2000).  Nudibranchs and other opisthobranchs are useful to neurologists as well. Anisodoris nobilis in particular has been utilised for neurophysiological experiments because of its neurons that are many times larger than human neurons (Smallwood and Rogers, 1908).  Also, since nudibranchs have relatively few neurons, neurologists can use nudibranchs to analyse the process by which neuromodulation controls bodily functions to a greater extent than is possible in any vertebrate circuit (Katz, 2000).

Nudibranchs are opisthobranchs, meaning they belong to a group of marine gastropod molluscs of the order Opisthobranchia, characterized by gills, a shell that is reduced or absent, and two pairs of tentacles.  Opisthobranchs are simultaneous hermaphrodites, meaning that a single individual has both the male and female gonads (testis and ovary) to make sperm and eggs, as well as the external appendages for the transmission of these sex products by copulation.  The final products in copulation of nudibranchs are resilient egg ribbons (Hurst, 1967) with large surface area-to-volume ratios, which are deposited during all seasons of the year.  Egg ribbons of the Archidoris montereyensis nudibranch were studied by Biermann et al. (1992), who analysed the effects of solar radiation and other environmental factors on egg deposition site and embryo survival.  Biermann et al. (1992) found that A. montereyensis preferentially laid their eggs underneath macroalgal shelter.  In its natural habitat and in controlled laboratory conditions, they went on to determine that solar radiation arrested embryo development in tests that exposed the egg ribbons to direct sunlight in a shallow, water-cooled trough.  Solar radiation was found to directly or indirectly limit the distribution of nudibranchs and their development in shallow water (Biermann et al., 1992). Biermann et al. proposed that adult dorids may actively select shaded areas to deposit their egg ribbons, an idea forming the basis for a more recent study of dorid nudibranch behaviour (Geiger and Holyoak, 1996).

eiger and Holyoak hypothesised that A. montereyensis adults’ preference to lay egg ribbons in shaded conditions was a direct result of natural selection against offspring of individuals that deposit egg ribbons in unshaded areas (1996).  In addition, it was hypothesised that the differential survival of embryos as demonstrated by Biermann et al. (1992) might have an evolutionary effect on reproductive ecology (Geiger and Holyoak, 1996).  Time trials conducted in an artificially shaded tank during the late spring involving 3 to 16 specimens of the same species showed that between 83.3 and 100% of the nudibranchs studied preferred shaded conditions to light (Geiger and Holyoak, 1996).  Geiger and Holyoak used A. montereyensis specimens from piers at Friday Harbour on San Juan Island (see Friday Harbour, Figure 2), similar to the population studied by Biermann et al. (1992) at Argyle Creek on San Juan Island. 

Figure 2: San Juan Island

Figure 3: Pedder Bay-Race Rocks Region

Figure 3: Pedder Bay-Race Rocks Region
The initial purpose of this investigation was to determine if the shade preference as elucidated by Geiger and Holyoak in A. montereyensisD. sandiegensis, and T. catalinae was present in other dorid nudibranch species.  Five species of nudibranch were chosen for this experiment (see Appendix A): Archidoris montereyensis (MacFarland, 1966), Anisodoris nobilis (MacFarland, 1905), Diaulula sandiegensis (Bergh, 1879), Acanthodoris hudsoni (MacFarland, 1905)and Cadlina luteomarginata (MacFarland, 1905).  A. montereyensis and D. sandiegensis were used as a comparison to the Geiger and Holyoak experiment.  Cadlina luteomarginataAcanthodoris hudsoni,and Diaulula sandiegensis were chosen for their local abundance, as well as to determine whether there are behavioural differences between dorids generally more common in the low inter-tidal ranges (i.e. A. hudsoniA. montereyensis, and D. sandiegensis) and those more common in the subtidal range (i.e. C. luteomarginata and A. nobilis) (Morris et al., 1983).  Upon initial tests with A. montereyensis, it became clear that shade preference of other dorids could not be the focus of the investigation, for as Geiger and Holyoak found a negative relationship between dorid movement and light intensity, my preliminary work showed the contrary.  The obvious question then arose: Why the population of A. montereyensis and D. sandiegensis specimens being tested did not express shade preference as the Friday Harbour populations did.  Subsequent analyses were designed to verify these results, and to help explain this difference.

All five nudibranch species used in this study were collected at Great Race Rocks, 48o17’45” N, 123 o31’50” W (see Figure 3) at depths between 6 and 12 m, subtidal range.  Initial time trials were conducted in mid-May, 2000, and all secondary trials were conducted in late October and early November 2000.

Witnessing the Wonders of the Race Rock Ecosystem

Witnessing the Wonders of the Race Rock Eco-system … Only a Click Away!
Magazine article By Simon, Jeremy
Teach , November/December 2000

Just into range of the first camera, a large elephant seal crawls across the rock towards a group of smaller female seals near the top of the middle island at Race Rocks. Unbeknownst to the seal, he’s being watched not only by the student operating the camera but by hundreds of students from across British Columbia, and possibly more people from around the world via the Internet.

“The Racerocks.com Project is a unique project organized and run by Pearson College in Victoria, British Columbia,” said Garry Fletcher, educational director of racerocks.com. “Our project uses the latest technology to full advantage to create a dynamic, educational web experience of an extraordinary marine ecosystem at Race Rocks, Canada’s most southerly point in the Pacific,”

Since 1980, Race Rocks has been an ecological reserve and is internationally recognized as a Marine Protected Area. Located in the Strait of Juan de Fuca between Vancouver Island and Washington State, the small rocky outcrops of Rock Rocks is home to a diversity of marine and wild life such as seals, otters, sea lions, cormorants, gulls, and sea urchins. To learn about and better understand the ecology of the area, students from Pearson College use the latest technology as part of their studies.

One of ten United World Colleges, Pearson College has over 200 students from around the world enrolled in the two year International Baccalaureate program. As a faculty member of Environmental Systems and Biology, Garry Fletcher and his students are responsible for creating and maintaining the content of the web site.

The project is supported by various partners including The LGS Group, an IT consulting firm that provides project management and web design services. Another project partner is Telus, a leading telecommunications company, which has contributed the equipment, bandwidth and expertise to assure high-speed delivery of the web content. Several alumni of the college have assisted with the networking and Database work, and the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre, has committed expertise and significant funding to the project. B.C. Parks and the Millennium Partnership Fund are also key partners.

Apple’s affiliation to the racerocks.com project has been in providing some equipment and mostly technical support. The project uses Apple technology extensively and runs an Apple PowerMac G4 500 mgHz with Mac OS X Server as one of its web servers. Apple Canada has recently become a partner in the program providing a G3 Powerbook 500 mghz for the wireless webcasts from the intertidal and subtidal areas. A host of PC and Apple PowerMac computers are also used for capture of live video feeds being broadcast from the islands. Currently a series of environmental sensors are being installed, above and below water. Data from these will soon be accessible through an Oracle database. Video and Audio streaming is broadcast 24 hours daily using QuickTime Streaming Server software and generated by Sorenson Broadcaster software running on Macintosh Imacs.

Operated by students, as many as seven digital cameras and various data sensors, both above and under water, record what is occurring at Race Rocks and then broadcast the feeds during live video and audio events scheduled over a number of days.

Recently, the project has begun to use Apple’s wireless Airport technology, which enables students to roam the island with an Apple PowerBook G3 linked to the underwater or on shore cameras. The signal is linked to the project’s Local Area Network on the island, which is connected to the College by a compressed, microwave radio link, being transmitted on top of the Race Rocks lighthouse tower. At the College, the signal is decompressed and sent out over the internet.

“A key goal of the project is to encourage teachers to create internet-based curriculum, which will enable their students to have a fully engaging experience learning about the unique ecology of Race Rocks,” said Fletcher. ” As an example, we just recently supported a number of schools across B.C. to connect to our web site during one of our many scheduled live video streaming events. A team of students helped in providing two weeks of programming from above and below the water to schools via the internet. We hope to encourage other schools to take on similar projects and “Adopt a Sensitive Ecosystem” so that they can also share ecological information. These schools’ students were able to talk directly to our College’s underwater student divers and ask questions about what they were seeing being broadcast live via the web site.”

As the racerocks.com project continues to broaden its use of its technology, more creative and innovative programs will be planned to help the College’s students study the diversity of the Race Rock outcrops and share their findings with other students in Canada and around the world.

To check out how the large elephant seal is doing and learn more about Race Rocks, you can visit the web site at www.racerocks.com.

TAXALAB- The Race Rocks Taxonomy: A Project to establish a Digital Taxonomic File

This lab arose out of a need to fulfill a number of objectives it is presented here as an example of how a class can start a taxonomic index of plants and animals from a local ecosystem.

1. The IB Biology program in topic 4 Ecology has a reference to the traditional taxonomic approach in biology and the environmental systems syllabus has one in sec A 2.1.

2. In the Race Rocks Ecological Overview done in 1999, I cited major gaps in existing knowledge and a need for more research into the taxonomy of several groups of invertebrates and algae at Race Rocks.

3.The only really detailed taxonomic work that has been done so far at Race Rocks is that by Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss , and the digital herbarium by Ryan Murphy. This represents a small portion of the biodiversity of the archipelago.

4.Several years ago we started to use the process of having students build what could be called “digital legacies” which consist of information on our website which could be built upon by members of Biology and Environmental Systems classes and faculty from Lester Pearson College in the following years.

5. We now are accumulating an abundance of materials, in both video and still images that could be organized and linked according to a good taxonomic model.

6. A number of themes at Race Rocks, including animal behavior, biotic associations, ecological adaptations, ecosystem modelling and ecosystem restoration could be linked by the organisms that interact in this ecosystem.

7. Race Rocks is but a microcosm of the rest of the world, so an appreciation of a model developed here can be extrapolated to any ecosystem familiar to our students.

8. We must seek where possible to break down the rigid compartmentalization with which we view biology or environmental systems. This theme allows us to link in the various disciplines of the life sciences.

9. As an aspect of Active Citizenship in the International Baccalaureate program, we can use our skills to contribute to future education of our own students and distance education to those who may visit our web site, and help to reinforce the values of biodiversity in ecosystems.

10. We hope that this site can be used as a model for other schools and colleges for the development of a method of organizing the information available on a local ecosystem, whether it is a protected space or a regular ecosystem which deserves some level of stewardship from concerned members of the community. A similar Taxonomy can be part of an Adopt an Ecosystem Project by schools or colleges elsewhere.



  • a) Go to the currently suggested species pages, taxon2, taxon3, taxon4.
    Here you will find the name of the species we need to have done . Choose a species and indicate it to your teacher.
  • b) By clicking on the species link, you will go to the template that has been prepared for you so far.
  • c) In a text document, write about the species in terms of where it is found and how common it is at Race Rocks. You may ask Catrin, Laura, Chris, Garry or the Ecoguardians about any experience they may have had with this particular species on the islands or underwater. You may also spend time on weekends, project weeks to do more observations of the species, and you may even end up doing an extended essay involving the species.
  • d) Use the dichotomous key..see below..Include a section describing the biotic associations of that species if known. This enables us to make hyperlinks to other parts of the taxonomy files.
  • e) Link to other file locations on the racerocks.com web site which contain reference to or information about your organism. For example — in the video archives , extended essays and research projects page, or in the Christmas Bird count files. Also look up in the RaceRocks taxonomy any other species which have associations with your species, so that you may indicate the URL of that file,
  • f) Include a listing of further information needed on the organism, you may even be able to suggest ideas for further investigation or research.
  • g) Include proper referencing of all sources, including your source of classification.
  • h) Other software that is available for use if you are interested in producing photos, audio or videos : Adobe Photoshop, Photo and Slide-Scanning Software, iMovie and the associated QuickTime compression software. You would need to spend some time out of class getting up to speed on these tools.
  • i) Be sure to add your name and year in the space at the bottom.
  • j) the last thing you have to do is use the Spell Check!!
  • k) when you have the text completed and a separate listing of the taxonomic categories, send the document to your teacher. They will forward it to the students of the Race Rocks activity who will help to complete the installation of your digital archive.

2. If you go to Race Rocks

  • a) Some of you will be able to see your organism first hand while in a field lab. If you do, any photos or video you may get could be added to the taxonomy page later. Do not use images that have not been obtained from specimens at Race Rocks.
  • It will take a few weeks to get your finished product posted. When it is completed and on the web, print out a copy to be included in your practical work portfolio.



Link To The Three Domains of Life ( Berkeley)
Link to System Naturae
This is the beginning reference:
Link to MBARI’s Site -for algae classification
THE TREE of LIFE Web Project
The Walla Walla College Marine Station ( Rosario)
Key to Invertebrates: http://www.wwc.edu/academics/departments/biology/rosario.htm

See the dichotomous key at:
Also we have a Race Rocks Dichotomous key at: http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/education/curricula/projects/dichotomous.htm

ADW: Animal Classification
http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/index.html Lichens of North America

Technology Overview of the racerocks.com Project

Note: This description is now archival material since the network has been upgraded in 2007 .

by Ken Dunham
overviewAlthough relatively small in terms of overall network size, the technology involved in this project is actually quite sophisticated. This is not a typical network! Leading edge technologies and equipment is used throughout, and the engineering was far from trivial. However, all of the products and technologies in use are generally available on the market, and could be employed by any organization in any scale. All that is required is the vision to embrace them.

The following offers some additional details on the design and the technologies in use. LGS handled the video capture/processing and WWW infrastructure, while Ken Dunham designed and implemented the network. GlenTel provided the wide area radio infrastructure, with tower assistance from TELUS

Local Area Network
Both the Lester B. Pearson College campus and Race Rocks have standard local area network. The LAN infrastructure at each location is provided by fast ethernet switches, with a router at the WAN termination point. Switches (rather than shared hubs) are required to provide modern network services such as voice and video. The routers are used to provide layer 3 services such as multicast, isolate local broadcast traffic to keep it off the wide area that has relatively scarce bandwidth (capacity), and terminate the VoIP telephone infrastructure (see the Voice section below for details).
Multicast is provisioned everywhere for efficient distribution of video. Modern Quality of Service (QoS) techniques are used to better service voice and video traffic. Almost all traffic is Internet-standard TCP/IP, but there is also a small amount of legacy AppleTalk due to the extensive use of Apple products. User desktops are a mixture of Windows/98, Windows NT, and MacOS X.

All webcasts on the island go either by wireless connection to APPLE AirPort base stations including several APPLE Extreme stations, or by hard wired Ethernet cables. The Apple G4 PowerBook is used on wireless when it is used for mobile webcasting.
As Race Rocks is relatively small (the main island is <100m across), all cabling there is Cat-5. The cabling there had to be done very carefully to avoid damage both to the sensitive environment, as well as the heritage light tower.
All of the network equipment (i.e. switches and routers) is from Cisco Systems.

Wide Area Network
As Race Rocks is located several kilometers offshore; getting a high capacity link there was not a trivial task. Three options in 2000 that were available were: satellite, broadband wireless, or undersea fiber optic cable.
A satellite-based solution was not economically feasible, as it would have involved high monthly costs for bandwidth. Undersea fiber optic cabling would have avoided any monthly costs once the up front (capital) costs were paid for, but was technically problematic for a number of reasons. One was that it wouldn’t have been cheap to lay. (special equipment and expertise is required). There are also environmental considerations re disturbing the seabed. A further complication was that the route would pass near by a military demolition range, and would have to be carefully routed in deep water to avoid any potential of damage.
The preferred solution turned out to be microwave radio. There is no operating cost once paid for, and the solution does not impact the environment. The radios (a “Tsunami” model in the unlicensed 5.8 GHz spectrum) and related engineering were purchased from GlenTel Communications. The Race Rocks light tower provided a convenient mounting post at that end, while at the College end Telus donated a 20m tower and installed it on a nearby hillside. One engineering issue was that rain (common in the area) can interfere with some microwave signals (as the radio waves are actually smaller than raindrops), but the frequency used avoided this problem.
The radios have standard ethernet ports for the local area connection, and thus are readily connected to any standard ethernet LAN. The network sees the wireless link as just another ethernet segment. The radios used provide a 4 Mbps full duplex facility (This system will be upgraded in 2005 to carry at least 10 Mbps full duplex).

WWW & Internet
The WWW site is actually a series of different servers in different locations. These servers are a variety of different platforms, with each optimized for the task at hand. For example, the server providing generic HTML pages is different than the one providing streaming video. These servers include Sun Solaris (UNIX), and Apple PowerMac G4s with Mac OS X Server, as well as a SONY SNC RZ30N camera server. The College has a broadband (high speed) connection to the Internet, provided by our partner Telus. The Video Streams are now hosted on an AKAMAI server, courtesy of the Apple Learning Interchange

Video is captured from a variety of cameras. These range from hand held camcorders to CCTV systems commonly used as security cameras. The feed from each camera is connected to one or more host computers; the streamed video used around the clock is generated for Cameras 1, 2 and 5 using QuickTime Broadcaster software running from 3 Apple eMacs, Camera 3 is from an Apple G4.
Regardless of the source platform, the digitized video is transmitted across the network (LAN and WAN) back to Pearson College for further processing and distribution. IP multicast is used in the network as it allows for efficient distribution of each individual stream to multiple destinations.

Once at the College, the video streams from cameras 1,2,3,4 and 5 are distributed to the Akamai network web server. Camera 5 is also served independently by the SONY SNC RZ30N server software.

The video compression used in the digitization process can be anything up to full MPEG (>1 Mbps), with corresponding adjustments in the frame rate (fps). The only overall limit is the bandwidth capacity available between the video source and the viewing user. Relatively higher capacity streams can be used at the College due to the LAN capacity available there. At present, Internet constraints limit realistic distribution elsewhere to approx. 300 Kbps per stream, although we are planning to provide better quality video to our Internet viewers over time, as the overall Internet infrastructure continues to improve.


Due to its remote location, Race Rocks has never had the voice communications technology we all usually take for granted. In the past, VHF radiotelephone was the only means to “call” out, which is far from ideal, and is certainly not private. In recent years, cellular telephone access has been available, but this is far from cheap. Quirks of local geography mean that cellular calls are often completed by a carrier in Washington State, rather than the local carrier in British Columbia. Hence, any call can become international long distance.

Now standard telephones (including cordless units) and fax machines (the latter never before seen on the island) are connected. The network converts the voice and fax traffic into IP packets, which are transmitted across the data network just as any other packet would be. At the other end, the calls are converted back into standard telephony infrastructure, and are serviced by the College PBX just as any other telephone extension would be. This technology is called Voice over IP (VoIP). The PBX never knows what is happening in the middle; it simply thinks it is directly connected to the telephones and fax machines, even though they are miles away across the ocean.

Environmental Sensors
Various sensors (aka probes, and telemetry) are spread around the main island, both above the surface as well as under water. These connect back to a host PC computer via a variety of cabling technologies. The data from each sensor is processed on the host computer using National instruments Lookout software after being received by FieldPoint Hardware. An Apache Server is installed on the PC for Data Collection. It is then transmitted to the WWW server in batch updates or in real-time. In the future, we may use relational database technology to store the information as it is collected. This would allow for various queries and analysis to be run against the accumulated data store, rather than merely presenting the current information on the web page.
See this file on sensors:

Future Possibilities
In 2005-2006, the addition of the Tidal Power generator will mean that the Network on the island will be upgraded for more capacity to handle additional video and data sensor feeds from underwater.
A new Infra red camera is also being implemented for nighttime viewing in the seabird colony and in the marine mammal haul-out areas.

**Ken Dunham is an independent consultant who designs and builds sophisticated voice, video, and data network solutions for enterprises and service providers with complex technical and business requirements. He also consults with leading edge organizations on a variety of technology and related business issues, including network security. Ken designed and implemented the advanced network at Pearson College, and recently extended these facilities across the water to Race Rocks. Ken is a graduate of Pearson College, and has worked pro bono for the College and the Race Rocks project for the past five years.

kdunham (use the at sign) rogers.com
updated – May 2005- G,Fletcher

By 2007 several changes had been made updating the technology used at Race Rocks. These will eventually be reflected in an updating document.