Herring Balls in Race Passage.

Thursday, September 27, 2001

We enjoyed a fairly typical fall day weather-wise here at Race Rocks today.
Temperatures max 12.0 C — min 9.1 C — reset 11.3 C — Total rain fall for the day 0.4 mm.
Returning from a noon meeting on campus we did a boat tour around all the islets – we counted
280 Northern or Steller sea lions – 295 Californian sea lions and 220 Harbour seals hauled out on the rocks. We also counted approx. 80 Cormorants. Earlier in the day we saw 2 ‘ fish balls’ with several hundred sea birds feeding just east of Great Race.






Elephant seal fighting with a Northern sea lion

When I was at the MPA today at 14:40 I observed one of the elephant seals fighting with a Northern sea lion for a position on the centre rocks. I had not seen a cross species conflict like that before. They were very aggressive, it was unclear who had the upper flipper and the outcome was inconclusive. I took two visitors from CBC Radio Canada french service out.
posted by Angus Matthews at 9:50 PM

Dr. Joe MacInnis Dives with Pearson College Students at Race Rocks

In September 2001, Dr. Joe MacInnnis visited Lester Pearson College. Joe, a member of the Board of Pearson College,  gave a presentation on his ventures of diving on the wreck of the Bredalbane in the Arctic. In the afternoon he went with some of the Diving service students to Race Rocks for a dive.

joe macinnis and dive group

Dr. Joe MacInnis Diving at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve with Pearson College Diving students.


Dr. Joe MacInnis prepares for a dive at Race Rocks. photos by Garry Fletcher



http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/rrcom/rrcomactivity/rrcomactive.jpgSeptember 11, 2001 We met this afternoon for the first session of the racerocks.com activity at Lester Pearson College. A tragic day for all of us as events unfold in the US. After a discussion of how the racerocks.com program has developed over the past few years, and projections as to where we may take it from here, we ran a short sample webcast from the biology lab. We were able to show the eight new first year students in the activity the process involved in a webcast.


Monica works her magic with the sound system while Garry and Paul check out the webcast on the monitor.

OCT 6, 2001: Paul Kennedy of the CBC Radio program “IDEAS” went with us to Race Rocks on the afternoon of October 6. He was interested in observing one of our live webcasts from underwater. He is in the process of preparing a series on Canada’s Oceans in December of 2001, and has been intrigued with the potentials for distance education that is afforded by the technology we have developed here for racerocks.com.This series is being rebroadcast in February and March 2002. Race Rocks Segment : CBC radio Feb 22 9:00 P.M.


On February 14 , 2002, we did a live webcast for Keith Mitchell of ALI ( Apple learning Interchange) in his presentation at QuickTime Live in Hollywood California. This was the first time we tried out the new webcasting software “LiveChannel” from our new partners Channel Storm.

Pearson College Orientation week 2001

When the Lester Pearson College students arrive at the college for the fall term, the first week is an Orientation Week. This year part of their schedule was a boat trip to Race Rocks and a guided tour by second year student Damien from Ireland.