Pelicans visit

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

WEATHER: It was a bright day Max temp – 9.4 Min temp – 8.5 ºC
PC STUDENTS: Yet another day at Race Rocks! Today, we had the pleasure of refilling the oil tanks with the assistance of Mike and Chris. Garry and I managed to restore the remote camera which had jammed.We are looking forward to yet another interesting day tomorrow at Racerocks..HUMAN INTERACTION:Two boats each with seven people passing by Racerocks
posted by Michael Kiprop at 9:52 PM
Good morning
WEATHER:Sky overcast — Vis 15 — Wind north 7 knots — Sea rippled — ocl. brk.
MARINE LIFE: Two Brown Pelicans observed today sitting out with the Mew gulls .
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:44 AM

Harlequin Duck Video

Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) arrive at Race Rocks for the winter in mid-November. They usually spend their time feeding in the kelp beds around Race Rocks. One does not often see them on shore like this, but it could be that these were here because a sea lion was swimming in the area just before they came ashore. They could be easy prey when on the water or when swimming down to get their food on the bottom. LBPC student Michael Kiprop had seen them out in the kelp bed and had gone down to the shore to get some video. While he was assembling the tripod they came ashore a few meters from where he was standing.

See the Harlequin Duck Taxonomy page: