Branded sealion

Friday, November 16, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 10.0ºC — Min 7.9ºC — Reset 8.5ºC — Rain 3.4mm
MARINE LIFE: The Sea Lions have moved higher along the shore as the higher tides and sea swells cover their usual rocky haul-outs.Just before nightfall there were 34 Northern and 16 California Sea Lions in the East Bay area,one group of 7 Northern and 2 California on a grassy area 3 metres from the house and about 5 metres from the shore.Another gathering of 27 Northern,21 California and 2 juvenile Northern Elephant Seals have hauled out on the south side of Gr. Race on a flat area by the fog horn tower about 5 metres above sea level.One California Sea Lion has a brand on it’s rump which is difficult to read -first 2 numbers 73 are clear,the last number could be 1
HUMAN INTERACTION:there were 2 Pleasure craft through the M.P.A. today
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky cloudy — Vis. 15 miles — Wind west 7 knots — Sea rippled with a low north east swell

Eagle predation

Thursday, November 15, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 12.1ºC — Min. 9.1ºC — Reset 9.3ºC — Rain 8.2
MARINE LIFE:Just after 9:00 this morning a mature Bald Eagle entered the M.P.A.,it’s arrival ‘announced’ by a mass ‘lift-off’ of the 500+ gulls and cormorants.The 22 Black Oyster Catchers also took flight ‘sounding’off with their characteristic shrill whistling,also alerted were the ever present Starlings,Crows and Black Turnstones that scurried among the rocks to be as inconspicuous as possible.The Eagle took up it’s ‘post’ on the rocky ridge along the east shore of Gr. Race and things were quiet until about 9:40 when he took off and was immediately joined by 250-300 gulls.In a dive among the circling gulls the Eagle ‘took’ an immature gull landed on the ridge,spent 15minutes feeding then left the carcass to eager Crows.The Eagle flew to the high point on the SE rocks and sat there until about 11:30 when he again took flight-one circle around the shore of Gr. Race with the gulls in pursuit the Eagle swooped down over the rocks in front of the Learning Centre. When he came back into view there was an immature gull hanging from his talons.The gulls continued to circle the Eagle harrassing it to the point where instead of setting down it flew about 100 metres out over the water where it lost hold of the gull. The Eagle made 4 attempts to retrieve the gull caught up in the tide and moving quite rapidly eastward. The 5th and as it turned out final attempt at reclaiming it’s prey was only partly successful. The eagle did manage to grab hold onto the wing but could not maintain it’s grip and the gull dropped again into the choppy water. I don’t know if the Eagle gave up because of fatigue or the constant interference by the gulls,maybe a combination of the two,but he flew off towards Bentinck Island.A lot of energy expended in the search for food,quite a contrast to the leisurely stroll down the well stocked aisle of the corner grocery store most of us take for granted! The small east bay was popular again today as a haul-out area,by nightfall 57 California and 13 Northern, very noisy Sea Lions were gathered together no more than 6 metres from the house.Might have to resort to earplugs tonight,at the very least will have to sleep with the window closed.One California Sea Lion has the number 768 branded on his rump-an indication he must have made a nuisance of himself, possibly near a fish ladder.
HUMAN INTERACTION:1 Tour boat through M.P.A. at 16:40
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:09 PM
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky overcast — Vis 15 miles — Wind north 9 knots Sea rippled low east swell –occasional rain shower
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:19 AM

Seabirds feeding in large numbers

Tuesday, November 13, 2001
Good evening

Max. 10.5ºC — Min. 8.3ºC — Reset 9.4ºC — Rain 7.6 mm
WEATHER:The day started off fairly calm but by 14:00 there were 3-4metre swells pounding the eastern shore-this sea condition due to the 40-45knot winds from the weather system 15kms to the east.Our wind never rose above E 22 and then it lasted only 30minutes.
MARINE LIFE: 1500-1800 sea birds,mostly gulls and cormorants,spent the morning feeding in the large kelp bed on the east side of Gr.Race but when the large swells started rolling in and breaking, most came ashore and settled along the ridges on the south side.The 2 Northern,13 California and 3 Northern Elephant Seals hauled out in the small east bay went into the water after 15 minutes or so of rollers breaking over them. Maybe the 35-40 Harbour Seals that frequent this small area will ‘reclaim’ their their spot!
The Sea Lions and Seals do often share haul-out areas but since it is a very small bay I think the smaller seals feel intimidated as the number of Sea Lions gets past 4 or 5.Several years ago one of the Harbour Seals was crushed to death when 30 or so Sea Lions ‘stampeded’ into the water because of a boat passing too close to shore.
An immature Bald Eagle caught an immature gull in the SE rocks area a little after 11:00, spent 15-20 minutes eating and putting the run on 7 crows trying to share in it’s good fortune. Finished eating, the eagle circled the island once then headed towards Whirl Bay.
As the swells roll through the kelp beds much of it is breaking away and floating by in big clumps-a sure sign of winter on it’s way!
HUMAN INTERACTIONS: U.Vic Lifetimer boat with students again today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:21 PM
Good morning
Sky overcast — Vis. 12 miles — Light rain showers — Wind north 13 knots — Sea 1’chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:35 AM

Project week ends

Saturday, November 10, 2001
PC STUDENTS: Our last full day in the kingdom of Race Rocks. We completed a little repair work on the line to the artificial tide pool as well as covered the pipe that leads to it. Kiprop presented his new film of our week at Race Rocks to our web audience. We enjoyed adding the music to the clips where we felt the tunes were most appropriate and laughed the entire time while making it. Cleaning up is complete and most of us are turning in for an early night. Hannah, Salla and myself (Sarah) are looking forward to the dive tomorrow. It has been a wonderful week even if we all are going to be blackmailed by Kiprop’s sneaky film clips of us at our worst moments. It’s been fun, we survived, ate well, slept lots and managed to get some work done in between. -Sarah
posted by Sarah Gross at 11:58 PM

Harlequin Ducks return

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

MARINE LIFE: Over 150 Northern Sea Lions were on Middle Rocks in the mid afternoon, another 15 on North Rocks. Harbour seals are scattered in several little pockets an various islands usually no more than 8 in one area. Many of the Californian Sea Lions have moved to the rocky beach just South of the Tower. I also saw for the first time this fall, the flock of 20 Black Oyster Catchers high on the Rocky shore, to the sw of the engine room.
posted by Garry Fletcher at 9:53 PM
WEATHER: The day was part cloudy and windy with max. temp of 9.3 ºC and min. temp. of 7.1 ºC .
MARINE LIFE: Five Harlequin Ducks have arrived back for the winter. We were filming them as they patrolled through the kelp beds around the edge of Great Race Rocks.
PC STUDENTS: Our fourth day at Race Rocks has just ended. Today, we managed to finish off refilling the oil tanks and this should take us until April. Garry came over to deliver the G3 Powerbook for a webcast later this evening.
HUMAN INTERACTION: One boat with eight people passed by Race Rocks.
posted by Michael Kiprop at 6:43 PM

Pelicans visit

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

WEATHER: It was a bright day Max temp – 9.4 Min temp – 8.5 ºC
PC STUDENTS: Yet another day at Race Rocks! Today, we had the pleasure of refilling the oil tanks with the assistance of Mike and Chris. Garry and I managed to restore the remote camera which had jammed.We are looking forward to yet another interesting day tomorrow at Racerocks..HUMAN INTERACTION:Two boats each with seven people passing by Racerocks
posted by Michael Kiprop at 9:52 PM
Good morning
WEATHER:Sky overcast — Vis 15 — Wind north 7 knots — Sea rippled — ocl. brk.
MARINE LIFE: Two Brown Pelicans observed today sitting out with the Mew gulls .
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:44 AM

Harlequin Duck Video

Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) arrive at Race Rocks for the winter in mid-November. They usually spend their time feeding in the kelp beds around Race Rocks. One does not often see them on shore like this, but it could be that these were here because a sea lion was swimming in the area just before they came ashore. They could be easy prey when on the water or when swimming down to get their food on the bottom. LBPC student Michael Kiprop had seen them out in the kelp bed and had gone down to the shore to get some video. While he was assembling the tripod they came ashore a few meters from where he was standing.

See the Harlequin Duck Taxonomy page:

Project week for PC students


Monday, November 05, 2001
 Good Evening,
PC STUDENTS: Project week students –Well we are just finishing our second day here at Racerocks. Today Sarah and I seeded some grass in the fissures of the newly restored rock. Along with Salla we ventured to the top of the lighthouse. The view is spectacular! The high light of our day was a poignant video captured by Kiprop of a sea lion sneezing. We vacuumed the tank, and we all learned to syphon, valuable skill. It was a fantastic day out today, which culminated in a great pizza.
We will attept to rise for 7:30am in order to do the morning recordings. We have decided today to make a video, entitled “How to survive on racerocks, for dummies.” We will start production tomorrow.
posted by HANNAH McKinnon at 7:21 PM
 PC STUDENTS: Project Week students-On Sunday, five students from Lester Pearson College, Salla from Finland, Sarah from Saskatchewan, Hannah from Manitoba, Muyad from Palestine and Kiprop from Kenya moved out to stay at Race Rocks in the Marine Science Centre for the week. They have a number of projects they are doing while there so they will be commenting on what is happening on this log over the next few days.
posted by Garry Fletcher at 1:50 PM
 Good morning
WEATHER:Sky cloudy — Vis 15 miles — Light rain shower — Wind north west 6 knots — Sea rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:19 AM

Large wave day, Minke Whale observed

Friday, November 02, 2001
Good evening
WEATHER: Max. 10.7ºC — Min 7.5ºC — Reset 8.1ºC Rain 0.4 mm Wind was light and variable. It was a great day to be on the rock.
Although the sea was fairly calm, the 4-6′ swells coming in from the west and piling up to 10-12′ green and white frothy curls on the underwater reefs made for great wave watching!
MARINE LIFE: The birds continue to feed in in large numbers but impossible to count because of the glare on the sea.It was also impossible to positively identify a whale that looked like a 18-20′ Minke Whale even with the telescope, because of the glare and distance.2 of the 4 Northern Elephant Seals regularly hauling out in various areas of Gr. Race spent several hours on the boat ramp enjoying the sun.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 5 tour boats and one pleasure craft (4 metre sailboat) in the M.P.A. today.posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:20 PM
Good morning
Sky part cloudy — Vis. 15 miles — Wind west 14 knots — Sea 1 – 2 foot chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:17 AM

Plant Inventory at Race Rocks

This plant inventory done by Lester Pearson College students Taarini, Julia Clark and Ryan Murphy in Project week, 2001. BC Parks provided some funding.

See other posts on this website tagged with plant

MAP LOC. # Unkn. # Species # Common Name SPECIES Description AREA Diam Meters UTM VERT UTM HORIZ Introduced Indigenous
10 1 Mist Maiden Romanzofia tracii 5349628 460559 yes
2 chickweed 1  “  “
3 brome Bromus 1  “  “
11 4 fescue-tft grass tuft grass 1 5349631 460553 yes
3 brome 3  “  “ no
12 1 Mist Maiden R.tracii 36 5349637 460556 yes
brome  “  “
13 1 Mist Maiden R.tracii mud flat 5349647 460543 yes
7 short grass  “  “
14 3 brome 5349646 460546
15 ? 5349629 460564
16 3 brome grey water pit 6 5349585 460620 no
17 3 brome 6 5349586 460614 no
tulip two  “  “
18 7 short grass rocks 5349594 460618
2 chickweed  “  “
3 brome  “  “
5 dandelions  “  “
6 wild geranium  “  “
19 6 wild geranium marker 0.5 5349595 460617
20 3 brome 8 5349598 460615
8 marigold 6 clumps
geraniums small patches
24 clover few patches
23 small patch
21 marigold 3 5349602 460615
geranium many  “  “
brome many
grape hyacinth  few patches
short grass
26 in cracks of rock
22 Romanzoffia 5349595 460624
28  Tamarix large bush
23 brome 8 m circle 5349606 469625
dafodillls  quite a few
30 few clumps
31 spiny leaves
bluebells 4 plants
24 brome 5349612 460634
native fescue
28 2
short grass
30 amongst 29
purple stalk 1
dry long grass covering rock
26 brome few 53949631 460622
dafodill 3
Romanzofia tracii 1 clump
28 5
bluebells 15
19 big patch
31 equisetum? clumps of strait hollow like baby bamboo?
27 brome covered- 3m 5349637 460609
war crane 3 m patch
fescue small
28 33 between winch house and house 5349623 460608
short grass
marigolds fewe
28 small
29 concrete patch 5349619 460595
30 English Daisy all short
short grass
native fescue
brome tiny bit
31 brome short lawn 5349619 460585
English daisy
bluebell 1
32 Carols flowers Bergemia 5349602 460586
E daisy
short grass
33 clover
lawn grass
34 short grass 5349612 460566
brome patches
35 short grass 5349607 460554
brome patches
chickweed small amt
36 brome 5349638 460543
short grass 2 m
37 tidepool 5349640 460547
38 brome behind lighthouse 5349576 460621
short grass
40 brome 5349555 460588
41 brome 5349549 460588
short grass
30 big bush
42 brome 5349537 460577
geranium many
native grass
43 native grass 5349554 460517
44 lighthouse 5349564 460592
45 bluebell 5349551 460554
short grass
46 brome 5349538 460552
short grass
47 brome 5349555 460538
48 brome 5349558 460545
shrt grass
49 tidepool 5349570 460504
50 tidepool 5349570 460493
51 brome all rocks 5349577 460512
52 brome many
53 26 5349584 460527
54 short grass
55 brome 5349601 460539
56 brome 5349606 460548
short grass
57 pad crner 5349623 460535
58 other corner 5349607 460607
59 brome 5349620 460539
Romanzoffia rocky
60 brome behind house 4 m 5349580 460551
61 marigold along path 5329589 460563
short grass
wall flower
26 on rock