BLOYS return

-2002-01-07′, ’16:10:30′, ‘The bull Elephant Seal is still hauling out on the rocks below the engine room and for a few hours, usually in the morning,floats leisurely along the shore, upright with his head and snout just above the surface. With the fairly light winds we are able to hear his distinctive ”bellow” mostly at night. Only one immature Bald Eagle visited today. The fog was very thick and right down to the water surface not the best hunting conditions. 22-24 Black Oyster Catchers arrived on Gr. Race about 11:00am, broke off into pairs and spent 1/2 hour or so in previous years nesting areas.Although they are the first of the birds to nest, January seems too early for serious courting and nest building even with the very mild temperatures!’, ‘Mike or Carol’, ’16:11:43 ,

22-24 Black Oyster Catchers arrive

Monday, January 07, 2002 Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 13.3C  Min. 8.3C Reset 10.0C Rain 36.2 mm

MARINE LIFE: The bull Elephant Seal is still hauling out on the rocks below the engine room and for a few hours, usually in the morning,floats leisurely along the shore, upright with his head and snout just above the surface. With the fairly light winds we are able to hear his distinctive ‘bellow’ mostly at night. Only one immature Bald Eagle visited today. The fog was very thick and right down to the water surface not the best hunting conditions. 22-24 Black Oyster Catchers arrived on Gr. Race about 11:00am, broke off into pairs and spent 1/2 hour or so in previous years nesting areas.Although they are the first of the birds to nest, January seems too early for serious courting and nest building even with the very mild temperatures!
HUMAN INTERACTION: 2nd Nature arrived approx. 13:45 -a tricky landing at the dock with an ebbing tide and 1-2 metre swells.The supplies ( 8 pails of oil for generator oil change) and 4 passengers were quickly off-loaded and Angus waited off shore until the visitors were ready to be picked up,only an experienced boat driver can manage a landing under these conditions!.2nd Nature returned to campus 14:30.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:32 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Obscured  Vis. 1/8 Mile Light Rain and Fog  Wind South 5 Knots  Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:23 AM

Eagle predation on gulls

-2002-01-06′, ’16:06:28′, ‘ Another good day for watching eagles, 23 altogether – 5 mature ).They were spread out along the ridges of West Race, North Rks. and The Southeast Rks. At 9:15 one mature eagle caught a juvenile gull just over the northwest ridge above the boat house,unfortunately the gull which seemed lifeless dropped and landed in a pile of drift wood washing against the shore on the west side of the boat dock. A group of gulls hurried to the area but with the breaking waves and some fair sized logs crashing about, the gulls were unable to get at the dead bird.The weather started to worsen with winds picking up to 22-27knts. from the northeast, and by 12:50 in moderate rain showers all but 2 eagles left the area.The 2 remaining -immatures) left just before 13:30 ‘, ‘Mike or Carol’, ’16:07:22 ,

23 Bald Eagles

Sunday, January 06, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 9.9C  Min. 7.9C  Reset 9.7C  Rain 10.2 mm
MARINE LIFE: Another good day for watching eagles, 23 altogether ( 5 mature ). They were spread out along the ridges of West Race, North Rocks. and The Southeast Rocks. At 9:15 one mature eagle caught a juvenile gull just over the northwest ridge above the boat house,unfortunately the gull which seemed lifeless dropped and landed in a pile of drift wood washing against the shore on the west side of the boat dock. A group of gulls hurried to the area but with the breaking waves and some fair sized logs crashing about, the gulls were unable to get at the dead bird.The weather started to worsen with winds picking up to 22-27knts. from the northeast, and by 12:50 in moderate rain showers all but 2 eagles left the area.The 2 remaining (immatures) left just before 13:30
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:10 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Overcast �� Vis. 15 Miles �� Wind North East 15 Knots �� Sea 1 Foot Chop Low East Swell
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:31 AM

Eagles pursue cormorant

-2002-01-05′, ’16:02:09′, ‘Most of the activity was in the air today starting quite early, just before 8 am with the arrival of 3 Bald Eagles.They settled on the ridge of the Southeast Rks. but after several flights over and around Gr. Race chose to settle on the high points of North Rks.The first arrivals were all immature and were soon joined by 12 more immatures and 4 matures. The Eagles were quite aggressively hunting birds. One cormorant was separated, in flight by 2 pursuing eagles – immatures) and at the last minute dropped into the sea. One of the eagles gave up at that point but the other circled the cormorant, stretched out it”s talons, skimmed over the sea and just before contact the quick thinking? definitely lucky cormorant dove below the surface.With 19 eagles the rest of the birds were on alert all day.As soon as an eagle would take flight most of the gulls etc. would also take flight,when the eagle landed so did the other birds, and so it went until the last eagle left at 16:25. We did not see any birds caught,nor did we see any prey being eaten’, ‘Mike or Carol’, ’16:02:50 ,

Bald Eagles on the hunt

Saturday, January 05, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 8.8C  Min. 7.7C  Reset 8.0C Rain 0.4 mm
MARINE LIFE: Most of the activity was in the air today starting quite early, just before 8 am with the arrival of 3 Bald Eagles.They settled on the ridge of the Southeast Rks. but after several flights over and around Gr. Race chose to settle on the high points of North Rks.The first arrivals were all immature and were soon joined by 12 more immatures and 4 matures. The Eagles were quite aggressively hunting birds. One cormorant was separated, in flight by 2 pursuing eagles( immatures) and at the last minute dropped into the sea. One of the eagles gave up at that point but the other circled the cormorant, stretched out it’s talons, skimmed over the sea and just before contact the quick thinking? definitely lucky cormorant dove below the surface.With 19 eagles the rest of the birds were on alert all day. As soon as an eagle would take flight most of the gulls etc. would also take flight,when the eagle landed so did the other birds, and so it went until the last eagle left at 16:25. We did not see any birds caught, nor did we see any prey being eaten.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:09 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy  Vis. 15 Miles  Wind North 11 Knots Sea Rippled  Occasional Light Rain Shower
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:26 AM

4500-5000 seabirds!

‘From about 9:45 this morning until just after 2 pm there were thousands of sea birds feeding,a few small groups just inside the reserve around North Rocks,but mostly south and east of Gr. Race and Rosedale buoy.Guessing, but there must have been 4500-5000 Birds. Gulls,Cormorants,Common Murres and Bald Eagles were the obvious ones,unfortunately even with the telescope could not identify many other small dark plumaged birds.Once the feeding frenzy was over 6 of the 9 Bald Eagles left the area, 2 flew over to North Rocks and the 1 mature Eagle to visit today settled on the high point on the Southeast Rocks where he has stayed except for a couple of circles over several small groups of gulls. As it starts to get dark there are approx. 230 gulls,beaks into the 16 knt.North wind, along the North East ridge on Gr. Race -another 200 gulls along the Southwest shore.The Harbour seals have hauled out for the night on the ebbing tide,some singly but mostly in groups of 10-20.The Bald Eagle is still on the South East ridge. ‘, ‘Mike or Carol’, ’15:58:25 ,

Feeding Frenzy at sea

Friday, January 04, 2002
 Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 8.5C — Min. 5.7C — Reset 7.9C — Rain 0.4mm
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:05 PM
MARINE LIFE: From about 9:45 this morning until just after 2 pm there were thousands of sea birds feeding,a few small groups just inside the reserve around North Rocks,but mostly south and east of Gr. Race and Rosedale buoy. Guessing, but there must have been 4500-5000 Birds. Gulls,Cormorants,Common Murres and Bald Eagles were the obvious ones,unfortunately even with the telescope could not identify many other small dark plumaged birds.Once the feeding frenzy was over 6 of the 9 Bald Eagles left the area, 2 flew over to North Rocks and the 1 mature Eagle to visit today settled on the high point on the Southeast Rocks where he has stayed except for a couple of circles over several small groups of gulls. As it starts to get dark there are approx. 230 gulls,beaks into the 16 knt.North wind, along the North East ridge on Gr. Race -another 200 gulls along the Southwest shore.The Harbour seals have hauled out for the night on the ebbing tide,some singly but mostly in groups of 10-20.The Bald Eagle is still on the South East ridge.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 1 Charter Boat ( Discovery Launch )
posted by Carol or Mike S at 4:46 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Overcast — Vis. 15 Miles — Wind North East 9 Knots — Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:14 AM

2500 to 3000 sea birds feeding

-2002-01-03′, ’15:48:41′, ‘Another red letter day,calm sea,blue sky and wonderful warm sunshine. There were 3 – 1 mature ) Bald Eagles today. Counted 18 Black Oyster Catchers and again 7 Harlequins – 4 Male ). There was a lot of feed in the water in the tide lines, 200-300 hundred metres off the reserve to the west and north,and into Pedder Bay.There must have been 2500 to 3000 sea birds feeding. The eagles were flying low just skimming the surface, talons outstretched as they hit the water.As the eagles circled,the other birds flew off and landed some distance away, except for about 7 or 8 gulls that tried to ”herd” the eagles away.Every once in a while the eagles would dive at the gulls, I think more out of frustration from the harassment then wanting to catch the gull- it was the fish they were after.It is so quiet with the light wind that we have heard Elephant Seals vocalizing tonight.’, ‘Mike or Carol’, ’15:49:37 ,

2500 to 3000 sea birds feeding


Thursday, January 03, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 10.0C — Min. 6.9C – Reset 7.7C — Rain 1.3 mm
MARINE LIFE:Another red letter day,calm sea,blue sky and wonderful warm sunshine. There were 3 ( 1 mature ) Bald Eagles today. Counted 18 Black Oyster Catchers and again 7 Harlequins ( 4 Male ). There was a lot of feed in the water in the tide lines, 200-300 hundred metres off the reserve to the west and north,and into Pedder Bay.There must have been 2500 to 3000 sea birds feeding. The eagles were flying low just skimming the surface, talons outstretched as they hit the water.As the eagles circled,the other birds flew off and landed some distance away, except for about 7 or 8 gulls that tried to ‘herd’ the eagles away.Every once in a while the eagles would dive at the gulls, I think more out of frustration from the harassment then wanting to catch the gull- it was the fish they were after.It is so quiet with the light wind that we have heard Elephant Seals vocalizing tonight.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 4 boats through the reserve today 2 orange Ribs ( 1 whale watcher ) 1 pleasure craft-sight seeing and 1- 4 metre boat with 3 divers between Gr. Race and West Race.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:10 PM

Good Morning

WEATHER: Sky Cloudy — Vis. 15 Miles — Wind South East 3 Knots — Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 8:11 AM