Environmental Systems First Year Exam at Race Rocks

For the last 24 years, the first year environmental systems students have had their final term exam at Race Rocks. In May of 2002, Laura Verhegge continued the tradition with her two classes. They endured the west wind and went through the six stations of the exam. In this video the students and Laura provide the commentary about the investigations.

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Northern Sea Lion , (Steller Sea lion)

Several hundred Northern Sea Lions, Eumetopias jubata, formerly known as “Steller’s Sea Lion” visit Race Rocks in the winter months. They are now on the Endangered Species list as their numbers in the Northern Pacific have declined significantly in recent years. “I got this clip on a calm day when the swells were breaking on the islands and the sea lions were hauled out in a sheltered area just below the tower. By creeping up slowly on the ground, I was able to look down on them from a few meters distance without disruption. In this way, some of the normal patterns of behaviour can be observed. Note that there are a few Californian sea lions mixed in with this group and the occasional barking sound comes from them. The low growls are from the Northern Sea Lions.” (GF)

See other images of the Northern Sea Lion in the Race Rocks Taxonomy

Can hear the Harbour seals ‘growling’

Wednesday, May 15, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 11.9 C  Min. 7.0 C  Reset 9.1 C
MARINE LIFE: 2 Mature Bald Eagles today. Can hear the Harbour seals ‘growling’ usually they are so quiet but this time of the year, close to pupping they seem to get somewhat irritable- don’t like other seals to get too close-definitely not in the ‘ sharing the haul-out spot” mood.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 2 pleasure craft; 1 dive charter with approx.22 divers off the ‘Nautilus Explorer’ which anchored south side Bentinck Island for the day. The Second Nature in with Garry and guests late afternoon.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:15 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Cloudy Vis. 15 Miles Wind West 11 Knots  Sea 1 – 2 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:57 AM