Abietinaria amphora: Photomicrography of Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss

The branching colony measures 1.0-1.5 cm in height, so microscopic pictures are necessary to show the details

Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Hydrozoa
Order Leptothecata (=Leptomedusae)
Family Sertulariidae
Genus Abietinaria
Species amphora, Nutting 1904
Common Name:  ———–

This file is provided as part of a collaborative effort by Lester B. Pearson College and local scientists. Copyrighted 1999-All Images on this page are the property of: Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss. They can not be used or modified without her written permission. April 2002

see this link for other hydroids:  https://www.racerocks.ca/tag/hydroid/

The purpose for his visit was to sample the hydrocoral Allopora

Sunday, July 28, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 16.0 C  Min. 10.9  Reset 14.3 C
MARINE LIFE: 6 harbour seals haul out with pups at the boat ramp. Canadian geese still around.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 1 dive charter in the morning. Second Nature was out with Garry , Dr. Anita Voss and Alberto. Alberto is from Brazil and is currently doing a doctorate at Duke University. His area of expertise is DNA profiling and Taxonomy of inverterbrates . The purpose for his visit was to sample the hydrocoral Allopora. There are two color varieties of this species out here and he will be attempting through DNA analysis to establish if they are separate species. ( turns out they are not)
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:57 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy  Vis. 10 Miles Wind West 33 Knots  Sea 3 – 4 Foot Moderate
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:43 AM
Wednesday, July 31, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 18.5 �C �� Min. 10.1 �C �� Reset 18.5 �C
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:23 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Clear �� Vis. 15 Miles �� Wind South 3 Knots �� Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:11 AM
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 16.0 �C �� Min. 10.3 �C �� Reset 13.8 �C
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:45 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Cloudy �� Vis. 15 Miles �� Wind West 30 Knots �� Sea 4 Foot Moderate With Low West Swell
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:16 AM
Monday, July 29, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 15.9 �C �� Min. 10.1 �C�� Reset 15.5 �C
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:53 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy �� Vis. 15 Miles �� Wind West 25 Knots �� Sea 3 Foot Moderate With Low South West Swell
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:21 AM

Ryan to the reserve for relief

Saturday, July 27, 2002

A beautiful day here on the rocks today. 5 orcas passed north of the reserve at 17:30, two whale watchers through the reserve after around 18:00. The Canadian Geese are back, didn’t see them fly in though. 1 mature bald eagle made a number of passes of the island today, but was unsuccessful. The cormorant was joined this afternoon by another one, and several more may be near the water on the southwest corner of the island.
posted by Ryan Murphy at 7:06 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Clear  Vis. 16 Miles Wind West 7 Knots  Sea Rippled  Temp. 10 degrees
posted by Ryan Murphy at 5:54 AM

A solitary cormorant

Friday, July 26, 2002
July 26- This is Ryan back on Race for a quick sojourn. The wind was brisk today, and there was little activity in the reserve. Carol saw 1 mature bald eagle being harassed away from Great Race at dawn this morning by gulls and 2 Black Oyster Catchers. A nest near the assistant keeper’s house of Glaucous-winged gulls still has two eggs in it, and one gull sits on them from time to time. A solitary cormorant (perhaps a Brandt’s) was sitting on the south-west tip of the island during the evening.
The station boat was to Pedder Bay and back at 8 this morning, and Garry brought Second Nature out to drop Joanna Brown and me off on the island while we were all treated to a presentation by Fabien of ALEC electronics. Some pretty amazing gadgets if anyone would like to save money long term on various environmental tests. Mike and Carol left around 11 for two days.
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy Vis. 15 Miles Wind West 15 Knots  Sea 2 – 3 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:07 AM
Thursday, July 25, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 15.0 C  Min. 10.3 C  Reset 13.0 C
posted by Carol or Mike S at 8:27 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Overcast  Vis. 10 Miles  Wind West 27 Knots  Sea 4 Foot Moderate With Low South West Swell
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:59 AM

fixed the fog horn

Wednesday, July 24, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 16.3 C  Min. 10.3 C Reset 12.3 C
MARINE LIFE:Well what a change in the weather, the fog and moderate westerlies is a nice relief from the heat.The Coast Guard came out in the sea truck with someone to fix the fog horn which failed last night – it was strange to be in the fog and no horn sounding! Well the geese spent the afternoon perfecting their landing skills, with the 25+ knt wind getting airborne was the easy part, we will miss them but in a way glad to see them spread their wings and move on to greener pastures.There are 6 harbour seals with pups that haul out each night, some on the boat ramp and others on various rocks on either side of the dock. The past couple of nights we can hear pups calling out for their mothers which are most likely out feeding, it’s a rather mournful sound but in most cases the pups are not left all that long.
HUMAN INTERACTION: The Coast Guard sea truck made 2 trips from Victoria to service the fog horn. There were 3 pleasure craft through the reserve today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:43 PM

Good MorningWEATHER: Sky Obscured  Vis 3 – 5 Miles Fog  Wind West 27 Knots Sea 4 Foot Moderate With Low South West Swell

posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:17 AM

as soon as the eagle is spotted the gulls start squawking and the chicks head for cover

Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 25.1 C  Min. 11.3 C  Reset 13.3 C
MARINE LIFE: Wow it sure is hot, feel sorry for the birds, especially the gull chicks, they sit with beaks open and pant.They are getting too big now to get any shelter under an adults wing so they crowd into any rock crevice close by. The geese cool off several times during the day with a swim along the north shore and if the currants are not too strong they go half way around Gr. Race. Once this morning and again 3 times in the late afternoon a mature Bald Eagle tried to hunt the Race but the gulls drove it back each time – as soon as the eagle is spotted the gulls start squawking and the chicks head for cover, the adults all take to the air with a smaller group breaking off to dive at the eagle which they will do until another group takes a turn.With the eagle chased far enough away the gulls settle down and all is quiet until the next time.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 5 pleasure craft, 2 ecotour boats today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:03 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Clear  Vis. 15 Miles Wind West 5 Knots Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:25 AM

Another hot day with the birds panting and the chicks seeking any shade they can find

Monday, July 22, 2002

Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 25.0 C  MIN. 10.9 C  Reset 23.1 C
MARINE LIFE: Another hot day with the birds panting and the chicks seeking any shade they can find be it under an adult or next to a rock. Not only do they get the heat from the sun above, the rocks they sit on heat up and retain that heat long into the night.Again no wind in the evening to cool things down. The geese spent most of the day following the shade around the buildings,also went swiming twice this afternoon. Still not flying but a lot of wing flapping in preparation, will be interesting to see that first try.The California sealion spent most of the day hauled out on the southeast rocks with quick dips in the sea every couple of hours and still hearing at least one elephant seal during the night down by the dock.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 13 ecotour boats and 9 pleasure craft through the reserve today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:06 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Clear  Vis. 15 Miles  Wind South East 3 Knots  Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:06 AM

The was a lot of boat traffic, mostly recreational fishers, in the area all day


Sunday, July 21, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 23.0 C  Min. 10.3 C  Reset 14.5 C
MARINE LIFE:The Orca were in the area again today and with the boat from Marine Mammal monitoring the whale watchers, things seemed well under control. Did hear some boat operators report sightings of a couple of Minke Whales but did not see anything in or near the reserve. A couple of transient Orcas passed through just on the southern boundary in the afternoon, they seemed to be moving fairly steady pace. The was a lot of boat traffic, mostly recreational fishers, in the area all day. One California and one Northern sealion hauled out on the south tip of the southeast rocks, unfortunately a rental boat from a marina moved in too close and sent them into the water. Ryan who had a group out for a tour in the Hyaku went along side and informed the sightseers of the guidelines. Feel sorry for the birds in this hot weather,they all sit around with their beaks open, panting – didn’t even get the evening westerly we look forward to cool things down.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 23 ecotour boats and 11 pleasure craft through today,also the Hyaku, M3 and station boat to Pedder Bay and Back
posted by Carol or Mike S at 8:17 PM

Good Morning

WEATHER: Sky Clear �� Vis. 15 Miles �� Wind North East 8 Knots �� Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 4:59 AM

37 ecotour boats through the reserve

Friday, July 19, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 17.1 C  Min. 11.2 C  Reset 13.5
MARINE LIFE: There are a fair number of gull chicks surviving inspite of the relentless attempts to hunt by the eagles during the day and the otter which continues to make the nightly tour of the island.The young geese are doing a lot of wing flapping, building the muscles they will need to fly off, soon we hope, as the food situation is not the best for them now.The Orcas were in the area again today but did not come through the reserve, they were heading west and spent some time in the mouth of Pedder Bay, feeding in the kelp beds there although it was hard to tell as the wind was blowing 20-25 knts. and the sea quite choppy. There was the usual flotilla following along, included in the group was the inflatable from the Marine Mammal Monitoring program which had to stop one pleasure craft and advise them of the whale watching guidelines.The pleasure craft was traveling in the path of the whales either unaware or in spite of the presence of the mammals.
HUMAN INTERACTION: there were 37 ecotour boats through the reserve and 5 pleasure craft. The station boat made a trip to Pedder Bay and back.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 10:02 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy Vis. 15 Miles  Wind West 19 Knots  Sea 2 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:25 AM

fog rolled in this morning

Saturday, July 20, 2002 Good Evening

TEMPERATURE: Max. 14.1 C  Min. 10.2 C  Reset 12.3 C
MARINE LIFE: The fog rolled in this morning and really didn’t disperse until after 17:00 when the afternoon westerly got the air moving, so mostly only able to hear what was going on around us.There were no eagles today, the birds were fairly quiet. The chatter on the VHF radio alerted us to the Orca passing by again but they were traveling outside the reserve and because of the fog didn’t even see any of the whale watching boats- did hear a few – there were a few times that the fog lifted a bit, counted 5 Ecotour boats and later in the day there were 2 pleasure craft through the reserve.The past few nights the moon has been especially beautiful, because it is so low in the sky this time of year it looks unusually large.It is also very orange, I wonder if the smoke from all the forrest fires has anything to do with the colouring.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:15 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Clear  Vis 8 Miles Wind West 13 Knots  Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:20 AM