Hippasteria spinosa:The Spiny Sea star–The Race Rocks taxonomy


Spiny Stars are rarely seen by divers at Race Rocks. Ryan demonstrates one to the Colwood Elementary a school class


The Hippasteria spinosa is an uncommon, 5 armed, aboral surfaced sea star. Its most marginal plates have 2 spines and it has some conspicuous bivalved pedicellariae.

Its colour is orange to vermillion, which intensifies at the short, stalky arms (R/r=1.7 to 2.6) and becomes whiter near the mouth. Usually in the subtidal region at depths of 100 to 500 metres, it can sometimes be found on the beach. It is characterized by having all its plates covered with granules, giving it a spiny, STELLATE look.The mouth has 4 or 5 marginal spines and a slightly wider than high mouth (elipsis shape).

Habitat and region

Can be found from Kodiak Island to Southern of California and the Sea of Okhotsk and is more common around the west coast of Vancouver Island and other exposed coastal parts. It prefers muddy, shallow environments and can also be found in shell and rock.

Taxonomy: Marine Invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest; Kozloff, Eugene, University of Washington Press, 1996 Edition, USA


Phascolosoma agassizii: Peanut worms–The Race Rocks Taxonomy

This video was made when the diivers collected specimens underwater at Beecher Bay and then when the peanut worms were being used for a lab in the classroom.

Sipunculans, normally called peanut worms are sea animals which live under the rocks and in tight crevices between rocks, especially where is muddy or sand accumulated. They feed on detritus and microscopic organisms. They collect these with the tentacles placed encircling their mouth. They are particularly abundant in Beecher Bay, and also occur in the intertidal, under mussels on the shoreline.Peanut worms are bilaterally symmetrical and unsegmented. The body is divided into two not very distinguished regions. A mobile anterior body section called introvert which can be retracted into the body by a special set of muscles called retractor muscles and a posterior part. At the anterior tip of the body is the mouth surrounded by tentacles. These are usually bushy but sometimes inconspicuous and unbranched. The body cavity, called a coelom, is filled with fluid. Because of this the sipunculans have no respiratory or circulatory system. The coelomic fluid takes care of this functions by transporting both, nutrients and oxygen. In this fluid can also be found free floating cells , hemerytrocytes, and free floating clusters of cells known as ciliary urns. Because the digestive tracts of sipunculans are almost U shaped, the intestine forms a twisted loop, with the anus on the side of the body. Peanut worms are really firm due to to their strong, muscular body wall. Its firmness it’s also increased by the high hydrostatic pressure inside the coelom.

Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Sipuncula
Class Phascolosomatidae
Order Phascolosomatida
Family Phascollosomatidae
Genus Phascolosoma
Species agassizii (Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville, 1827)
Common Name:Peanut worm

The length of a large Peanut worm, when stretched out, is about 6 or 7 cm. The posterior part of the body is basically paler or greenish paler while the introvert anterior section is basically paler but with a number of black lines and blotches.

There is some sipuncula fossil evidence proving their existence at least in the Paleozoic. A group of shells called hyoliths were found in rocks through much of the Paleozoic. These hyoliths are conical shells bearing a hinged operculum covering the opening. These shells seem to resemble molluscan shells. However, some trace of intestine has been found in a few hyoliths fossils. This intestine resembles a lot to living sipunculans as it’s looped and coiled. This is more evident as a few living sipunculans secrete calcified cuticular plate, the anal shield. So it is not impossible that past relatives of the sipunculans secreted more extensive shells.


Seashore life of the Puget Sound, the Strait of Georgia, and the Juan Archipelago-Eugene N. Kozloff (1996)



Other Members of the Phylum Arthropoda at Race Rocks 
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pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams.

Dec. 2002-Ramiro Nandez (PC yr29)