Race Rocks Ecological Reserve and the web activity

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve and the web activity: racerocks.com

Students learning to use the web camera broadcast take images for archives, but also broadcast live. For a calendar of events broadcast live this fall from Pearson College, check the Race Rocks website:

On this bright, sunny afternoon — one of our last for the last while — students take the 10 minute boat trip to Race Rocks Marine protected area and learn to use the equipment.

Biology teacher Garry Fletcher is the creator of the live (and often interactive) webcasting from Race Rocks Marine Protected Area. In mid-October, for example, the group did a live webcast to the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa.

Come along with us to Race Rocks on this sunny afternoon.

Live Webcasting— a First Experience

Originally published in the College newspaper, THE LINK Oct 24, 2003, number 53

It was a warm sunny day, the day I had race rocks .com activity. As soon as I got to the float house Garry tells me,” We are going to Race Rocks.” I’d heard of this place for a really long time but had never been there, so got all excited.

We took the boat and as soon as I got to Race Rocks, the feeling was magical. There was the whole bunch of sea lions — northern, Californian and some other types — and this huge sea lion there on the dock. I never got to see one so close before in my life. All of us in the boat were admiring them while Eileen got busy clicking her cam and some worried that the sea lion would jump into the boat.

It was a wonderful experience, something hard for me to express in words. You had to be there to feel it. But there was something more to that beauty … they smelled reallly bad. I had to literally stop myself from breathing. That was tough.

Then we got to learn a lot about setting a live web cast and I got to be on one. I was so nervous! I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks and I was speaking so fast I didn’t even know what I was saying. This was so embarrassing knowing that people all over the world would have seen me making a fool out of myself. Better luck next time!…

It is one of my most memorable days at Pearson.  Sonam Yangden (year 3

Larus canus: Mew gull –The Race Rocks taxonomy

An adult Mew Gull: photos by Julie Bowser, July 2012


Physical description

  • slender, yellowish, or green legs, with webbed feet
  • gray wings and back with a plain white head, greenish – yellow bill
  • brown plumage and spotted tan
  • dark beak with a pink undertone
  • max lifespan up to 24 years

Habitat: Mew Gulls flourish in and along coastal ranges, tidal estuaries, interior lakes, and marshy grassland.

Behavior: Mew Gulls will not stray far from land and are known to seek the shore first in the occurence of stormy weather. The gull will also advace further inland in large flocks, into agricultural districts, to feast on the exposed worms and larvae after the land has been plowed. Northern gulls will migrate south when breeding season begins.

Food Eaten: herring, worms, insects, berries, grains, crustaceans, clams, mussels, young sea birds.

Predation: Cannibalistic adult gulls will eat eggs and hatchlings.

Predators: gulls, sharks

Migration: Mew gulls migrate in summer through-out Northwestern Canada and Alaska, winter along the Pacific Coast. They rarely migate inland South of its breeding range.
Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Charadriiformes
Family Laridae
Genus Larus
Species canus
Common Name: Mew Gull

Other Members of the Class Aves at Race Rocks.
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pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams. October 20 2003 Tya Arizona PC year 30

Serpula vermicularis: Calcareous tubeworm– The Race Rocks taxonomy

This patch of calcareous-tubed serpulid worms is exposed on the north east corner of Great Race Rock in a crevasse at low tide. Many other invertebrate species are associated with it in this picture.

Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Annelida
Class Polychaeta
Order Sabellida
Family Serpulidae
Subfamily Serpulinae
Genus Serpula
Species vermicularis
Common Name: Calcareous tubeworm


Serpula vermicularis is a slender, tube-dwelling polychaete between 5 and 7 cm length with about 200 segments. The tubes are cylindrical with occasional rings and irregular lengthwise ridges cut into blunt teeth. The operculum is calcareous and funnel shaped with radial grooves and a serrated circumference.

The color of the body of the worm varies from pale yellow to brick red. The tube is pinkish-white and the operculum is patterned with red and white rays.

Size: up to 7cm

Growth form: vermiform segmented



These are common at Race Rocks in the subtidal area. They are often seen by divers as small bright red spots which seem to disappear when approached. Their gills withdraw rapidly into the white calcareous tube.

These worms are commonly found throughout north-west and south-west coasts of England and are distributed in the north-east Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

Physiographic preferences: open coast, offshore seabed, estuary

Habit info

The calcareous tubes of Serpula vermicularis can be found attached to hard substrates such as rocks, stones, bivalve shells and ship hulls from low water to the sublittoral in depths up to 250 m. In some very sheltered areas the tubes aggregate together to form small reefs. Often a mass of coiled white tubes shows up on the shore after a storm attached to the holdfasts of kelp .


Type: Gonochoristic

Frequency: annual episodic

Development mechanism: Planktotrophic

Life span: 2-5 years

 An interesting feeding method, kleptoparasitism, of the larva is documented inresearch:

Other Members of the Phylum Annelida at Race Rocks 
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pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams.

 October,2003-  Martina Naschberger (PC)

Martina Naschberger


Larus thayeri : Thayer’s Gull — The Race Rocks taxonomy


In October of 2005, a large population of Thayer’s Gulls has settled in to overwinter at Race Rocks.These scenes are from

the South West corner, just outside the Marine Science Centre at Race Rocks.


Formerly considered as a subspecies of Herring Gulls. It is sometimes regarded as a subspecies of Iceland Gulls.

Physical Appearance: 221/2″ – 25″ wide Mantle slightly darker grey Grey on the underside of the wing tips is distinctive. Yellow bill with red spot on lower mandible. Pale to brown eyes, with a purple-red ring around it. Darker pink legs.
Sound: Long mewing call: hiyah Warning call: gah-gah-gah
Nesting: Usually 2 or 3 olive-brown, heavily blotched eggs in grass nest on sea cliffs in the high arctic. They only overwinter at Race Rocks, feeding on the small herring and krill in the surrounding waters.

Habitat: They are seabirds of the arctic, coastal rocks and rocky headlands. They are usually located on the Pacific coast on North America during winters. At Race Rocks, they often number in the hundreds out on the South West corner of the larger island, as the numbers below show
Christmas Bird Counts 1997= 390, 1998=213, 1999=48, 2000=220, 2001=530, 2002=2000, 2004=450 , 2005=600, 2006= 2200

Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Charadriliformes
Family Laridae
Genus Larus
Species thayeri
Common Name: Thayer’s Gull

Other Members of the Class Aves at Race Rocks.

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pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC.

20 Oct 2003
Kevin Mingyui Chau

It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams.

Larus thayeri: Thayer’s gull – The Race Rocks taxonomy

Thayer’s Gulls aligned for wind, November, 2005

Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Charadriliformes
Family Laridae
Genus Larus
Species thayeri
Common Name: Thayer’s Gull

History: Formerly considered as a subspecies of Herring Gulls. It is sometimes regarded as a subspecies of Iceland Gulls.

Physical Appearance:22 1/2″ – 25″ wide Mantle slightly darker grey Grey on the underside of the wing tips is distinctive. Yellow bill with red spot on lower mandible. Pale to brown eyes, with a purple-red ring around it. Darker pink legs.

Sound: Long mewing call: hiyah
Warning call:

Nesting: Usually 2 or 3 olive-brown, heavily blotched eggs in grass nest on sea cliffs in the high arctic. They only overwinter at Race Rocks, feeding on the small herring and krill in the surrounding waters.

Habitat: They are seabirds of the arctic, coastal rocks and rocky headlands. They are usually located on the Pacific coast on North America during winters. At Race Rocks, they often number in the hundreds out on the South West corner of the larger island, as the numbers below show.

Immature Gulls: They are similar to herring gulls, but slightly smaller and with proportionately smaller bill.

Other Members of the Class Aves at Race Rocks.
taxonomyiconReturn to the Race Rocks Taxonomy
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pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams. March 8 2003- Kevin Mingyui Chau

Cryptolithodes sitchensis: turtle crab –The Race Rocks taxonomy

turtle crab (Cryptolithodes sitchensis). Photos b y Laura Verhegge 


AppearanceCryptolithodes sitchensis range from bright red or orange to gray and even white colors. The average size of an adult turtle crab is 90mm (3.6in). A distinctive characteristic of the crab is that its legs are completely covered by its shell.

Distribution: The turtle crab can be found from Sitka, Alaska along the coast to Point Lowa, California,
Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum Crustacea
Class Malacostraca
Order Decapoda
Suborder: Pleocyemata
Family: Lithodidae
Superfamily: Paguroidea
Genus Cryptolithodes
Species sitchensis
Common Name:Turtle Crab or Umbrella Crab

Where at Race Rocks? This species can be found at Race Rocks and on Rosedale Reef. In the summer of 1997, Donna Gibbs had noted specimens of Cryptolithodes sitchensis. in her inventory.

Habitat: This particular type of crab is usually found on bedrock from the low intertidal zone to 17m (56ft), in semi-protected area on or near the outer coast. Furthermore, the turtle crab rarely leaves its home.

Feeding: While on bedrock, the turtle crab grazes and feeds on sessile organisms, particularly algae.

Reproduction: The turtle crab reproduces sexually, using the molting cycle. There are six stages in the development of the turtle crab: Eggs, Prezoea, Zoea, Megalops, Juvenile Instar, Adult Crab.

Interesting Adaptation: Its distinctive shell allows it to camouflage itself into its surroundings. It is often mistaken for an old clam shell or patch or coralline algae.

Other Members of the Phylum Arthropoda at Race Rocks 
taxonomyiconReturn to the Race Rocks Taxonomy
and Image File
pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams.

AJ (PC year30)

Prasiola meridionalis: short sea lettuce–The Race Rocks Taxonomy

A good example of the highest marine algae in the intertidal zone, Praseola, sp. and the vertical zonation of the upper intertidal.

A good example of the highest marine algae in the intertidal zone, <i>Praseola, sp.</i> and the vertical zonation of the upper intertidal (photo near peg5A) . Photo G. Fletcher

Prasiola  meridionalis, short sea lettuce.

 There are five Prasiola species found in the world. They consist of very small blades (at most a few centimetres in length) usually one cell thick. At Race Rocks it is found as a green fuzz in the spray zone, above the upper  intertidal zone.It is also found along thePacific coast  from Alaska to Chile.

  • prasiolaInteresting local ecology: Tufts of these blades resemble little cabbages growing on wood or rock above the high level or along freshwater streams. Prasiola  can tolerate and exploit high-nitrogen conditions that most plants would find toxic. Therefore a unique aspect of their distribution is their association with guano of marine birds.

Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Protoctista
Division: Chlorophyta
Class: Chlorophyceae
Order: Prasiolales
Family: Prasiolaceae
Genus: Prasiola
Species: meridionalis
Common Name: short sea lettuce

taxonomyiconReturn to the Race Rocks Taxonomy and Image File
pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams.OCT  2003–Gladys Michelle Reyes–PC  Year 30


Lab on Primary Productivity of Pyramimonas

Lab on Primary Productivity of Pyramimonas

See the video on a discussion of the high tidepools and productivity

Background: (adapted from Vernier lab 23 of “Biology with Computers”)

Oxygen is vital to life. In the atmosphere, oxygen comprises over 20% of the available gases. In aquatic ecosystems, however, oxygen is scarce. To be useful to aquatic organisms, oxygen must be in the form of molecular oxygen, O2. The concentration of oxygen in water can be affected by many physical and biological factors. Respiration by plants and animals reduces oxygen concentrations, while the photosynthetic activity of plants increases it. In photosynthesis, carbon is assimilated into the biosphere and oxygen is made available, as follows:

6 H2O + 6 CO2(g) + energy = C6H12O6 + 6O2(g)

The rate of assimilation of carbon in water depends on the type and quantity of plants within the water. Primary productivity is the measure of this rate of carbon assimilation. As the above equation indicates, the production of oxygen can be used to monitor the primary productivity of an aquatic ecosystem.

One method of measuring the production of oxygen is the light and dark bottle method. In this method, a sample of water is placed into two bottles. One bottle is stored in the dark and the other in a lighted area. Only respiration can occur in the bottle stored in the dark. The decrease in dissolved oxygen (DO) in the dark bottle over time is a measure of the rate of respiration. Both photosynthesis and respiration can occur in the bottle exposed to light, however. The difference between the amount of oxygen produced through photosynthesis and that consumed through aerobic respiration is the net productivity. The difference in dissolved oxygen over time between the bottles stored in the light and in the dark is a measure of the total amount of oxygen produced by photosynthesis. The total amount of oxygen produced is called the gross productivity.

The productivity of an upper tidepool at Race Rocks, as with many aquatic environments, varies seasonally throughout the year. Rain washes down nitrogen and phosphates into the tidepool and increases the productivity. In a lake or river, human activities, such as fertilization of fields and the operation of sewage treatment facilities, can alter the natural balance of nitrogen and phosphates in water. In this lab, you will first learn the technique of using the Oxygen Probe to measure the primary productivity of a seawater sample, and then you will proceed to devise an experiment to quantify net and gross productivity of microalgae from an upper shore tidepool when you have manipulated a specific factor that may affect photosynthesis.

The identification and taxonomy of these organisms can be assisted by the internet site maintained at the University of Montreal by Charles O’Kelly. You should observe them under the microscope and describe their movements. See the Pyramimonas Index–U. of Montreal


Green single celled flagellated algae species from the Race Rocks Tidepools

OBJECTIVES: In this experiment, you will 1. Use a dissolved oxygen probe to determine the level of dissolved oxygen in a sample of sea water.

 2. Measure the rate of respiration in a water sample.

 3. Measure the net and gross productivity in a water sample.

 4.Design an experiment to compare the rate of productivity under two different environmental conditions.


Macintosh computer shallow pan
Serial Box Interface nitrogen enrichment solution
Vernier Dissolved Oxygen Probe phosphate enrichment solution
Data Logger( software-built in) scissors
two 1-mL pipettes siphon tube
aluminum foil or black plastic bag thermometer
BOD bottles


This first procedure will be a practice run so that you can understand how the equipment and data logger work.

1.    Obtain a BOD bottle.

2.    The dissolved oxygen probe requires a 10 minute period to polarize before it can be used. Be sure it has warmed up sufficiently before use.

3.    Prepare the computer for data collection by opening EXP23.LXP from the Biology with Computers experiment files. Load the calibration file EXP23.CLB.

4.    Fill the BOD bottle with a sea-water sample from the jar provided.

To fill a BOD bottle

  • Obtain a siphon tube.
  • Insert the tube into the sea-water sample and fill the tube completely with water.
  • Pinch the tube (or use a tube clamp) to close off the siphon tube.
  • Place one end of the tube in the bottom of BOD bottle. Keep the other end in the water sample, well below the surface. Position the bottle lower than the water sample and above a shallow pan.
  • Siphon the water into the test tube. Fill the test tube until it overflows .Fill the BOD bottle completely to the top of the rim. Use the shallow pan to collect any water that spills over.
  • Replace the stopper on the BOD bottle. Be sure no air is in the bottle

5.  Measure and record the temperature of the water sample .

6. Before using the Oxygen Probe, Calibrate it according to the special directions provided by the instructor.

7. Remove the Dissolved Oxygen Probe from the storage bottle. Place the probe into the BOD bottles so that it is submerged half the depth of the water. Gently and continuously move the probe up and down a distance of about 1 cm in the tube. This allows water to move past the probe’s tip. Note: Do not agitate the water, or oxygen from the atmosphere will mix into the water and cause erroneous readings.

8. After 30 seconds, or when the dissolved oxygen reading stabilizes, record the DO reading .

9. Now you are ready to design an experiment to test some variable that affects productivity.

Processing the DATA

1.    Determine the respiration rate. To do this, subtract the DO in BOD Bottle 1(the initial DO value) from that of BOD bottle 2 (the dark bottle’s DO value).

2.    Determine the gross productivity in the BOD bottle. To do this, subtract the DO in the light bottle’s DO value from that of the dark test tube’s DO value.

3.    Determine the net productivity in each BOD bottle. To do this, subtract the DO in the light bottle’s DO value from that of the initial DO value .


Now that you understand the basics of recording Oxygen levels with an Oxygen Probe, I expect you to come up with an appropriate controlled experiment for the green algal water from the high tidepools at Race Rocks. You will have two periods to plan what you want to do and to carry out the investigation. You will probably need some extra time as well since the minimum time for Oxygen generation is about an hour.

Develop some hypotheses that you can then proceed to test using the technique.

You must provide a written proposal for approval before starting the actual experiment. Be sure to have this checked and initialled by the teacher before proceeding with the investigation.

Some broad hints and way-out ideas to consider:

1. There may be a connection between primary productivity and pH in a pond. See the video on the use of green ponds to provide sewage treatment.

2. Bottles of green algae hung at different levels in the ocean may provide different levels of productivity.( Or you may simulate this by different light intensities in the lab.

3.Turbidity or nutrient level may effect productivity.

4. Note the collection date of the green water sample on the storage jar: Fresh samples may differ in photosynthetic or respiration rates.

5. We have inorganic fertilizer available in the lab.

6. How much does temperature affect productivity and respiration?

7. From our preliminary measurements of the tidepools, we noticed that high salinity and low salinity were measured in pools that were clear or non-green on the upper intertidal.

8. The pools these samples come from are subjected to heavy rainfall at some times and salt water spray and even submersion at others. I wonder if the organisms and their ability to photosynthesize is affected? – right away— a half- hour later ??

9. If you are going to take a sample, be sure it has been covered with the dark bag for several hours before sampling, as it does not take very much time to saturate the water with oxygen.

10. Be creative: think of all the implications of photosynthesis and take advantage of this opportunity to do a controlled experiment on a specific variable.

11. If you have a good reason to re-sample from the pools, we may even be able to arrange it!


Uria aalge: The Common Murre- The Race Rocks Taxonomy

Common Murre – photo by Raisa Mirza

Where at Race Rocks?: Flocks of several hundred common murres will be seen in the waters of Race Passage from August to October, with smaller numbers staying around through the winter. They usually come ashore at Race Rocks only if they have been oiled in an oil spill in the Strait. Occasionally there will be high mortality to large flocks of these birds in the strait of Juan de Fuca when they are caught in fish nets at night.

Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Charadriiformes
Family Alcidae
Genus Uria
Species aalge
Common Name: Common murre

Interesting local ecology/behavior/adaptation: Common murres are usually a length of 14 inches. They are an immature-like, basic-plumaged adult but often with a thin, pointed bill and small, rounded tail. Blurry streaks make its flank appear dusty, and this thin white trailing edge is visible at rest. Its head, neck, back, wings, and tail are all blackish, and its breast, belly, foreneck, and undertail are white. A dark line extends from its eye across its cheek, and its white breast meets its dark neck as a blunt, rounded intrusion. Both sexes are very similar. Common murres often raft on the surface of the water, fly in lines, and stand erect.

This rare image of a Common murre ashore on the island was photographed by Pam Birley with remote camera 5 on the West side of the island at Race Rocks in August 2009– See Pam’s other images of this murre in her August log .

Distribution elsewhere: All coast of the Northern Hemisphere where cold currents of upwellings nourish a multitude of fish. In the west, they nest in colonies in western Aleutians and from Arctic Alaska to central California. They are found on the ocean or in large bays.

Reproduction and feeding particulars: Eggs of common murres are produced one at a time and are variable in colour, coming in blue, green, or buffy with darker blotches. They are long and pear shaped, and are laid on inaccessible cliff tops on vertical, narrow ledges, especially on rocky islets or head lands. Each nest has enough space for one egg and one incubating parent. Breeding is their main purpose of coming to shore.

Reference: Peterson, Roger Tory, Peterson Field Guide to Western Birds, New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990

Udvardy, Miklos D.F., The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds, New York, Chanticleer Press, 1977

Common murre – http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i0300id.html

n sea clifts. They are accomplished divers that “fly” under water in pursuit of a small fish.
Other Members of the Class Aves at Race Rocks.

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April 2009 Raisa Mirza

Neomolgus littoralis: the red velvet mite

The video above was taken by Peg 15 on the North Shore of Great Race Rock where the students of a biology class were doing an intertidal transect. We often find Neomolgus at this elevation, and it is one of the few invertebrates inhabiting the top range of the spray zone.

Neomolgus is a tiny mite looking like a little red dot moving across rocks or other hard surfaces. Its diameter is 3mm. Mites are like spiders and ticks in that they have four pairs of legs. At Race Rocks, it is especially common among the bare rocks out on the North West corner by peg15.

Neomolgus has a large distribution in the northern hemisphere. It moves very actively and responds very negatively to the approach of a human finger. It uses its long snout for piercing small flies and sucking their juices.


Kozlof : SeashoreLife of the Northern Pacific Coast.

Lamb and Hanby, Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest, page 276

Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthropoda
Class arachnida
Order Acari
Family Bdellidae
Genus Neomolgus
Species littoralis
Common Name:red velvet mite


Other Members of the Phylum Arthropoda at Race Rocks 
taxonomyiconReturn to the Race Rocks Taxonomy
and Image File
pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams.

 March October 2003-  Rahilla (PC)