BC Parks Impact Assessment Process Preliminary Screen Report for Electrical Cable installation

File No:   85700-35/0210206

BC Parks Impact Assessment Process 

Level 1, Preliminary Screen Report

Name of Action:    Installation of Electrical Cable Channel and Conduits at Race Rocks. 

Proponent:               Lester B Pearson College and Clean Current Power

Review Date(s):         May 17, 2005                                                                Page:  1of 3

  1. Issues and Environmental Components
  2. List any issues of concern that have been or may be raised by BC Parks, other government agencies, First Nations, or the public.
  • No habitat loss should take place.
  • Impacts that could potentially be damaging to other wildlife and plant communities as a result of  demolition/construction activities.
  1. Identify any geographic “hots pots” at or close to the proposed action (e.g., areas of high use, concentrations of facilities, wilderness conservation zones, unique landscape features).

The proposed location of the cable entry to the water from the island is represented below.

This would allow construction in the intertidal area during mid-May to mid-June in a location where there is already extensive human-created infrastructure, and where there is no impact to nesting birds. It also enables us to provide needed repair of the dock structure.

  1. Identify any important environmental, recreational, social or economic values in the area of the proposed action and/or the area surrounding the proposed action (e.g., rare or endangered species, hiking experience, midden site). Include a rationale as to why the value is considered important.

There are none of the above values with this route along the docks that could be considered an impediment. Pam Thuringer of Archipelago Marine did a survey of the area at low tide on May 12. She found no rare or significant species in the area that will not recover in a short period afterwards. Link to her species list here

Preliminary Screen Checklist Page:  2 of 3

Complete the following based on information available and/or the experience of BC Parks staff at the time of the review.

  1. BC Parks has a responsibility to comply with the following Acts and regulations. Indicate that the proposed action complies with the following: Done ( or N/A)
    Park Act, Park Amendment Acts Yes
    Ecological Reserve Act Yes
    An order issued under the Environmental Land Use Act n/a
    BC Environmental Assessment Act n/a
    Waste Management Act n/aHeritage Conservation Act (i.e., Archaeological Impact Assessment Guidelines) n/a
    Federal Fisheries Act (Department of Fisheries and Oceans) n/a
    Other (specify):
    BC Parks should ensure that all actions comply with BC Parks policies. Indicate that the proposed action complies with the following: Done
    Approved management plan or management direction statement (MDS)Yes
    BC Protected Areas Strategy: Resource and Recreation Use Guidelines for Protected AreasYes BC Parks Policy including conservation and recreation goals (Striking the Balance) Yes
    BC Parks Policies (specify):Eco reserves set aside for protection and research Yes
    BC Parks ConservationProgramPolicies yes
    BCParksAnnualManagementPlan (i.e.,values and targets)n/a
    Other (specify):
    Page:3 of 3 3.
    Document which agencies /stakeholders that have been or should be notified and/or contacted: yes” Done ( or N/A)
    Conservation Data Centre n/a Ministry of SRM (specify branch):
    Ministry of Forests (i.e., Range Act) n/a

Ministry of Energy and Mines (Mineral Tenure Act) n/a
Ministry of Health Services n/a>
First Nations Yes
Agencies responsible for broader level plans (i.e., Regional District, LRMP) n/a
Other (specify):
Comments (include name and title of contact):
The proposed action is likely to result in the following impacts (check all that apply) Done
(U or N/A)

Adverse and permanent effects on the important conservation, recreation and/or cultural heritage values n/a

Adverse and permanent effects on the character and aesthetics of the protected area n/a

Adverse effects to endangered, threatened or vulnerable or regionally significant species, populations and  habitats (i.e., red/blue-listed species/habitats, biogeoclimatic representation) U

Adverse effects to critical or geographically unique characteristics U

Adverse effects to public health and safety n/a

Adverse effects to traditional use of the area by First Nations n/a

Adverse effects to local communities n/a

Adverse effects to the recreational use or enjoyment of the park (regardless of the intended benefits of the proposed action) n/a

Economic implications, such as operating costs, that cannot be maintained over time n/a

A high level of controversy or public concern regarding the action n/a

Effects of the action, which when combined with the effects of other actions in the region, may result in cumulative impacts n/a

Implications which may be precedent-setting and should therefore be considered in the context of similar future actions n/a

Comments (use corresponding letters to refer to specific impacts listed above):

  1. Level 1 report should recommend appropriate times and methods for construction to ensure birds/wildlife impacts are kept to a minimum.
    to ensure birds/wildlife impacts are kept to a minimum.The site where the cable would enter the sea, is on the west side of the Jetty. This area can receive concrete cladding of a reinforced conduit right down to the end of the jetty, if concrete is poured at one of the upcoming low tides in the next month, in order to avoid pouring underwater.
    The proposal involves a protective conduit that can be bolted to the wall of the jetty. This same conduit would enter the water and carry the cable down to the depths, where intertidal damage from rolling rocks would not occur.
    A further advantage of this proposal is that we would require that the west wall of the jetty would re-enforced with concrete in order to repair some of the undermining of the jetty. In some areas this has gone in as far as 60 to 80 centimeters. That part of this erosion of the jetty could be the result of it not being fully filled in with new concrete when the jetty was partly rebuilt in 1986. It looks very much like the older exposed loose concrete and fill was the part that has eroded. The dock was constructed sometime pre-1950 on a rock finger projecting seaward.
    By using camera 5 remote control at  you can see this area easily if you choose the pre-selection of “Jetty”. By zooming in at low tide, the base of the dock can be seen almost to the end.
    Construction Method: Roma Construction is being contracted for the above water portion of the job.This job consists of two parts:

    Part a) Consists of immediate work, to commence within the next week, in order to take advantage of the upcoming sets of low tides during the daytime. A 6 inch solid conduit in 25’ sections (HDPE )  will be embedded in concrete for the length of the docks shown here in magenta. Removal of the surface coating of algae and sessile invertebrates will be done only in the area of the new concrete addition. Any large motile invertebrates will be displaced manually from the immediate area prior to the cleaning. No chemicals will be used in the cleaning process as a directed water jet should be adequate. The dock will be repaired along this side in the process, with holes and unstable portions filled in. Also included in this operation will be the inclusion of a 4 inch conduit for telemetry and cables as well as a 1.25 inch poly hose for water intake.

    Concrete will be made on site from materials transported to the island. Any debris created during the process will be hauled off the island for disposal.

    Chris Blondeau, operations manager and Garry Fletcher, Ecological Reserve Warden, will be on site to oversee the environmental concerns. In addition, Pam Thuringer and staff of Archipelago Marine have been contracted to do an ongoing environmental assessment for the duration of the construction phase of the project during the next year.

Species List for the West Side of the Race Rocks Jetty , 2005

This list was compiled by Pam Thuringer of Archipelago Marine on May12, 2005. She examined the west side of the docks exposed at a 0.35m tide as part of the Environmental Impact assessment for the Tidal Current Project.

Invertebrates Balanus glandula many
Semibalanus cariosus many
Hemigrapsus nudis few
Mytilus californianus few
Sponge ( orange encrusting species) few
Katharina tunicata few
Littorina scutulata many
Tectura persona few
Lottia pelta few
Anthopleura elegantissima few
Lirubuccinum dirum few
General Group Species Occurence
Brn. Algae Nereocystis luetkeana sparse
Fucus sp. sparse
Leathesia difformis sparse
Hedophyllum sessile abundant
Alaria marginata abundant
Costaria costata few
Red Algae Mazzaella splendans few
Mastocarpus pappilatus sparse
Halosaccion glandiforme few
Lithothamnion sp. few
Odonthalia floccosa sparse
Polysiphonia sp. sparse
Coralline algae. several species sparse
Porphyra perforata sparse
Endocladia muricata sparse
Green Algae Ulva sp. sparse
Acrosiphonia sp. few

BC Parks Preliminary EIA for Dock Species.

This list was compiled by Pam Thuringer of Archipelago Marine on May12, 2005. She examined the west side of the docks exposed at a 0.35m tide. This is the area that will be impacted by the construction of the conduit to carry electrical cables from the Tidal Current generator up to the island,

General Group Species Occurence
Brn. Algae Nereocystis luetkeana sparse
Fucus sp. sparse
Leathesia difformis sparse
Hedophyllum sessile abundant
Alaria marginata abundant
Costaria costata few
Red Algae Mazzaella splendans few
Mastocarpus pappilatus sparse
Halosaccion glandiforme few
Lithothamnion sp. few
Odonthalia floccosa sparse
Polysiphonia sp. sparse
Coralline algae. several species sparse
Porphyra perforata sparse
Endocladia muricata sparse
Green Algae Ulva sp. sparse
Acrosiphonia sp. few
Invertebrates Balanus glandula many
Semibalanus cariosus many
Hemigrapsus nudis few
Mytilus californianus few
Sponge ( orange encrusting species) few
Katharina tunicata few
Littorina scutulata many
Tectura persona few
Lottia pelta few
Anthopleura elegantissima few
Lirubuccinum dirum few

Blue water Diving — Pearson College Divers

Henry Steinberg, Julia Clarke and Laura Verhegge do their first tether dive with Chris off the shores of Race Rocks in Race Passage. The apparatus for the dive was constructed by Henry Steinberg, a Pearson College diver, as part of a project in his PADI Divemasters course. This type of diving is useful for research purposes when one wants to sample jellyfish, salps or other macro-planktonic life forms which may otherwise be damaged if collected in a towed plankton net. It is also necessary as a safety measure for drift diving when the bottom is beyond safety limits, and there are currents involved such as here in the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Lirabuccinum dirum: Spindle whelk–The Race Rocks Taxonomy


Dire whelk along with many other species of other phyla represented

Habitat: Middle intertidal zone on wave-washed, coralline-encrusted rocky shores. Can be found on protected outer coasts and quiet bays anywhere from Alaska, south to central California.
Race Rocks, they occur frequently in the mid to low intertidal range. They have often shown up in intertidal transects.


A spindle Whelk beside two Tealia Anemone

Description: The Spindle Whelk has a thick, mainly grey shell with many spiral threads of varying sizes. The soft body of the animal is white. Shell is heavy; whorl sculptured with spiral grooves and 9 round, low axial swellings. The siphonal canal is short and coloured grey or brownish.
Additional Information: The spindle whelk is a scavenger that feeds mainly on injured animals. Prey can include littorines, snails, barnacles, worms and limpets. The Spindle Whelk’s proboscis can extend fully out of the shell which allows for gregarious feeding on large prey. Additionally, the proboscis permits the consumption of prey that are already being digested by the everted stomach of sea stars. Its main predator is the sea star. Spindle whelks are most active when submerged in calm water; otherwise it is a largely inactive animal. The longevity of the spindle whelk is unknown, however one which is 40 mm long could be 15 years or more in age.


Taylor Hartrick finds a Searlesia right on the end of the Jetty.

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Subclass Caenogastropoda
Superfamily Buccinoidea
Family) Buccinidae
Genus Lirabuccinum
Species: dirum

Formerly Searlesia dira

Common Name dire whelk or spindle whelk
Other Members of the Phylum Mollusca at Race Rocks.

Return to the Race Rocks Taxonomy
and Image File
pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams. 

Date:2005 Taylor Hartrick

Elephant Seal Moulting

Race Rocks is at the northern limit of distribution of the Elephant Seal. They often number from 2 to 3 large males and 4 or 5 females. Arriving in January, they usually stay through the summer on the middle island and then leave for several months in the winter. Elephant seals often undergo a juvenile moult on the local beaches of Victoria when several years old. This individual may be at the end of such a moult as it still has a few sore spots on it’s coat. They end up on beaches where they wallow in the sand to keep the flies off. Members of the public often report them to the “authorities” as being diseased in appearance as their skin is blistered and raw. There has even been an example in the past few years in the local Victoria area when an animal in such condition was reported to the authorities as sick and due to ignorance, the animal was shot by an animal control officer. Of course this outraged some of some local residents who had been observing it for weeks as it was going through the moult, but the mistake had been made. So humans — leave well enough alone. Misguided intervention is not helpful for this rather rare pinniped

The video of this female elephant was videoed off the South side of Race Rocks. It was done in hi 8 – before we had SONY cameras that would record in Digital. One can see the patchy skin typical of the moulting stage just behind the head. This seal had probably already gone through the most serious part of the juvenile moult, which may have occurred on one of the sandy beaches over near Metchosin. The barking in the background is from California sealions. 

Diving on the Underwater Turbine Project

Thia article appeared in The Link, the college newsletter on  May 6, 2005. Link no. 79

Diving for the Underwater Turbine Project at Race Rocks was amazing. Our task wasn’t simple and the time was limited. To implement the project they need to know what is the best location to install the tidal power generator, so I went diving with Chris and Angie to Race Rocks on a beautiful and sunny Wednesday morning and an ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) was deployed there. The ADCP will collect current regime information for a month.

It was so deep and (Angie said) cold down there but a really interesting experience for both of us. I was filming while Angie and Chris would “drag” the heavy weights (25 kg underwater – that’s 40 kg on surface! – each!!) and position them to secure the device on the sea floor.

It was hard work in very strong current but also very satisfying. It’s awesome to go diving but it’s even nicer when you get to do something important underwater. And on our way back we happened to stop by the boat with the EnCana diver (who was extracting samples of sea floor rocks) and have a long chat with him, who explained to Angie and me many things about being a commercial diver and also about the wetsuit he was wearing. For those that saw the movie “Man of Honor” these pictures may be familiar… Angie and I got really amazed by the huge helmet the diver had and he let us try it. It even has a microphone on it (to communicate with the boat)!!! The benefits of diving….

Rita Santos (year 30)