Creating power to stay in power:

Creating power to stay in power: 

Conservatives are out to prove that their plan is better than the Liberal oneTimes Colonist (Victoria) Saturday, January 20, 2007Page: A16 Section: Comment Byline: Les Leyne Column: Les Leyne Source: CanWest News Service

What a lot of trouble Prime Minister Stephen Harper went to in order to announce that a rather obscure alternative energy program that the Liberals unveiled earlier is going to carry on under his government. By plane, by motorcade and by water taxi he made his way almost literally to the ends of the Earth to illuminate the point that “Canada’s new government,” as Tories like to say, is following Canada’s old government when it comes to nurturing alternative energy suppliers.

Lester B. Pearson College isn’t the end of the earth, but it’s on the edge of the western frontier as far as most Canadians are concerned. It was a good backdrop for an alternative energy announcement (even if it is named for a Liberal PM) because it’s home base for the ecological reserve at Race Rocks, on which sits a tiny tidal-power demo project.

Harper has a newfound passion for eco-friendly initiatives that can be said to curb greenhouse-gas emissions that contribute to climate change. It’s burning so intently that he even ventured past the college, hopping a boat for a quick run out to Race Rocks for a photo opportunity.The project is the only one of its kind in Canada. Getting electricity out of this sort of natural power — tidal, solar, geothermal, wind — is about the coolest thing you can imagine. But the technology needs a lot of work before it can go big league, so alternative energy needs to be coddled for years to come. Harper put down $1.5 billion over 10 years.

Federal Liberals fronted a similar program during their last term. Its future was uncertain when the Conservatives took over. But the conventional wisdom is that something clicked in the public’s mind recently.

Perhaps it was prompted by the extreme weather — savage storms in the west, freakishly warm days in the east. Climate change became a big deal and the Conservative government became determined, even desperate, to stay on top of it.

So Harper canned Rona Ambrose, his environment minister, replaced her with someone more familiar with the game of political hardball– John Baird — and set his government on an eco-blitz, which touched down at Pearson College.

Amazing what can come from Ontarians playing golf in December.

The blitz is an impressive one. The prime minister brought two supporting acts with him — Baird and Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn. The federal incursion demanded a provincial response, so B.C. Energy Minister Richard Neufeld made an appearance. And a host of people from the alternative energy world — third-party validators — were invited to bulk up the audience.

The message is double-edged. Conservatives want it known that not only are they concerned about climate change and doing something about it, they’re doing more than the Liberals ever did.

So Harper and Baird outlined their alternative energy funding and quickly compared it to the Liberal record. As Baird put it, meeting the targets set by the Kyoto accord was the start of a marathon, but the Liberals spent the first 10 years after signing it running in the wrong direction.

And Harper said the initiatives were funded in the last budget.

“It may seem like a year is a long time to get them in place, but what we faced when we took office was a whole series of environmental programs that either weren’t reducing emissions in most cases or hadn’t even got off the ground…”

That in a nutshell is what the next few months of environmental debate are going to sound like in Ottawa. Some voters will welcome the new thrust, regardless of its timing. Some will decide Harper’s commitment to cleaner air is too late to be trustworthy. And everyone will have to measure it against the Liberal alternative, which was skimpy, at least prior to the leadership change.

The money promised yesterday for clean power is supposed to createthe same effect as getting a million cars off the road. But if they wanted to tackle climate change head-on, why didn’t they just get a million cars off the road?

It would hurt too much. Harper said people have to have the ability to earn an income. ” What we’re trying to do with our environmental plan is allow people to be prosperous and have energy security as well.”

Harper pointed out the emissions debate often centres on the sectors of the economy that produce them. But everyone uses transportation, energy and industrial products. “If we’re going to make the transformations in our economy we want to make over time, there’s going to be a responsibility of everyone to participate in that.”

The winner of this argument will be the one with the best argument about why their plan to curb emissions won’t hurt as much as the other guy’s plan.

Reprinted with the permission of Les Leyne

Prime Minister Stephen Harper Visits Pearson College and Race Rocks

ecoenergyOn January 19 2007,Prime Minister Stephen Harper and two federal cabinet ministers, Gary Lunn and John Baird pose with Glenn Darou beside a scale model of the energy generating turbine installed at Race Rocks in September of 2006.


A number of other news media covered this event:

atdockB.C. critical for Tory majority, Harper says Peter O’Neil, Vancouver Sun; Files from CanWest News Service Published: Saturday, January 20, 2007
“OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper, on Vancouver Island Friday to announce $1.5 billion for renewable energy initiatives, said B.C. is “critical” to his hopes of winning a majority government….” 
Harper was in Metchosin, near Victoria, to unveil an environmental incentive package in which the Conservatives will spend $1.5 billion over 10 years to boost Canada’s supply of wind, ocean, solar and other green energy. He said the package will boost the production of renewable energy by 4,000 megawatts a year. “In terms of greenhouse gas reductions, that’s the equivalent of taking one million cars off the road,” he said.

harperPutting ‘green’ toward going green Edward Hill, Peninsula News Review Jan 24 2007
….”Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced a $1.5 billion funding package for clean green energy generation Friday at Lester B. Pearson College in Metchosin, the host of North America’s first operational tidal turbine.
Coined the ecoEnergy Renewable Initiative, $1.48 billion over 10 years has been earmarked toward helping industry harness renewable, zero or low emission energy sources, such as wind, solar, tidal, wave, biomass or small hydro………”
PM to Boost Funding for Tidal Power… trip to Metchosin will heighten new Tory support for alternate energy Peter O’Neil, and Richard Watts, Times Colonist; CanWest News Service Published: Friday, January 19, 2007


harper3Harper pledges $1.5 billion for green energy, Global National,CanWest News Service, Saturday, January 20, 2007METCHOSIN, B.C. — The Conservative government will spend $1.5 billion over 10 years to boost Canada’s supplies of wind, tidal and other green energy, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced Friday…..”In terms of greenhouse gas reductions, that’s the equivalent of taking one million cars off the road,” he said. “That is real, practical, achievable action on climate change.”


harplunnTories’ green boost to cost $1.5 Pearson College, Harper unveils incentives to ramp up wind,tidal and solar power.. Lindsay Kines.. Times Colonist, Victoria British Columbia, Saturday, January 20, A1. “The Conservative government will spend $1.5 billion over 10 years to boost Canada’s supply of wind,ocean,solar,and other green energy, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said yesterday.”


pollPoll: Tories gain in B.C.  Prime Minister Stephen Harper said B.C. is “critical” to his hopes of winning a majority government while he was at Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific yesterday in Metchosin to announce $1.5 billion for renewable energy initiatives,—-Public aware of initiatives his party is taking to protect environment, PM says.. Peter O’Neil..Times Colonist, Victoria British Columbia, Saturday, January 20, A3.


Creating Power to Stay in Power, Conservatives are out to prove that their plan is better than the Liberal one. Les Leyne, Times Colonist , January 20, 2007, page A16.. “What a lot of trouble Prime minister Harper went to in order to announce a rather obscure alternative energy program that he Liberals unveiled earlier is going to carry on under his government. By plane, by motorcade and by water taxi he made his way almost literally to the ends of the Earth to illuminate the point that…..” (see full article.).

Tories announce $1.5-billion renewable energy plan, CBCnews “Harper said a 10-year incentive program, the so-called ecoEnergy Renewable Initiative, will be established to fund eligible projects to be constructed over the next four years.”

Harper nips some green from Liberals: wind, tidal and biomass projects benefit from new Tory program ..Rod Mickleburgh , Metchosin BC. and Bill Curry, Ottawa. The Globe and Mail Saturday, January 20, 2007, page A4 “Stephen Harper’s government is finding it easy to be green, resurrecting yesterday a frozen Liberal alternative-energy program, injecting it with a bit more “oomph” and trumpeting it as the Tories’ own. The ecoEnergy Renewable Initiative pledges to spend $1.5-billion over the next 10 years to increase Canada’s supply of emission-free power from renewable, alternative energy sources such as wind, the ocean and biomass. The program aims to produce enough renewable energy to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions equivalent to taking one million cars off the road, Mr. Harper said.”(enlarge picture)

glensRacerocks Tidal Project : Former Shell Executive wants to make a difference. Lindsay Kines , Times Colonist, January 22, 2007. page A3 ” ” Its very hard for someone to go out to Race Rocks and not come away saying: “this stuff is great!” …By the end of the year, Clean Current expects to complete design work on a three megawatt commercial turbine with manufacturing slated to start in 2008. …. “(See full article.)

See Video by Clean Current

Tidal Energy ENCANA video

This video is a compressed version of the one produced by Brainstorm for the Tidal Current Power Project. It documents the partners and the process along the way in the establishment of the Turbine Project . (released January 19, 2007 to correspond with the visit of Prime Minister Stephen Harper to Lester Pearson College and Race Rocks. )

The Tidal Current Energy Project at Race Rocks

This video is a compressed version of the one produced by Brainstorm for the Tidal Current Power Project. It documents the partners and the process along the way in the establishment of the Turbine Project . (released January 19, 2007 to correspond with the visit of Prime Minister Stephen Harper to Lester Pearson College and Race Rocks.)

See other archived video with Pearson College Divers

A Biography of Misery

I believe it was Mike Slater who named Misery, since he was a juvenile male elphant seal with an attitude. After being at the lightstation for many years Mike got to know which elephant seals gave him a rough time when he was trying to move about on the pathways. Misery turned up in about 2007. He was known to growl and advance toward one if they got too close, and this happened often since the elephant seals usually come onto the main island via the boat ramp. One has to take a light at night as they are often sprawled across the pathways, Going down to take seawater samples for salinity and temperature when the sample time is at night can prove to be a bit of a hazard. Misery’s behaviour was in stark contrast to that of Slash ,who was very docile after spending a year on the island recuperating from his collision with a boat in January of 2003. Misery elephant sealThe story of Misery took a strange twist in the spring of 2009. At the end of January he was seen by Ryan to be hanging around the helicopter pad with an unknown female ( later named Bertha!).



When Bertha had a birth (Ninene) , Misery swung into action.   Heelephant seal bite was relentless in his pursuit of the baby as he was being rejected in mating by the female Bertha.   We believe that Bertha had been impregnated previously by Slash. This part of the story is told in the file on NInene. It shows video and images of the difficult beating she took from Misery. We are quite sure he was not the father, since in previous years it was Slash who seemed to be the male interacting with the females in January. When Ninene’s mother left the island, he kept attacking her relentlessly for several days andNinene was close to death. Misery, juvenile elephant sealWe believe she was saved only by Slash encountering Misery one night and giving him three sets of deep wounds on his back. From then on Misery stopped attacking the pup and when Slash moved back onto the island again, Misery departed.. Slash had been staying during the time of Ninene’s birth out on Middle Island with three other females. We believe that at least two of these had pups, one was photographed but probably because of the small space and exposed location, neither survived.




On February 7 of 2010, Ollie was born and in the second week he too became the object of aggression by Misery. Eventually, after three weeks, Ollie was dead and the bite marks on the back and the loud cries heard at night suggested that Misery was to blame.



Elephant seal injury from fighting It turns out that the same behaviour was repeated in March of 2010 and Misery again sustained some more serious wounds.  



matingIn February 2013, Bertha returned to the island but did not have a pup, the first time in four years. Misery however was there to mate with her, This post by  Alex ipresents the images!



January 2014: we were expecting Misery back to harass the female elephant seals again as we come into breeding season. However, we have not seen Misery since he was seen sparring with Chunk back earlier in July 2013. His role has now been taken over by Chunk.


See all the postings on Misery in the Race Rocks log


See the Elephant seal index and gallery file

Snow as an Abiotic factor at Race Rocks

Every few decades, Victoria receives very large snowfalls, including the more than 100 cm (39 in) of snow that fell in December 1996. On the other hand, roughly one third of winters will see virtually no snow, with less than 5 cm (2 in) falling during the entire season. When snow does fall, it rarely lasts long on the ground. For Victoria Harbour, the climate records report annual mean snowfall totalling 29.3 cm ( about a foot) falling on 8 days..The Environment Canada website lists Victoria ( Airport ) as the city having the fewest snow days of all cities in Canada (10) The mildest winter (7.4 degrees average) and the lowest snowfall (43.8 cm.)The headlines in the Victoria Times for November 27, 2006 read :

“Snow shutdown
Schools closed, buses delayed
Victoria Times-Colonist
Published: Monday, November 27, 2006
Snow has shut down much of Greater Victoria.
Public schools in Saanich, Victoria and Sooke are closed, as are many private schools and the region’s major post-secondary institutions, including University of Victoria, Royal Roads University and Camosun College. “

The snowstorm of November 26, 2006 can be traced from the Victoria harbour data on the Environment Canada website. Here it can be seen that the snow started on the morning of November 26 and continued until early morning of the next day. It snowed again midday on the 29th of November . The temperature that week took an unseasonal plunge.

On Race Rocks our weather station recorded the windchill from the North East pushing the temperature down to minus 13 degrees Celsius

The blue bar represents rainfall, with the scale in mm.on the left. The green line is humidity. After Sunday, the freezing temperature prevented the instrument from registering rain. for several days. Due to blowing snow, it is unlikely that all snow that fell was measured..

Wind speed is the purple line, and barometer is the blue line. Note how the barometer plunged just as the snowstorm started. The wind remained high for most of the week. This graph represents the surface wind profile. At the top of the tower it averaged 10-15 knots higher.


Our second snowfall for the year arrived on January 10, 2007. Pam Birley took this photo for us. This was unusual for Victoria as we had been smugly assuming that we had already had our share of snow that stayed for a week for the winter.

No research has been done at Race Rocks on the effects of snow on the animal and plant life other than the observation that the birds disappeared while these severe storm events were in progress. It is also almost impossible to access Race Rocks during a snowstorm since the wind blows in from the north-east and the exposure at the jetty prevents a boat from landing.


See the exercise on the water cycle

This image from the webcam in the November, 2006 snow storm showed a bleak landscape, with no seagulls in the usual spot. In a week they had all returned however, as mild temperatures returned.

The topic of SNOW ECOLOGY has not been extensively studied. One of the classic works on the topic was done by William Pruitt of the Department of Biology at the University of Manitoba.
( Formozov-inspired Concepts in Snow Ecology in North America. Bulletin Moscow Society of Naturalists, vol.104, No.3:pp.13-22. William 0. Pruitt, Jr.)

Records of snowfall from 1985 to February 1996 may be found on the Environment Canada Website Search that website for total snowfalls during that period click on British Columbia/advanced search/ then enter Race Rocks in the Search by Station Name section. Use the pull down menues to find the year, month or day of interest

In nearby Metchosin, by November 27, 2006, over 40 cm of snow blanketed the forests and farms. A week later, the snow had all but disappeared. Considerable damage to tree branches was sustained during this snowfall.