These pictures were taken before restoration of the Race Rocks Lighthouse in 2009-2010 Historic Tower. The Times Colonist ran an article on the problems of the deterioration of the heritage light tower at Race Rocks.Jack Knox and Deborah Brash pay a visit to the tower at the end of January 2007. The following article appears in the Times Colonist. “A beacon of hope for Race Rocks Carney tries again to win protection for prize lighthouses now withering away, Jack Knox, Times Colonist, Tuesday, Feb. 06, 2007.
THE PRESENT CONDITIONS OF THE RACE ROCKS LIGHT TOWER: 2007 Note: These are addressed in 2009: |
The light tower of Race Rocks is managed by The Canadian Coast Guard as anAid to Navigation. Coast Guard is operated by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Currently, there are no funds allocated by this Department for lighthouse restoration, although they are expected to maintain their Aids to Navigation. Parks Canada is responsible for National Historic Sites across Canada. Only one Lighthouse (Fisgard) on the Pacific Coast is provided for by that Department. The Race Rocks Lighthouse, built in 1860 sits on a small parcel of land on Great Race Rocks leased from BC lands. This leased area remains out of the provincial Ecological Reserve. The Ecological reserve covers the remainder of Great Race Rock Island, and the whole area is an MPA designate under the Ocean’s Act of the Fisheries and Oceans Canada.