June July 2008-slash moulting

June 12, 2008: Erik and Garry checked out and photographed the reported entangled elephant seal on Middle Rock. File opened at http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/eco/taxalab/miroungaa/roped.htm

June 17, 2008 One elephant seal on Middle island, and Slash, our favourite old elephant seal hauled out on Great Race again this morning, but he had moved over to middle island in the afternoon. The entangled one we saw last week was not around this afternoon.

July 12, 2008 Slash moulting (PB photo)


July 21 2008. Slash on Great Race behind boathouse.

July 23, 2008: Elephant seal changed location; now behind boat house.

Slash spent from 5:00PM to 8:00 PM in the sea, otherwise up behind boathouse. ( preset 1 on cam 1) He has 3/4 of his old hair moulted off, new light gray color beneath. The old hair was light brown.

July 24, 2008 Slash moved down again to the shade of the Workshop as it is very hot at noon.

July 25, 2008 Slash now moved up to his spot on the lawn west of the Science house. (Can be seen on camera2)

One other male elephant seal and one smaller female remain out on the Middle rock.

Elephant seal Sleep Apnea Video

In July 2008, I took this video clip of our resident elephant seal “Slash” asleep in one of his favourite spots behind the boathouse at Race Rocks. At 8:00 am he was in a deep sleep, interrupted only by the kelp flies on his face and a few itchy spots on his body. What was remarkable was the recurring pattern of breath holding. I made this video as a study of this aspect of what appears to be intentional sleep apnea. Since the filming was uninterrupted, one can time the various phases of a breathing cycle. Labels on the video point out the beginning and end of one such breath-holding cycle. I observed that he repeated a similar pattern for at least 15 minutes, the length of time I as was able to observe. Listen for the sounds and watch for the flaring nostrils.You can see more elephant seal images and videos in the Elephant Seal Taxonomy.

Slash Body Parts July 2006

Slash in July 2006

See the Elephant seal taxonomy and gallery Index

Ode to Slash: Up close and personal with an elephant seal

We were getting so many pictures of our favourite elephant seal, “Slash” that I thought I might as well open up a page just for him. Slash has provided an excellent opportunity to study this very large marine mammal. In January 2003, two male elephant seals were hauled up on Great Race island. One was suffering from severe injuries.
This elephant seal we eventually name “Slash” and he became a docile elephant seal that hung around the main island for many years.He first sought shelter on the main Island, Great Race Rocks back in January of 2003. A boater had run over this elephant seal leaving large gashes on his head and spiral-like cuts along his body. Mike Slater, our guardian at the Rocks saw him hauled out at the end of the boat ramp and recorded the first video below. During all of 2003, he spent most of his hours sleeping up on the grassed areas of Great Race Rocks. He became very used to humans as long as one kept a respectable distance of at least 2 meters, and was prepared to move out of the way when he decided to change locations, he is very tolerant of people.

See MPA Guardian Carol Slater’s comments on these animals in the Daily log of Jan19, Feb 11, Feb13, Feb 14 and Mar 1, 2003


Here is Slash in July and August of 2003.  Fortunately he has recovered well as can be seen here in this video taken by Mike Slater in July 2003 


In July 2008, I took the video clip above of our resident elephant seal “Slash” asleep in one of his favourite spots behind the boathouse at Race Rocks. At 8:00 am he was in a deep sleep, interrupted only by the kelp flies on his face and a few itchy spots on his body. What was remarkable was the recurring pattern of breath holding. I made this video as a study of this aspect of what appears to be intentional sleep apnea. Since the filming was uninterrupted, one can time the various phases of a breathing cycle. Labels on the video point out the beginning and end of one such breath-holding cycle. I observed that he repeated a similar pattern for at least 15 minutes, the length of time I as was able to observe. GF.

Listen for the sounds and watch for the flaring nostrils.

You can see more elephant seal images and videos in the Elephant Seal Taxonomy.https://racerocks.ca/mirounga-angustirostris-taxonomy-and-image-file/



“From a scientific point of view I know its bad form to anthropomorphize when considering animal behaviour. So perhaps just say that we are reserving this page for any and all aspects of the human experience with an elephant seal.
I thought about opening a new page after spending several days in July 2008 at Race Rocks relieving for Mike and Carol Slater when they were on holidays. I spent some quiet time with Slash, took video and many pictures and then when the spouse of faculty member Arno Dirks, Laurie Tomin took over at Race Rocks for a few days to get caught up on some writing, her e-mail provoked me to action as it had a rather nice message: ” GF


“So, back to Slash. He’s my rock star here. Not a dude of action, but of mystery and suspense.
Finnegan Slash (as I call him sometimes for I think there’s a refined side to him) jelly-ambled-blubbered down to his other favorite spot–just like you said. I happened to be around when he decided to move past the boat house clearly heading for the water. But then he slipped into his typical coma again, moving only his nostrils from time to time. Durn.

I gave up, had some lunch, and later returned to see 2 eco-tour boats ca. 10 meters off the dock and Slash–well it seemed as though he was waiting! I sat quite close, had a chat with him–for he did not seem to mind my presence at all. He looked at me occasionally, sometimes he breathed heavily through his nostrils (was he exercising them for a swim?), yep, thats all about he did.

When the boats left, he moved down a bit more…and a bit more…(lots of waiting and suspense in between starts and stops). The longest and most fascinating stretch was a blubbery inch-worm movement to the water’s edge. There he sat, half in half out of the water and splashed some water on his back with his left fin. He hung out like this for about 15 minutes.

Again, I sat close to him on the dock. Always with a little scramble distance–though I can’t say I was afraid at all. Wouldn’t want to scare or annoy him though!

Then Slash gently slipped into the water. He looks enormous and prehistoric when he swims–also very slowly. Sometimes stopping, clearing his nostrils, looking at me. Then he swam slowly to the other side of the dock, doing much the same until he decided to swim off.

Big day. I feel very lucky to be here!
L. A. Tomin
Vancouver Island, BC



 Dec. 12, 2008, Slash returns for the winter. Ryan Murphy took this picture of him the day of the snow storm on the island.


Pam Birley, our reliable observer from England has included pictures of slash in her gallery of images in the daily log in many of the past months. Although he is not always visible to the remote camera when he is down on the grass by the helipad, she caught him on some of the hot days of July 2008, down near the boatramp in the shade of the workshop and Boathouse.


Slash on middle Island December 2009 where the entangled sea lion was trapped.

See this and other pictures of Slash on Ryan Murphy’s Flickr site.


In the following years Slash failed to return in the winter. . We can assume he met his end, but we are gratefull for the many years of good memories of his presence at Race Rocks

The Male Elephant Seal : Slash

SLASH : Up close and personal with an elephant seal.
We were getting so many pictures of our favourite elephant seal, “Slash” that I thought I might as well open up a page just for him. Slash has provided an excellent opportunity to study this very large marine mammal. We think these pictures by Angus Matthews in December of 2002 are the first we have of Slash at Race Rocks:

He first sought shelter on the main Island Great Race Rocks back in January of 2003. A boater had run over this elephant seal leaving large gashes on his head and spiral-like cuts along his body. Mike Slater, our ecoguardian at the Rocks saw him hauled out at the end of the boat ramp and recorded this first video. Because of his injuries, Mike named him “Slash” During all of 2003, he spent most of his hours sleeping up on the grassed areas of Great Race Rocks. He became very used to humans and now as long as one keeps a respectable distance of at least 2 meters, and is prepared to move out of the way when he decides to change locations, he is very tolerant of people.

slashmovieiconSlash receives some serious injuries when a motor boat runs over him.








Slash recovered with scars a year and a half later .





“From a scientific point of view I know its bad form to anthropomorphize when considering animal behaviour. So perhaps just say that we are allowing this page for any and all aspects of the human experience with an elephant seal.

ammikeandelephotoI thought about opening a new page after spending several days in July 2008 at Race Rocks relieving for Mike and Carol Slater when they were on holidays. I spent some quiet time with Slash, took video and many pictures and then when Laurie Tomin was out at Race Rocks for a few days to get caught up on some writing, her e-mail provoked me to action as it had a rather nice message: ” Garry Fletcher

  • “So, back to Slash. He’s my rock star here. Not a dude of action, but of mystery and suspense. Finnegan Slash (as I call him sometimes for I think there’s a refined side to him) jelly-ambled-blubbered down to his other favorite spot–just like you said. I happened to be around when he decided to move past the boat house clearly heading for the water. But then he slipped into his typical coma again, moving only his nostrils from time to time. Durn. I gave up, had some lunch, and later returned to see 2 eco-tour boats ca. 10 meters off the dock and Slash–well it seemed as though he was waiting! I sat quite close, had a chat with him–for he did not seem to mind my presence at all. He looked at me occasionally, sometimes he breathed heavily through his nostrils (was he exercising them for a swim?), yep, thats all about he did. When the boats left, he moved down a bit more…and a bit more…(lots of waiting and suspense in between starts and stops). The longest and most fascinating stretch was a blubbery inch-worm movement to the water’s edge. There he sat, half in half out of the water and splashed some water on his back with his left fin. He hung out like this for about 15 minutes. Again, I sat close to him on the dock. Always with a little scramble distance–though I can’t say I was afraid at all. Wouldn’t want to scare or annoy him though! Then Slash gently slipped into the water. He looks enormous and prehistoric when he swims–also very slowly. Sometimes stopping, clearing his nostrils, looking at me. Then he swam slowly to the other side of the dock, doing much the same until he decided to swim off.Big day. I feel very lucky to be here! L. A. Tomin

slashsleepIn July 2008, I took this video clip of our resident elephant seal “Slash” asleep in one of his favourite spots behind the boathouse at Race Rocks. At 8:00 am he was in a deep sleep, interrupted only by the kelp flies on his face and a few itchy spots on his body. What was remarkable was the recurring pattern of breath holding. I made this video as a study of this aspect of what appears to be intentional sleep apnea. Since the filming was un-interupted, one can time the various phases of a breathing cycle. Labels on the video point out the beginning and end of one such breath-holding cycle. I observed that he repeated a similar pattern for at least 15 minutes, as that was the length of time I was able to observe. Listen for the sounds and watch for the flaring nostrils.



In 2006 I took a set of  photos of various parts of his body. This file has a gallery of those photos :





July 20, 2008

July 20, 2008


Slash was so docile, one could approach closely without disturbing him. These images are from an afternoon in July , 2008,







Ryan took this image and added it to his Flickr site in December 2008  



March 1, 2010: Misery after the fight with Slash Murray Sager Photo

March 1, 2010: Misery after the fight with Slash Murray Sager Photo



Slash still had an important role to play however. In both the 2009 and the 2010 breeding season, he sent the younger suitor Misery off the island.




You can see more elephant seal images and videos in the Elephant Seal Taxonomy.

Slash the Male Elephant seal in July 2008

On one of my visits to Race Rocks in 2008, I took a series of photos of Slash as he lounged on the lawn up behind the boat house.

Limited Habitat of Purple star at Low tide

gfandstarWest Coast Wildlife Adventures approached to view the elephant seal also within 10 meters of the seal. I advised him he was too close since slash was there basking in the water. He had moved in to get a close look from a few metres. Images were placed on ecotourism page on web.
I found another black oystercatcher nest down in front of the Winch House, so moved camera3 over to it. (Update note on July 17–2 young were observed near the nest). In the morning I went out on the intertidal for the minus tide. Excellent long exposure of the surge channel and the cave on the South west side. Also got onto Anita’s intertidal island down from the helipad. I was looking for the large ( 45 cm diameter Purple star. Which I saw there two years ago, and at that time I thought he was the only one on the island. This time I found another smaller one– 30 cm diameter in a similar protected channel only 2 metres from the other one. Since these sea stars inhabit the lower intertidal zone, they cannot withstand the heavy wave action that occurs in that area without these deep channels which are protected by a rise on the seaward side to the west. As far as I know these are the only two purple stars occurring at Race Rocks. They are very common however in other sheltered inland coastlines in BC and are frequently the first sea star that visitors to BC shores notice. I also made note of a large number of very colourful brooding anemone exposed on the same protected mussel-covered wall on that island. There was an unusual abundance of blue ones which I remember to be rather rare when seen by diving in that area previously . One gull nest close to the science centre has chicks hatching.