Harlequin Ducks abundant

rmharlequingroupSee Ryan Murphy’s harlequin images on Flickr
“’tis the season for Harlequin ducks here at Race Rocks. The particularly fine weather has emboldened the main group that spends most of its time on the east side of Great Race Island and they have been spending time around the jetty and on the west side of the island as well. Group size ranges from a single pair to more than twenty, with thirty or more individuals in the reserve the past couple of days.” Ryan Murphy-Ecoguardian Race Rocks.


“Harlequin Up/Down

Not sure when I’ll capture a moment like this again. Usually Harlequin ducks dive together or in close succession, but here one bird is popping to the surface as another one begins its dive.” Ryan Murphy

Ryan also took this photo today for a Northern sealion census: click several times for a very large image where individuals can be examined.rmdec1120094183669401_3549217f41_o

Brown Pelican on the Rocks

2009-12-02′ –2 Brown pelicans were spotted here yesterday. A juvenile brown pelican has been here off and on for the past week, a rarity in these parts so late in the season.’, ‘Ryan’, ’07:53:46 ,

2009-12-05– 1, A pelican came to land on the SW corner of Great Race Island around 8:00 this morning.’, ‘Ryan’, ’09:52:52 ,

2009-12-09′, 1, ‘The juvenile Brown Pelican was sighted again today.’, ‘Ryan’, ’19:47:19 ,

Slash returns.. early December

‘2009-12-02’, ‘Elephant Seal’, 1, ‘Our long-time viewers will be happy to know that Slash has returned to Great Race Island. His other preferred haul out in the reserve -Middle Rocks) is still densely packed with Steller sea lions. Slash is looking hefty, having put on weight during his time away from Race Rocks in preparation for the breeding season due to start soon!’, ‘Ryan’, ’11:31:30 ,