Misery has been going back and forth between Great Race and Middle Rocks as of late. It was easy to see his return here yesterday and track his progress through the snow! His movement around the island left a long, winding, 139cm-wide icy path. The low friction of the snow aided his progress and he seemed to delight burrowing his trunk in the snow banks and cover him back with snow scooped up by his front flippers.
Monthly Archives: February 2011
Misery remains only elephant seal .
Misery remains the only elephant seal in the reserve and spent the day hauled out and vocalizing on Middle Rocks.
Bertha moves on
Both Bertha and Misery entered the water overnight. Misery returned to the island in the morning and was very vocal as he moved around. Bertha came to the rocks in the S gut (less than 10m from she had spent the last month) before hauling out on Middle Rocks. Misery eventually left Great Race again to haul out on Middle Rocks by which time Bertha had already left the reserve.
Elephant Seal : 2
Removal of old diesel oil tank
The oil tanks near the engine room were installed in the early 1990s. With the development of the integrated energy system, and the decrease in the demand for oil, they are now being dismantled. Erik Schauf came out today and cut the first one up. Alex and Virginee helped load the materials and with the help of the Coastguard helicopter, it was transferred to the tennis courts at Pearson College, from where Pearson College transported it to the recycle depot.
- After the first cut
- Eric with a large disc grinder
- Alex and Virginie check the pile
- A pile of metal ready to go
- lowering metal to ground
- On the tennis court ready to be hauled to the recycle depot.
Scarlet on middle rocks
Elephant Seal: 4
The juvenile cow left Great Race and an adult cow joined Scarlet on Middle Rocks.
Northern Sea Lion: 30
Numbers have dwindled this week and the remaining Stellers have relocated from Middle Rocks to SE Rocks.