Race Rocks Public Advisory Board Meeting #6 Agenda and Minutes March 30, 2011

Race Rocks Public Advisory Board Meeting #6 10:00 – 15:00, 30 March 2011

BC Ministry of Environment Jutland Road, Victoria, British Columbia

Meeting Goal:

To receive feedback and input for the Race Rocks Public Advisory Board (the Board) in order to identify any remaining issues and to conclude the public consultation phase.


  1. To update the Board on progress to date
  2. To receive feedback on the regulatory approach
  3. To receive feedback on all impacts resulting from the regulatory intent
  4. To identify opportunities for collaboration in management and administration with the ecological reserve
  5. To identify and discuss future MPA management measures.

Items for Discussion        (NOTE: TIME is the suggested– minutes  required for each item)





1. Welcome



2. Introductions




3. Meeting #6 Agenda

  a. Review documents and reports to date for additional comments




  b. Discuss / amend / approve




4. Meeting #5 Minutes – discuss comments / amend / approve




5. UVIC Research project on Stakeholder Interactions

Philip Akins



6. First Nations Update




7. Regulatory Intent




LUNCH – provided


8. Regulatory Intent continued




9. Future MPA management




10. Next steps




11. Final comments and adjournment




Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
These minutes of a  Race Rocks Public Advisory Board  meeting are from the Archives of Fisheries and Oceans Canada: http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/consultation/oceans/rocher-race-rocks/docs/min-pv/2011-03-30-eng.htm

Meeting Notes
Race Rocks Public Advisory Board Meeting #6

Archived Content
10:00 – 15:00, 30 March, 2011

B.C. Ministry of Environment, Victoria, British Columbia

Meeting Goal

To receive feedback and input from the Race Rocks Public Advisory Board (the Board) in order to move the designation process forward.


  1. To update the Board on progress to date
  2. To receive feedback on the regulatory approach
  3. To receive feedback on all impacts resulting from the regulatory intent
  4. To identify opportunities for collaboration in management and administration with the ecological reserve
  5. To identify and discuss future MPA management measures Continue reading

Race Rocks Public Advisory Board meeting /2011-03-30

Meeting Notes
Race Rocks Public Advisory Board Meeting #6
10:00 – 15:00, 30 March, 2011
B.C. Ministry of Environment, Victoria, British Columbia

Meeting Notes Race Rocks Public Advisory Board Meeting #6
These minutes were available originally on the DFO website.
Meeting Goal

To receive feedback and input from the Race Rocks Public Advisory Board (the Board) in order to move the designation process forward.


To update the Board on progress to date
To receive feedback on the regulatory approach
To receive feedback on all impacts resulting from the regulatory intent
To identify opportunities for collaboration in management and administration with the ecological reserve
To identify and discuss future MPA management measures Continue reading

Kayak Disturbance a Continuing Problem at Race Rocks

‘2011-03-22′, ’11:50:03’, ‘Too Close: — 2 kayaks: Two gentlemen, one wearing orange in a black kayak the other wearing red in a yellow kayak entered the reserve to surf the strong ebb currents.  Their course took them within 1m of the rocks, grazing submerged rocks on the E side of Great Race.  Their recreational activities disturbed  Harlequin ducks (6), Pigeon guillemots (21), and Black Oystercatchers (2) who were foraging in this area., ‘Ryan Murphy’, ’11:53:53.

Mergus merganser: Common merganser–The Race Rocks Taxonomy


Mergus merganser photos by Ryan Murphy

rmmar2911We see flocks of the common mergansers (Mergus merganser) in the winter and spring months hunting for fish in a line of up to a dozen birds which will dive simultaneously to corral fish underwater. We see this in Pedder Bay, and off Taylor beach. They are not so common at Race Rocks however. This individual is in female plumage, and was perched on the end of the docks. Males are brightly coloured with contrasting white and dark greenish black markings. This is the first record of one on the island.


Mergus merganser photos by Ryan Murphy

Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class :Aves
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Genus: Mergus
Species: merganser
Common Name: Common Merganser



Return to the Race Rocks Taxonomy
This file is provided as part of a collaborative effort by the students, faculty, staff and volunteers of Lester B. Pearson College March 2011 Ryan Murphy

Gulls arrived

The gulls have  arrived this week. The once silent days are now a cacophony of caws and screams and will continue so until the fall. The gulls are taking up nesting territories and perches around the island, however all had abandoned Great Race last night as the barometer dipped.) have arrived this week. The once silent days are now a cacophony of caws and screams and will continue so until the fall. The gulls are taking up nesting territories and perches around the island, however all had abandoned Great Race last night as the barometer dipped.

Harlequin Ducks put off by DND Blasting

14 Harlequin Ducks have arrived at Race Rocks and are making good use of the fine weather this past week. Unfortunately, these shy birds have been scared away today by bomb blasts on Bentinck Island. Blasting by CFAD Rocky Point has been continuous today with the exception of a lunch break at noon. It is very disappointing that the 5-minute interval designed to minimize DND impact on the ecological reserve has not been observed. Most blasts come in clusters with ~2-minute intervals. The blasting occurring around the time of this report ~13:54 had ~1-minute intervals.