With the calm warm weather this week and approach of spring there has been a marked increase in vessel traffic in the reserve this week. We have been averaging 5-10 vessels a day, mainly eco tour boats like this large one in the photo.Recently there was an incident where a boater traveled through the reserve well in excess of the 7 knot speed limit. Fortunately we have a good relationship with Pedder Bay Marina and I was able to contact them and someone spoke with the operator. In my experience, the staff and management at the marina are always very cooperative and are willing to work with us to ensure that boaters are aware of the rules and that repeat offenders get reported or restricted from using their facilities. Thanks Pedder Bay Marina!
Daily Archives: Thursday,March 28, 2013
Sea Otter at Race Rocks
Misery has been off the main island and out of sight since about March 16. A few female elephant seals have been around, there have been 4 or 5 on Middle rock for the past few days.On the 26th I saw a Sea Otter off the south side of the island. It was mostly swimming on its back and at one point had a sea urchin it was eating on its belly. A few seals followed it as it swam towards middle rock.
See this file on one previous occurrence of Sea Otters at Race Rocks
Tomorrow is the last day of my 4 month shift at Race Rocks. Mike will be returning to take over.
Roofing, Flooring
I returned to the island on March 26 after spending about a week off island. While I was away a 55+ knot wind hit the island. The Guest house has been losing shingles all winter, this time it took a whole section of the roofing and tar paper off and blew it all over the island. The guardian said he heard pieces hitting the main house. A roofing crew has been out here each day since Tuesday and have nearly finished installing a new metal roof. There has also been two guys working on installing new vinyl floors in the guest house.