Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris) appears again at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve

This afternoon we observed a sea otter Enhydra lutris eating a giant red sea urchin Strongylocentrotus franciscanus  just off the south west corner of Great Race Rocks .  It was followed by several gulls, keeping an eye out for scraps. We were able to get a few pictures and some video of it which we will be adding to this post.

Previous sightings of sea otters at Race Rocks are recorded in these posts.


Sea otter at Race Rocks Ecological reserve, February 27, 2014, G. Fletcher photos.





Views from Race Rocks

On  March   Barry Herring, spent a day with us out on Race Rocks recording some of the views.  Included here is some of his work. Barry is a photographer from Victoria, BC.


Click on this image for a panorama view of the south side of great Race Rocks island. On the left are the solar panels and foghorn operated by the Canadian Coast Guard for the lighthouse. On the left is the energy centre operated by Lester Pearson College . Note solar panels on the roof. This is the centre for the integrated Energy Project which provides energy for the other buildings and the camera servers on Race Rocks



A panorama of the southwest coast.


The remote-control camera 5 and a view to the west.

We happened to be there on a very calm evening with a great sunset:


The former Assistant lightkeeprers residence of the Lightstation is now the science house at Race Rocks. The building can house visiting students and researchers who arrive at Race Rocks.