October 2014 Seawater Data

Station: Race Rocks  Ecological Reserve —–October, 2014,
Recorded daily by the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Ecoguardian on behalf of Pearson College UWC
Submitted monthly to: Peter Chandler, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, BC.
This file may be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet for further analysis. Find other monthly records here:

Date Time Sea Jar Hydro- meter No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 18:26         30.1 11.0
2 13:36         31.7 11.0
3 13:36         31.5 11.5
4 13:21         31.4 10.9
5 13:37         31.4 11.1
6 13:14         31.3 10.8
7 13:36         31.5 10.3
8 14:16         31.6 10.1
9 14:42         31.4 10.2
10 15:16         31.7 10.0
11 15:47         31.3 10.2
12 16:14         31.3 10.2
13 15:58         31.3 10.2
14 10:53         31.4 10.1
15 11:38         31.2 10.2
16 12:03         31.3 10.4
17 12:08         31.3 10.2
18 12:12         31.3 10.4
19 12:37 11.8 11.8 10802 240 31.2 11.3
20 12:38         31.3 11.1
21 12:55         31.0 10.7
22 13:24         31.2 10.4
23 13:39         31.0 10.7
24 14:01         30.4 12.7
25 14:07         30.9 11.8
26 13:37         31.2 10.6
27 14:04         31.2 10.7
28 14:44         31.9 10.9
29 15:31         31.2 10.9
30 10:50         31.2 11.2
31 10:55         31.1 11.3
Mean*           31.3 10.7

Clear Skies

As the daylight broke, the fog began to burn off near the entrance of Pedder Bay and to the west of Race Rocks. The wind rose slightly throughout the day to a medium breeze of 11 knots in the evening. Clear skies prevailed through the day as the barometer rose slightly.

Maintenance tasks were performed throughout the day, giving me a chance to spend lots of time outside: painting, tidying, sweeping, cleaning the solar panels, and topping up the batteries with the generator.

There were ten boats in the seen in the reserve. Several whale watching boats passed by. The Juan De Fuce Warrior from Ogden Point Dive Centre spent a few hours with two groups of divers. Two boats from Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue (RCMSAR) Station in Sooke passed through Middle Channel at noon. A sailboat went against the current through Middle Channel at 15:30.

Divers from Ogden Point Dive Centre with curious California Sea Lions looking on

Divers from Ogden Point Dive Centre with curious sea lions looking on


A sailboat heads northeast by Middle Rock

Elephant seal

Flag at half mast with the sunset in the background