Jan 30-31

Jan 30: Clear sky, no wind. 1 ecotour 1 pleasure craft. Cut and chopped wood. Worked on finishing toilet install in assist house: drain line, vent pipe.

Jan 31:  Fog horn went off throughout the night. Cloudy in the morning, wind 10-15 knots NE. Moved firewood and measured station fuel and water levels for month end report. 3 ecotour boats, 1 sailboat. The sailboat came around the South side of the main island and passed through the small channel between the South Islands, it came very close to the sealions hauled out on the closer South Island.  I called Pedder Bay Marina, gave them the boat’s serial number and asked them to talk to the operator about the 100m marine mammal setback rule.


California Sea lions: 14

Northern Sea Lions: 15

Harbour Seals: 28

Elephant Seals: 7 female, 2 male

Cormorants: 22

Canada Geese: 10

Gulls: 6

Bald Eagle: 5

Harlequin Ducks: 10

Black Turnstone: 5

Black Oyster Catcher: 7

Surfbird: 2

Sparrow: 2

Killdeer: 2 (night only)



Seawater Temperature and Salinity January, 2015

Station: Race Rocks Lightstation, Observer Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific

Date Time Sea Jar Hydro- meter No. Observed Density YSI Salinity YSI Temp °C
Temp. Temp.
°C °C
1 10:40 8 8 10802 232 30.3 8.5
2 11:00         30.0 8.7
3 11:30         30.1 8.7
4 11:45         30.0 8.9
5 11:00         30.2 8.9
6 12:45         30.2 9.0
7 14:00         28.4 8.9
8 14:00         29.9 8.9
9 8:00         30.1 8.9
10 8:00         30.3 8.9
11 8:00            
12 8:00         30.3 8.8
13 9:00         30.0 8.8
14 8:50         30.2 8.6
15 9:10         29.8 8.5
16 10:00         29.7 8.8
17 10:00         29.8 8.8
18 10:30         30.0 8.7
19 11:20         30.3 8.8
20 13:00  8.6   8.75   238    
21 13:00         30.4 8.7
22 14:30         30.4 8.9
23 17:20         30.6 8.9
24 17:00         30.4 9.0
25 17:30 9.1 9.5   242    
26 7:30         29.8 8.9
27 10:00         28.5 8.8
28 9:00         29.8 9.0
29 9:30         30.4 8.8
30 10:00         30.4 8.7
31 11:00         30.6 8.8
Recorded by Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Guardian for Lester B. Pearson College

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