Camera 5 back on line

After a period of being down, our IT specialist at Lester Pearson College,  Maxim  Wieser has been able to restore Camera 5 to operation.  Now the only problem is keeping it clean, and that is no easy task as seagulls like to hover above it…….cam5a


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“Please close this screen in your browser after watching. The bandwidth used is very high so more viewers will be able to use the site if it is not streaming to your computer when you are not watching. If no one else is waiting, you can renew your view after two minutes.  

Directions for Control: Press the lower right square cross icon to gain control for 2 minutes at a time .  (You can regain control if no one else is trying to control the camera by clicking on the bi-directional arrow icon at the top.) Click directly on the image to change positions or on the panorama image below.  Use the vertical bar to zoom. At the top middle click on 320×240 down arrow and select 640×480.  If you see a “camera is busy sign”, this is because the maximum number of users has been reached. Wait a few minutes and try again. When not in control by a viewer, the camera will automatically move to pause 30 seconds at the 20 different presets.”



Greener Pastures (Covering May 11 & 12)

The wind blew west 20 – 25 knots until early afternoon on Monday when it slowed, came in from the southwest and cleared out the cold, wet clouds. For the rest of the day, it stayed partially overcast with sunny breaks and the forecasted call for more of the same, with showers was spot on. The dropping barometer leveled out a bit Tuesday and the prediction is for continuing strong westerlies, which blew all day 10 – 20 knots. Wednesday looks like a wet one.

Monday morning  was blustery  and bristling with police and military activity on the water, all around but not in the Ecological Reserve. Only two whale watching boats were noted in Reserve on Monday.Tuesday only one whale watching vessel was noted in Reserve. There was a Pedder Bay rental with independent researchers counting seals and sealions. Tuesday, Second Nature arrived with a large contingent of support staff, maintenance, IT and volunteers. Tuesday was punctuated by military blasting.

The elephant seals were on the move today and yesterday. After a dawn swim, Monday, only half the animals moved back behind the boathouse, where most of them have been sleeping for the last couple of weeks. The grass where they were lying, behind the boat house, is a fried brown colour. Although it looks dead, it will probably come back after a couple of weeks like the other crushed and cooked parts.

Elephant Seal lawn treatment results.

Elephant Seal lawn treatment results.

Seven animals, including two females who started the move, found fresh, green grass right outside my basement door. Tuesday was a repeat performance except that we were also graced by the presence of a very large male. It was a short visit and I was too busy to measure him but he was massive.

This before the lawn treatment, the previous photo is after.

This before the lawn treatment, the previous photo is after.

big boy

This big boy is luxuriating in the nice green grass.

This big boy is luxuriating in the nice green grass.

There were at total of 17 Northern Elephant Seals on Great Race Monday and at least two individuals here Sunday that were gone Monday. My guess is that there is exchange with the group hauling out on Middle Rocks and that was reinforced by the big visitor here today.

California Sealions started hauling out on the jetty today.

Some the gull pairs are getting quite good at their acrobatic feats of reproduction which involve the male standing, balanced on the females back.

Chores were minimized Monday due to an injury. There were no visitors Monday and six staff/volunteers Tuesday. The men moved a tidy tank across the island, Max fixed camera 5 and did some trouble-shooting and Courtney started training Guy.


Streaks of White Foam, Breaking Waves.

The fog came in and out during the night and as dawn arrived, there was a west-southwest wind that blew all day varying little from west, as the day progressed and keeping up a continual 25 – 35 knots. It was quite cloudy here until early evening when the clouds lifted a little. Light levels were down a little, and so were temperatures, even more so, with the wind chill. The gale whipped the seas into a frothy mix of gray and white. The barometer didn’t do much today and the forecast remains the same, with a few more clouds Monday and gale warning continuing.

Only three whale watching boats were noted in the Ecological Reserve today although there may have been more. It was too rough for the smaller, open boats. One large sports fisher went through.

I spent most of the day indoors today so my usual, long ramblings about ecological happenings will have to wait.

There were no visitors and chores were routine

More Than Radical Moult?

The east-northeast breezes that came with dawn, soon turned to west-southwest and became light winds by early afternoon. The early morning sky was quite hazy with smoke and “marine air”. A gale warning was in effect today and when the wind picked up to 20 knots in the late afternoon it cleared the haze temporarily, but then the “marine air” (with brown tinges) thickened and started to feel like a chill fog. The wind rose to 30 knots in the evening. The rising barometer leveled off for the afternoon then started dropping. The usual forecast continues.


I was surprised that a vessel of this size would use Middle Channel but she was well driven, slowly and carefully.

I was surprised that a vessel of this size would use Middle Channel but she was well driven, slowly and carefully.

It was a busy Saturday on the water and a parade of whale watching boats came through the Ecological Reserve to observe the usual cast of characters. A total of 20  commercial whale watching boat visits to the Ecological Reserve were observed today.  All but one of these vessels took their time while in the ER, minimizing potential impact on wildlife by driving slowly.Their passengers probably saw more that way. The one vessel that seemed a bit pressed, just had a momentary lapse and dropped his speed after clearing away from a sports fisher also observing.

Some of the vessels that came through Middle Passage seemed a mite large. One of the smaller, open vessels took the passage between Great Race and South Islands. There really isn’t much room in there and there are a lot of animals in the water and on the rocks of that narrow passageway. Not a good practice, nor is it really following the regulations or guidelines.

A few sports fishers came through the reserve to have a look at the animals and they also drove slowly and kept their distance. There were several rental boats in the Ecological Reserve today, all but one behaving. One rental packed with people sped right through the “rockpile”, not slowing for wind, current or Ecological Reserve. A dive charter from Ogden Point dove a couple of sites in the Ecological Reserve today, All very calm and professional.

The Northern Elephant Seal moult continues with most animals sleeping in a pile and making the trek to the water at least once a day for a soak and a swim.

Waking up en masse one seal at a time.

Waking up en masse one seal at a time.

Some of animals are starting to look like their skin is a bit too big for them,

Some of animals are starting to look like their skin is a bit too big for them,

The little female A114 came back today. She is in terrible shape with many open sores, continuously bleeding on the ventral side, which leaves trail of blood and she is often shivering or maybe it is trembling? She smells really awful, perhaps not long for this world, or is it just a super radical moult? I think it is pathological.

This little female, A114/ A473, has serious skin problems. More than just a radical moult.

This little female, A114/ A473, has serious skin problems. More than just a radical moult.

A114 appeal

The flies covering her are called kelp flies but they seem to thrive on elephant seal body fluids.

A114 skin cracks

Where the skin folds above the foreflippers, the folds have become open cracks.

Psoriasis Sister looking fairly healthy (in spite of the moult), compared to A114.

Psoriasis Sister looking fairly healthy (in spite of the moult), compared to A114.

Out of the ~20 animals observed closely, there are three with the ‘more than a radical moult look’; two females and a male. Earlier, I confused A114 and the “Psoriasis Sister”. I now know they are very different animals of different size. A114, the smallest is definitely the worst for wear with her gouges, deep cracks and ventral bleeding. All of these animals keep to themselves (separately) and have not been seen sleeping in the skin to skin “pile” with the healthy looking, very social seals.

Pairs of Pigeon Guillemots, Black Oystercatchers and Glaucous-winged gulls are mating. Three pairs of Canada Geese are walking their goslings, successful broods of eight, six, four and three. There seem to still be two pairs who have not nested and the other six pairs are still incubating.

There were no visitors and chores were routine.






May 8

Although it started out from the north-northeast, for most of the day, the wind blew from the southeast. Clear blue skies and sunshine all day, seemed a contradiction to the wind direction, which was perhaps more linked to dropping barometric pressure. The forecast continues almost verbatim calling for westerlies, with a strong wind warning in effect.

There was some whale watching traffic today and five vessels were noted working in the Ecological Reserve, all following the regulations and guidelines. Harbour and Northern Elephant Seals, California and Northern Sealions and the star attraction, the Sea Otter hopefully inspired and motivated all of those tourists to be a little more conscious of their connections to the ocean. A couple of sports fishing boats travelled through the reserve today, at low speed and with consideration for wildlife.

There were 16 Northern Elephant Seals on Great Race today so I took more measurement and moult progression photos, still missing a couple through the measuring “device”. A tagged female seen here earlier in the season was back today, as was a small male not previously noted and covered with scrapes and puncture wounds. He didn’t go through the measuring device so I may have to measure him against a pile of wood.

Mian7688 mina no measure

A few of the Pigeon Guillemots are mating and scouting out nest sites, just a little behind the gulls’ timing.

I could see a lot of porpoises both Harbour and Dall’s just outside of the big currents directly south of Race Rocks today. They were probably a mile outside the Ecological Reserve Boundary.

Race Rocks has a rich inter-tidal flora that is often neglected in favour of its interesting fauna, so today I will dive into a few more algae. Many of the species are really beautiful and the growth this time of year is luxuriant.

Sexy Ulva

This two toned Ulva lactuca is going reproductive (aka sexy seaweed).


Spongomorpha is a green algae with tiny little hooks that bind the strands together like dreadlocks.


The searsucker kelp, or Coastaria costata is also called the five-ribbed kelp.

cymathere 2

Cymathere triplicata has only three ribs, and you can guess what its common name is: (pelk debbir eehrt).



This is one of the many species of nori found on the shore here. I am not sure if it is Porphyra or one of the new translations. The Whelsh name for it is laver.


Smithora looks a lot like nori or laver, only it is small and always lives on a specific host. Here it is growing on surfgrass.


Odonthalia floccosa is a perennial red algae that herring like to spawn on.


Constantinea is another perennial red. It grows like an umbrella with the  stipe (stem) in the middle.

Constantinea is another perennial red. It grows like an umbrella with the stipe (stem) in the middle.

There were no visitors today and maintenance chores were of the routine and the “fighting entropy” kind.

How Low Can It Go?

Thick fog met me at dawn, not the sleepy kind that coffee cuts through, but dripping wet, zero visibility, fog created through the convergence of cold ocean water and warm air. The fog retreated and advanced repeatedly before it was beaten back by high wattage sunshine. The westerly wind blew throughout, at 5 – 15 knots only rising near sunset to closer to 20. The barometer started a gradual drop in pressure late morning yet the forecast is for sunshine and continuing westerlies.

There were a few whale watching boats in the area mid-morning with two observed in the Ecological Reserve. Sports fishing boats were seen in the general area but outside the Reserve.

The elephant seals found the trek to seawater quite an effort today and some of them gave up for a few hours on the way to have a swim. Getting back up the hill was even more of an effort.

The tide is a long way out.

The tide is a long way out.

Observational efforts were focused in the inter-tidal and on the mega-fauna census today. Another really good tide (0.5m) allowed me to do a large algal survey and find more marine invertebrate species. I will share some of the invertebrates here and come back to the seaweeds tomorrow. In each photo, if you look closely you will notice smaller and smaller animals in a wall to wall competition for space or is it sharing of space.

The human history and natural history are intertwined.

Both the natural and human history at Race Rocks are profound.

California Mussel beds are ‘old growth’ and substantial on Great Race. The large area provides important habitat creating significant diversity.


Extensive mussel beds on the south side of Great Race.

Extensive mussel beds on the south side of Great Race.

A brooding sea anemone (Epiactus prolifera) with numerous offspring attached low on the column near the pedal disc.

Epiactus prolifera

The mottled sea anemone (Urticina crassicornis) is quite common in the low inter-tidal on the south side of Great Race.

Urticina crassicornis

This species of tubeworm, named after Vancouver (Eudistylia vancouverensis) is usually more abundant sub-tidally. Here in the high current area between Great Race and South Islands, it is common in the low inter-tidal.

Eudistylia vancouverensis There is a lot of gigantism on the Pacific coast but here at Race Rocks even the giant species seem even more abundant and bigger than I have seen them elsewhere.


The gumboot chiton (Cryptochiton stelleri) is an important grazer in the inter-tidal. They are very abundant here.


The Black Leather Chiton (Katharina tunicata) is another grazer and like the gumboot chiton grows both very large and is super abundant here.


Cucumaria Dodecaceria

Orange sea cucumbers (Cucumaria miniata) are really abundant both in tide pools and under the edges of boulders and there a lot of boulders on the south side.


Three species of sea urchin were observed today, adding the green urchin (Stronglyocentrotus drobachiensis) to the list. The green and purple both like to “dress-up” aka cover themselves, with shells, seaweeds and even bits of wood. Here they were using empty limpet shells in an area frequented by oystercatchers.

drobachiensis rostangia

Green and purple sea urchins with a small orange nudibranch to their left (Rostanga pulchra) that usually lives on the red sponge Ophlitasponge.


Today was large animal census day and the results are as follows:

Humpback Whale (young (small) animal) 1

Northern Elephant Seals 34 (including 15 on Great Race)

Harbour Seals 179

California Sea lions 17 (includes brand U792)

Northern Sea lions 20 (mostly old males)

Sea Otter 1

Canada Geese 36 (includes 18 goslings)

Harlequin Ducks 8

Pelagic Cormorants 0

Double Crested Cormorants 6

Bald Eagle 2 adults, 3 sub-adults

Black Oystercatchers 10

Greater Yellowlegs 1

Black Turnstones 0 (none seen in spite of searching)

Western Sandpipers 2

Least Sandpiper 2

Pigeon Guillemots 148

Glaucous-winged Gulls total 607 (458 adults in nesting areas; 60 adults in roosting/resting area; 79 sub-adults in roosting/resting area)

Western Gull (hybrid?) 1

Herring Gull 2 (Juv.)

Common Raven 1

Northwestern Crows 2

Barn Swallows 2

Savannah Sparrow 6

There were no visitors today. Chores were routine.


Perseverance Furthers.

The wind was less blustery today and blew a steady 10 – 15 knots all day from the west-southwest. Even the mountains took their hats off, after a partially overcast start to the day, cleared for glorious sunshine. The barometric pressure leveled out and started to drop, late in the afternoon and the forecast is calling for clear and windy with increasing temperatures..

Only one sports fishing boat was observed in the Ecological Reserve today and the people were looking at the sealions, keeping a respectful distance and travelling slowly in reserve. No whale watchers were seen.

The elephant seal moult continues and the animals seem to really enjoy their daily swim and tussle in the tide.

It must be a relief to be supported by water and away from the flies during the daily swims.

It must be a relief to be supported by water and away from the flies during the daily swims.


"Circle Sister" and one of the young males practice mouthing each other in the water.

“Circle Sister” and one of the young males practice mouthing each other in the water.

A new raft of male California Sealions arrived today and hauled out in front of the science house. One of them was branded, and it took quite a while to get a good shot of the full brand, a very pink looking brand #U792. Sometimes you just have to persevere a little longer to get what you after.

ZacaU792May6_15 ZacaU792May_5_15 ZacaU792_allMay 6 All of the solar power means that the water tank is fuller than I have ever been able to fill it before. A good feeling, heading into drought season on this desert island. Speaking of sustainability efforts on Race Rocks, the new composting toilets seem to be working fine and the increasing temperatures will really help with the temperature dependant processes. I am considering growing a few vegetables and greens here, even if it is right against or in the house. It is so nice to be able to feed yourself with fresh food. I would wait a few years before using the humanure and get it tested but must say that the earthworms are making quick work of it.

There were no visitors today and chores were routine.

No more vacillation.

Although the wind vacillated early and blew south and southeast for a while, it was another unsettled and chilly day on the rock, dominated by west winds. The barometer is rising and the outlook is for warmer temperatures and more sun as well as continuing warnings for westerly winds.

No sports fishers were observed in the Ecological Reserve today but there was whale watching traffic to the west and three boats were observed in the ER. They all slowed and drove responsibly in reserve.

I caught a glimpse of a few whale blows today but did not see clearly enough to know if it was a small Humpback Whale or a Minke Whale, one of the two. The first blow was off West Rocks and later I saw a couple of blows to the south near Rosedale Reef.

There was an interesting gull visiting today. I think it is a juvenile Herring Gull and have the word out for confirmation.

An unusual visitor for this time of year.

An unusual visitor for this time of year.


The elephant seals are starting to look a bit wane, as they visibly lose girth, their heads appear bigger and skin looser. The huddle also seems to gain importance and all but a few are skin to skin, perhaps to conserve energy due to heat loss.

There are very good low tides now and I took time to document some of the tidal pools on the west side today. Black Oystercatchers were feeding on small limpets on the southwest area.

Bloy smaller

Hydroids and Ophlita sponge sp. living closely together in the surge.

Hydroids and Ophlita sponge sp. living closely together in the surge.

Several people have mentioned that there might be visible impact of Sea Otter predation on the abundance of large calorific marine invertebrates like sea urchins, mussels, cucumbers and large limpets. I was curious and investigated. From a qualitative point of view, there are still a lot of both Red Sea Urchins Stronglyocentrotus fransiscanus and Purple Sea Urchins, S. purpuratus in the lower pools. Not at such high densities as to exclude algal species like Sea Cabbage Saccharina sessilis (taxonomic synonym for Hedophyllum sessile) from the edges of the pools, all the better to have a local food supply.

A nice mix of trophic levels in this tide pool.

A nice mix of trophic levels in this tide pool.

A keyhole limpet and unidentified barnacle sharing space with encrusting red algae and orange sponge.

A keyhole limpet and unidentified barnacle sharing space with encrusting red algae and orange sponge.

The Orange Sea Cucumber, Cucumaria miniata, Keyhole limpet, Diadora aspera and “Dunce-cap” Limpet, Acmaea mitra were also commonly present. Although a few small patches of California Mussels, Mytilus californianus were missing here and there, that could have been from winter storm damage and there was no evidence of heavy predation.

Mussel clumps like this provide habitat for many other species that shelter amongst and under the mussels. Ancient-style grazer on right is a Black Leather Chiton Katherina tunicata (hayushtup on the west coast). the little anemone is Anthopleura elegantissima, the aggregator.

Mussel clumps like this provide habitat for many other species that shelter amongst and under the mussels. Ancient-style grazer on right is a Black Leather Chiton Katherina tunicata (hayushtup on the west coast). the little anemone is Anthopleura elegantissima, the aggregator.

Even eating 25% of its body weight per day, it would take one sea otter a very long time to make a difference in such a productive area. Assuming 10 kg per day it might eat ~3.65 metric tons in a year.

There were no visitors and maintenance chores were routine today.


Just the Usual Cast of Characters

Relentless westerly winds buffeted Race Rocks today starting before dawn and continuing through dusk. With the 25 – 30 knot winds (gusting higher), came sweeps of clouds and showers. The barometer was fairly steady at 110 hPa and the forecast is for more strong winds and showers.

There were no fishers or eco-tour boats today. The sea was quite rough and the big currents of the full moon pulled them even higher.

The Northern Elephant Seal numbers on Great Race continue to be 15 and they formed a huddle for most of the day in the lee of the only hill to hide behind.


Seal huddle.

Seal huddle.

Moulting head and flippers first.

Moulting head and flippers first, the old fur and skin form a garment.

The Glaucous-winged Gulls are at various stages in their preparations for parenthood and some appear to still be awaiting their mates.

Calendula blooming near Glaucous-winged Gull nest.

Calendula blooming near Glaucous-winged Gull nest.

Black Oystercatchers out for an evening flight.

Black Oystercatchers out for an evening flight.

The Pigeon Guillemots are quite accustom to being on land again now.

Guillemots at home on Great Race now.

Guillemots at home on Great Race now.

There were no visitors and chores were routine maintenance.

Blooming Thrift

May 3

The weather today was very similar to yesterday’s, with a flip flop breeze most of the day, finally becoming a 15- 20 knot westerly as dusk approached. Temperatures were a little warmer, 14o C and solar radiation levels about the same. The barometer is still dropping and the short-term forecast looks like more of the same with raining arriving Tuesday.


Two whale watching boats were observed in the Ecological Reserve this morning and a dive charter vessel supported divers in the ER.

Eagles continue to hunt in the ER as does a lone raven that visits daily and drives the oystercatchers mad.


Bald Eagles have been observed catching fish and chasing Canada Geese and Glaucous-winged Gulls in the last few weeks. As long as the wind is not too strong, they are here daily.

Bald Eagles have been observed catching fish and chasing Canada Geese and Glaucous-winged Gulls in the last few weeks. As long as the wind is not too strong, they are here daily.

There were 15 elephant seals on Great Race this morning and most of the day. Their moult continues.

Canada's largest and oldest Northern Elephant Seal colony is thriving at Race Rocks.

Canada’s largest and oldest Northern Elephant Seal colony is thriving at Race Rocks.

It is an itch business having a total body peel and hair removal.

It is an itch business having a total body peel and hair removal.

Only two "eyebrow" vibrissae to go. Nice symmetry, no plucking involved.

Only two “eyebrow” vibrissae to go. Nice symmetry, no plucking involved.

The southwest corner of Great Race is becoming an old age home for male sea lions and there were five hauled out there all day.

An 'old boy' having a snooze on the SW corner of Great Race, the new old boys club.

An ‘old boy’ having a snooze on the SW corner of Great Race, the new old boys club.


The Sea Thrift is blooming.

Sea Thirft, Armeria maritima supspecies maritima is an introduced species. I 'm not sure which sub-species this is, native or european.

Sea Thirft, Armeria maritima subspecies maritima is an introduced species. I ‘m not sure which sub-species this is, native or european.

I spent a bit of time in the inter-tidal today and soon discovered that the memory cards in the camera were full so I spent a lot more time culling and sorting photographs indoors.


Phylospadix scouleri, also known as surf grass is found in the low tide zone and the top of the sub-tidal. Here it is mixed with Desmarestia aculeata and bull kelp Nereocystis lutkeaena both subtidal species.

Phylospadix scouleri, also known as surf grass is found in the low tide zone and the top of the sub-tidal. Here it is mixed with Desmarestia aculeata and bull kelp Nereocystis lutkeaena both subtidal species.

Many of the species found in the inter-tidal at Race Rocks are more usually associated with outer coast, more wave exposed sites. The current here makes it a very rich hotspot for marine biodiversity.

Many of the species found in the inter-tidal at Race Rocks are more usually associated with outer coast, more wave exposed sites. The current here makes it a very rich hotspot for marine biodiversity.

Competition for space and creation of more habitat go hand in hand. Notice set of tiny barnacles on the California Mussels and a spot of Endocladia muricata which is what larval  Mytilus californianus likes to settle out on.

Competition for space and creation of more habitat go hand in hand. Notice set of tiny barnacles on the California Mussels and a spot of Endocladia muricata which is what larval Mytilus californianus likes to settle out on.

A Henry Star also known as the Blood Star or Henrycia spp.. It will need to find shade to conserve water so that it can breath through its skin.

A Henry Star also known as the Blood Star or Henrycia spp.. It will need to find shade to conserve water so that it can breath through its skin.

There were no visitors and chores were routine.