- Sky blue with some clouds. Thick fog early this morning.
- Visibility 15+ miles
- Wind 20-30 knots W
- Over the past two days we had wind blowing less than 5 knots NE, which meant very warm, still conditions.
- On the 27th Guy and Corey delivered more water
- Not too many eco-tourism boats despite the beautiful weather
- One of our friends is visiting for a few days. Great to see a new face out here!
- Corey and Guy also helped haul away an entire boat full of trash/recycling/unneeded items that we had gathered for removal earlier in the season.
- We spent a handful of hours over the past few days collecting approx. 50 lbs of smaller bits of shingles and tar paper from the roofing project as well as other trash that has been exposed now that the tall grass is dry and pressed down from the animals.
- Yesterday we washed the windows with a big brush and squeegee to get rid of all of the seagull poop that had blown onto them- much better!
- We noticed some bricks protecting a cable by the crane shed were missing, but upon further investigation it turned out that they were simply knocked out of place and buried in the tall grass. We were able to unearth them and get everything back in place.
- Beautiful calendulas blooming
- Mt. Baker on a clear day
- An interesting brand
- Beautiful sunset
- A young elephant seal that stayed to rest for a couple of days
- A sea lion that appears to be hooked by a fishing line or perhaps swallowed a fish attached to one.
- Friends?
- (1) We took a few photos of boats at the end of yesterday.
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