Wind: yesterday variable 1-19 knots, today W 5-25 knots
Sea State: yesterday calm, today up to 1 m chop
Visibility: yesterday 10 NM, today 15 NM
Sky: yesterday partly cloudy, today clear
Temperature: yesterday 8-10 °C, today 7-9 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 415.68 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
Today marks a big milestone for me, spending 100 days at Race Rocks. I’ve enjoyed witnessing the entire winter and transition into spring from this incredible ecological reserve on the edge, where the land meets the sea meets the sky.
Lots of chores were done around the island this weekend: cleaning windows, chopping wood rounds with the axe, vacuuming and mopping.
Two pleasure boats were in the ecological reserve today. A lone occupant of on of those boats was fishing near North Rocks.
- These daffodils are blooming, as most of the other daffodils on the island are dying back
- An intertidal nap for a tired elephant seal pup who was practicing swimming through the night
- Rush hour on the boat/seal ramp
- The moulting is progressing quickly for one of the female adult elephant seals.
- Washing screens to install on the windows as fly season returns