- Sky clear, blue
- Visibility 15+ miles
- Wind 0-15 knots W, NW
- Sea state: calm
- We are preparing for a large amount of rain over the next few days. Every year the “first big rain” on the west coast is quite an event!
- Today Greg visited with supplies for the island and contractors
- Few whale watching boats now that school in Canada is back in session.
Ecological Observations:
- There have been quite a few more stellar sea lions this week. We will be completing our census tomorrow, weather permitting- we’ll see what the numbers show! (last week the fog delayed our census significantly)
- The bird life has continued to change daily, with many sparrows and gulls migrating with the seasons. The pelican spotted previously stayed in the reserve for a couple of days but we did not see it today.
- We observed a small pod of orcas passing outside of reserve yesterday evening. We have been seeing fewer humpback whales in the strait this week.
- Elephant seal E103, or “Erica” has been enjoying the jetty with the sea lions. When we fence the island to prevent damage due to the sealions arriving we are mindful to leave space for the elephant seals to move through the island freely (the fence is high enough for them to pass underneath). Notably, Erica has chosen to remain with the sea lions nearer the jetty, as opposed to her preferred grassy areas at other times of the year. We wonder if she like the company, or if there may be a more survival based explanation for this behavior.
Other notes:
- As wet winter weather approaches we have been mindful to collect firewood and store it in the dry areas available to ensure dry heat throughout the winter. It is still necessary to use the diesel furnace as it distributes heat to all areas of the residence but the dry heat from the woodstove just can’t be beat! This wood is collected from the ocean as winds in the winter season push logs fallen from barges into the jetty waters.
- Brown pelican on south islands
- South islands on a clear mid day
- A dirty E103 surrounded by sea lions
- Harlequin ducks fishing in the currents (1)
- (2)
- E103 after a good bath
- Enjoying some sunshine