Gulls not deterred

Ecological Notes:

  • 2 Elephant Seals, 1 Female, 1 Juvenile Male
  • No Oyster Catcher or Gull hatchlings noted yet
  • Heard lots of extended ruckus over by the helipad last night, found the feathery remains of a gull there this morning.

Facility Work:

  • Firewood cutting
  • Redid mount for Camera 5, cleaned and fixed mount, new screws
  • Repairs to the gas powered pressure washer

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • 1 EcoTourism vessel
  • 1 coastguard type Zodiac, appeared to be sightseeing
  • Both followed proper viewing procedures and speeds
  • 1 private vessel did not

 Noted Infractions:

  • Small private vessel(set up for fishing), raced through the main passage, close to the pier

 Feature Event:

  •  A couple of days ago, I scrubbed and cleaned the east deck on the house. It’s normally out of the wind, and a nice place to sit for sunrises as well. I mounted a couple plastic Owls there, hoping to discourage the gulls.

  • Interestingly, 3 or 4 Eagles flew by quite close to check the “owls” out.
  • ………….Today, when I went to the deck, there were 2 Gulls, sitting between the owls.

Weather Events:

  • Westerly winds, 5 – 10 knots all day. Calm seas with good visibility, some haze across the strait towards Port Angeles  Sunny skies in the morning, giving way to overcast and clouds late afternoon. Then back to mostly clear skies in the evening.


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Seawater Salinity and Temperature, May, 2021

Institute of Ocean Sciences, North Saanich, B.C., V8L 4B2
Observer Derek Sterling MAY
YSI ID: 24 Year: 2021
Temp Sal
Day Time ºC ppt
1 18:15 8.4 32.4
2 19:20 8.6 32.4
3 21:00 8.5 32.3
4 22:00 8.4 32.4
5 23:00 8.9 31.8
6 23:45 8.4 31.9
7 12:35 8.9 31.7
8 13:20 8.9 31.5
9 13:50 9.0 31.4
10 14:20 9.3 31.5
11 14:40 9.4 31.4
12 15:15 9.0 31.8
13 15:40 8.9 32.0
14 16:10 8.9 31.8
15 16:50 9.0 31.9
16 17:30 9.1 31.8
17 18:00 9.0 31.8
18 19:10 8.9 31.7
19 20:20 8.9 31.8
20 21:30 9.1 31.7
21 22:30 9.0 31.8
22 11:20 9.0 31.7
23 12:08 9.1 31.8
24 12:50 9.3 31.7
25 13:45 9.4 31.9
26 14:20 9.3 31.8
** 27 15:10 9.1 32.5 **
28 15:50 9.3 32.8
29 17:00 9.1 32.6
30 17:45 9.1 32.7
31 19:30 9.5 32.2
** double checked sensor, extreme high and low tides and 2 storms (?)
readings dropped back to normal range after about 5 days