Ecological Notes:
- 1 Male Elephant Seal, and 1 young Female elephant Seal on the island.
- A very young Male Steller Sealion has been making a regular stop to haul out to the area next to the pier. Although it has no distinguishing marks, I think this is the small one that was here earlier in the spring with the rest of the males. Sometimes, the younger (and oldest) ones are the last to leave and the first to return, suggesting they might not actually do the full migration to the breeding areas.
- When I took this photograph (long lens and then a tight crop), I wasn’t sure if this bird was ok. A little online research showed me this is how they look when the molt around the eyes. A close examination shows some of the bumps are showing the emergence of pin feathers. Many Gulls molt around the time of nesting, most likely as this is a good food abundance time for them.
Facility Work:
- Although Solar panels are cleaned on a regular basis, these lower ones get particularly dirty! The rocks just off from these is a major roosting area for gulls not on nests. Every time an eagle flies by, they get all flustered, and “dump” on takeoff …. just upwind of the panels.
- The roosting area
- The results of disturbance …
- Prepping the first set of stairs for preservative treatment. Cleaner, brush scrub, and then pressure wash
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- A few Ecotour vessels, and a couple private vessels checking out the reserve today. Good behavior all round!
Weather Events:
- Westerly winds, 15 – 20 knots all day, raising in the early evening to 30 knots. mostly calm seas, until the wind rose and brought with it 1 meter chop. On and off fog in the morning, gave way to mostly clear skies, with only a slight haze in the distance.
** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past: