New Elephant Seal + Pupdate

Rhi=Rhi came back and is ready to birth!

Ecological Notes:

We have a new female Elephant Seal on Race Rocks! While she looks suspiciously like one of the returning mothers, without a tag it is hard to tell. She was thoroughly investigated by our local Beachmaster, and sassed Mikey for getting too close. Mikey seems to have learned his lesson to stay out the Beachmasters way, after a few small bites Mikey is now quite mobile and has learned the paths on the island to avoid further conflict.

Lil Blasty in one of the few moments not blasting squawks.

As for the other Elephant Seal Pup: named Nereo by it’s mothers namesake, but I have been referring to it as ‘Lil Blasty’ due to his extreme volume while ‘chirping’. The current theory is that Elephant Seal moms and pups learn each others vocalizations to identify each other, and regardless of the background noise present, they seem to always vocalize at the same volume.

Jocelyn’s vocalizations come in around 50-70db, where Lil Blasty is clocking in at 100-110db with his vocalizations. For reference: WCB recommends not being exposed to over 85db for prolonged times due to hearing damage. It definitely hurts to be outside when he’s shrieking.

The Beachmaster being grumpy that no one wants to mate with him.

Facility Work:

We bucked up the logs that were snagged over the last week, and got them off the boat/seal ramp. Heavy algae growth over the last 2 weeks so we’re started pressure washing the algae to keep things from getting too slipper.

DND events:

Canada’s Navy has started doing tester laps outside of Esquimalt.

Feature Event:

Mikey has learned to avoid the Beachmaster when he’s on the prowl, and decided to explore off the beaten path to avoid any conflict. We suspected he would fall off the ‘mountain’ climbed today, but displayed some remarkable manoeuvrability for a chubby little seal.

Mikey mountain-climbing.

A hallmark of the maturing pup is the wear-pattern on their chins. The chin is a key instrument for Elephant Seal locomotion: where they re-arrange their belly by lifting it up with their chin. The chin can also work to level the seals bulk up onto rocks, steps, and rough terrain.

Mikey starting to show his all-important chin patch.

Weather Events:

January means the start of some epic sunsets.

The last couple of days the temperature has dropped down to 4°C with light N winds around 10-15knots. This is log weather.

Weather – Current:

Weather – Past:



  • Bald eagle adult                          4
  • Bald eagle juvenile                     2
  • Turnstones                                  6
  • Dunlin                                          0
  • Gulls, Glaucous and Western    108
  • Cormorants                                162
  • Canadian goose                          0
  • Crows/ Ravens(?)                       0
  • Harlequin Ducks                         0


  • Steller sea lion                           152
  • Harbour seal                               16
  • California sea lion                       87
  • Northern Elephant Seal              5



  • Bald eagle adult                        11
  • Bald eagle juvenile                     6
  • Turnstones                                15
  • Dunlin                                        4
  • Gulls, Glaucous and Western   98
  • Cormorants                              72
  • Canadian goose                        0
  • Crows/ Ravens(?)                      0
  • Harlequin Ducks                        6


  • Steller sea lion                           112
  • Harbour seal                               26
  • California sea lion                       97
  • Northern Elephant Seal              4

New Baby Elephant Seal

Typically the newborn Elephant Seals don’t move their heads around much after birth, but this new pup seems to have something to prove.

Jocelyn decided to give birth this morning, after spending 5 days sussing out the island. This is the same time spent on land as the other mom this breeding season, and the same timeline this seal had last year. These seals having remarkably consistent timing!

The new pup seems incredibly well developed and mobile, and immediately after getting born started squawk-chirping this our resident wean-ling Mikey. While some Elephant Seal mom’s can be very protective of their young, Jocelyn seems very chill about having another pup hanging out around her.

Our current Elephant Seal family, not shown here the grumpy Beachmaster who only wants to mate. Shows the difference between a newborn pup and a 28 day old weanling.

Elephant Seal Swapping

Mikey is all on his own, exploring the island mouth-first and trying to avoid running into the angry Beachmaster.

Ecological Notes:

Beverly wrapped up her time nursing her pup, mated a couple of times, and headed back to the open ocean to recover her lost weight. She spent 27 days on land, nursing her pup for 21 days, the exact same number of days as last year. She has remarkably consistent timing.

Beverly and Micheal Day 1. Starting around 500kg she’ll end up losing around 200kg throughout nursing.

Beverly and Micheal Day 21. Beverly has lost around 40% of her weight throughout nursing.

The next working we woke up to the bellowing of a new pregnant elephant seal, timing and characteristics point to this seal being Jocelyn (another return from last year), but she is not tagged, so we’re guessing that it’s her by comparing photos of identifying scars. This is a day later than she showed up last year, and we’re excited at the prospect of another elephant seal pup! After 5 pups last year the thought of only having one pup born here was pretty disappointing.

The seal we suspect is Jocelyn, she is soooo big I’m surprised she could make it up the ramp.

For those interested, the Beachmaster mated with Beverly 27 times 4 days (that were noticed/documented). It’s an impressive feat for sure, but seems to depend on the exhaustion that sets in towards the end of nursing. On bigger beaches a Bachmaster can have a harmem of 30-100 females, so only having 1 or 2 females to mate with could be related to our males ‘vigour’.

Elephant Seal mating can be pretty unpleasant to watch sometimes, but it’s clearly a method that works for them or the population wouldn’t have recovered from near-extinction.

Facility Work:

After last weeks 50 knot blasting, we spent this week repairing the electric fence and picking up the pieces that blew off the buildings. We’ve had some massive high tides, as well as some logs piling up on the jetty. I’m still unsure what the actualy conditions are that contribute to the log pileup, but we made sure to snag some good looking firewood logs for next winters Eco-Guardians.

Beverly navigating the log-jam on the boat ramp.

DND events:

2 days with blasting since the last update, but it’s been very quiet. We did see Coast Guard heading offshore during the big blows, practice makes perfect!

Feature Event:

Weather – Current:

Flat calm weather and winds under 3 knots have been delightful the last couple of nights. We’re still trying to figure out how you can get a crystal clear sky, and enough fog to set off the fog horn…

Weather – Past:

Last weeks wind scouring led to this weeks flat calm, perfect time to pick up the pieces and get ready for whenever the next storm rolls through.


Weaning for Elephant Seals consists of abandoning their pups on the beach. Mikey didn’t enjoy that much, and screamed for the whole first night before accepting his independence.



  • Bald eagle adult                          18
  • Bald eagle juvenile                       7
  • Turnstones                                    29
  • Gulls, Glaucous and Western    186
  • Cormorants                                  106
  • Canadian goose                             0
  • Harlequin Ducks                            2


  • Steller sea lion                           107
  • Harbour seal                               15
  • California sea lion                     153
  • Northern Elephant Seal              3



  • Bald eagle adult                           8
  • Bald eagle juvenile                       6
  • Turnstones                                  29
  • Gulls, Glaucous and Western     96
  • Cormorants                                  3
  • Canadian goose                           0


  • Steller sea lion                           0
  • Harbour seal                              0
  • California sea lion                      85
  • Northern Elephant Seal              3

*40 knot winds and an extremely high tide likely contributed to the lower wildlife counts.

Happy New Year from Race Rocks!

Coming into 2022, the snow is melting and the elephant seal pup is getting faaaaat.

Mikey has ballooned from his starting weight (around 50lbs) to his current blubbery size around 200lbs, quadrupling his size in 10 days. It’s pretty remarkable to see the massive increase in size for this little seal pup, and you can see the calories flowing from his mom into the pup.

Day 1 for Mikey the Elephant Seal pup

Day 10 of Mikey the Elephant Seal Pup

As Beverly gets closer to weaning her pup (typically they nurse for 20 days), the Beachmaster is getting increasingly interested in mating. Last year Bev didn’t start mating until the last 2 days of nursing, which means we are expecting anther week until the mating starts.


The Race Rocks Beachmaster checking to see if Beverly is ready to mate yet. We are expecting another week until she’s interested.

One of the more ‘stressful’ events during this time is the Beachmaster checking on the pup. This involves mouthing the pup, which looks like the pup is going to get bit, but I think it’s more of a full contact smell than an actual bite. Last year this was alarming when this 4000lb seal would roll up on a little 200lb pup, but as we saw Bev mating with this same Beachmaster, odds are that the pup is his, and to date none of the mouthing has resulted in any damage to the pup.

We’ve found it incredibly interesting to watch Beverly raise her pups on Race Rocks, and the way she used to geography of the island to protect her pup. Bev uses the steps and walkway right outside of the eco-guardian house as a kind of fortification around her pup. When the Beachmaster comes up to check on Bev and her pup he can’t climb up the steps , and also can’t really get at the pup when he’s wedged on the ledge. This buys her time to get the pup nice and big before starting to adventure around the island with him, which started on day 9.

Bev’s magic ledge of protection.