sunrise and fog
Weather: The morning sunrise was behind fog. It cleared up after an hour. Winds started as westerly. Beautiful sunny day charging the batteries to almost 100%. By 1800 hrs however a north wind started howling (24 knots)It has converted to a westerly as I write this, now at 29 knots. Very dramatic skies!
Visitors: several ecotourism boats, all slowed down and came close to the jetty to see the elephant seals.
Observations: Besides the pictures below. There are currently 6 female elephant seals. The pup was not on the island all day. Brown-headed cowbird here all day.

Why do the geese eat this?

You won’t tell anyone?

white Brodiaea in bloom

camouflage for the young

ring billed gull? or is eye too dark?

never a dull moment

brown headed cowbird

Is this electric fence staying?

savannah sparrow

the north wind bringing weather