Pelicans Galore!

Today started out sunny with no wind which was a lovely change! A big fog bank rolled through in the morning but thankfully didn’t stick around too long. Cedric stopped by with 9 guests for a tour which is always fun. I love being able to talk to people and tell them about this history of the island, my job, and of course all the seal facts possible!

I got some outdoor work done (without the feeling like I was going to blow away) including giving the solar panels a good clean. I think we are almost at the time of year where this becomes a daily task. Despite the wind we’ve had a ton of sun and I have only used the generator a few times since my arrival at the end of April. These long sunny days are so wonderful!

The wind picked up in the afternoon, but not before a flock of 16 brown pelicans took a lap around the reserve before flying back out to sea! I don’t think seeing them will ever get old.


– Cedric + 9 guests


– 3 Ecotourism


  • Sky: Blue skies and sunny
  • Wind: Low of 9 knots, High of 20 knots
  • Sea: Calm most of the day, small whitecaps in afternoon
  • Temperature: Low 8•C, High  18•C

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **