He’s Back!!

Today was a very low key day as I have been a bit under the weather the past few days. The weather backed me up on this, pouring rain and wind made for the perfect inside day.  Not too many boats on the water today but still a few ecotourism vessels around. 

Anddddd in true Race Rocks fashion, just as I was about to press “publish” on my boring little post above, I heard an elephant seal commotion outside. This isn’t unusual, the two remaining females here often vocalize but I peeked out the window anyway and I’m glad I did. The male elephant seal who I haven’t seen since March has returned and it was like seeing an old friend! Well for me at least… I don’t think he could care less. After chasing the larger of the two females around the grass for a while he has now settled in the grass and pineapple weed outside my front door, the same spot he would lay in March.

He has gained a fair bit of weight, and he towers over the large female who now looks tiny in comparison. His vocalizations are throaty and a much lower pitch than the females. It’s so cool to have him back, I hope he sticks around!


  • Ecotourism: 8 vessels


  • Sky: Cloudy/Rainy, turned to blue sky in the afternoon
  • Wind: Low of 10 knots, High of 17 knots
  • Sea: Whitecaps
  • Temperature: Low 8•C, High 14•C

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **