May 30th Animal Census

Today is animal census day! I swear all of the sea lions hide when it comes time to count them, but our big male elephant seal is still here. Upon a closer inspection (him lying directly out my front door) I actually think this is a different animal than the one that was here in March. At first I thought he had just gained weight back post moult but I think it’s just an older/larger male. It’s great to have him here either way!

May 30th Animal Census:


California sea lions: 20
Elephant seals: 3 (1 male, 2 females)
Harbour seals: 108
Sea otter: 1 (Ollie)
Steller sea lions: 6


Bald eagle (adult): 3
Bald eagle (juvenile): 2
Barn swallows: 2
Canadian geese: 10
Cormorants: 23
Gulls: 336
Harlequin ducks: 10
Oyster catchers: 9
Pigeon guillemots: 75
Ravens: 1

Looks like the gull count will be going up soon!

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **