A Very Soggy Sunday

Today was a very soggy, rainy day. The birds all appeared drenched and disheveled, the elephant seals spent the day in the water, and Ollie was nowhere to be found.

One lone humpback passed by just on the outskirts of the reserve, sending a big spray into the air each time it surfaced. The ocean was calm all day which is the very best for spotting whales. On a much smaller scale I ended up with some small jellyfish in my water bucket when I was taking today’s salinity/temperature sample. There must have been hundreds in the water around the jetty!

The sun finally peaked out around 6pm, just in time for me to watch a gull harass a juvenile bald eagle. It blows my mind how savage and fearless these gulls can be.


  • Ecotourism: 8 vessels


  • Sky: Cloudy/Rainy
  • Wind: Low of 1 knot, High of 11 knots
  • Sea: Calm
  • Temperature: Low 11•C, High 13•C

** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **