Red in tooth and claw

Wildlife notes:

These two chicks were found this morning on the walkway down to the Tank Shed. The nest was inches away from the walkway. There seems to be two likely suspects, the gulls on the rock wall a few feet above them or the ones across the walkway. The dead chick’s parents were still there, even 8 hours later, continuing to defend their tiny chick less area.

Wildlife notes:

Three short-billed dowitchers visited the east beach.

Short-billed dowitcher

Facility work:

  • cleaned solar panels
  • finished weeding around Energy building
  • house cleaning


21 ecotourism, 6 private

Hundreds of vessels have transited the area since mid June. Generally the vessels are very compliant and only a few of the larger vessels appear to travel a bit faster that what is required to maintain bare steerage in the tidal current. Today was the first incident of excessive speed and possibly also a fishing violation (I do not have a rangefinder to be sure).


Sunny day. Light westerlies in the morning, fresh breeze by late afternoon. Day time temperature range: low 12, high 18.