July 18 Census


sea otter: 1
elephant seal: 2 (male and female)
harbour seal: 192 (48 South Islands, 54 South Seal Rocks, 36 Middle, 16 Turbine, 33 North Is., 5 Great Race Rock)
sealion: 5 (on West Rock, too far to identify)


cormorant: 18
gulls: 506 (18 South Islands, 488 Great Race Rock)
oyster catcher: 10 adults, 1 chick
pigeon guillemot: 26
surfbird: 38
black turnstone: 28
ruddy turnstone: 2
western sandpiper: 1
least sandpiper: 1
harlequin duck: 2

Wildlife notes:

The last of the gull chicks are hatching. Only about 5% or less of the gulls are still sitting on eggs. Gulls get a bad rap and called names like shit hawks. It is true there are white streaks and splotches everywhere, but if you watch the nesting gulls, parents and even the larger chicks, they take great care to walk up to 6 feet away from their nesting area to do their business.

Some photos the elephant seals sleeping side by side.

Facility work:

  • cleaned solar panels
  • thistle removal complete


3 ecotourism, 1 private


Cloudy early morning. Fresh westerly breeze in the morning, steady strong breeze the rest of the day. Daytime temperatures: minimum 13, maximum 14 degrees.