We have several excellent new tools for clearing vegetation. The Root Slayer is one of them. It was pressed into service to help clear vegetation away from the Desalinator Building. Now we can walk from this building to the freshwater tank shed to measure water production levels without fear of stepping on little chicks hiding in the tall grass. I’ve also started on the walkways but this is a bigger job that won’t get completed before I leave.

Three quarters done. Vegetation was removed from the gravel border and the grass edged along the building.
- Front
- Side

All done. Desalinator Building on the right and shed with 4500 L fresh water storage tank on the left.
Wildlife notes:
Apart from the chick slaying, the gulls are so amusing to watch. Some couples are still doing their courting displays and head bobs. The gulls are still grass pulling (which seems to be a warning to others they are angry) and grass gathering (with nests no long used, I’m guessing they are teaching their chicks this important task). Some gulls are constantly testing and pushing boundaries, which results in challenges. Others run quickly to watch when their neighbour is disturbed by my passing, like they are waiting for a confused to chick to run in their direction. The chicks are also entertaining to watch. The older chicks are jumping a lot and unfolding their wings and, like toddlers, taste and pick at things in the dirt and take things from each other.
Facility work:
- cleaned solar panels
- finished clearing vegetation around Desalinator Building
- clearing along walkways
21 ecotourism, 2 private
Partial clouds in the morning, overcast by late afternoon. Winds predominately southwest, light to moderate most of the day, with a fresh breeze in the evening. Rain expected over night. Daytime temperature range: low 13, high 14.