There are likely many birthdays on the island today but the two I know about is the seven-week birthday of the chicks that hatched on the NE corner of the house on June 28th and mine. The chicks have lost their speckled down, are approaching the size of their parents and can stay in the air for 16 seconds!
I have never had so many in attendance for my birthday party. Thousands were cheering and barking all day with the island nicely covered in white icing to celebrate my >400 weeks.
- Parent watching.
- Sibling watching.
Wildlife notes:
On a less cheery note, the California sea lion that injured its flipper around the beginning of July is not doing so well. It can not weight bear on that flipper and the wound appears to be infected. It is staying on the Jetty or nearby very close to the shore.

July 5, 2024

July 5, 2024
Facility work:
- Clean solar panels
- Topped up battery fluid
- Ran the generator and desalinator
- The Jetty is now fully electrified – there is still a path open so the elephant seal can come up the boat ramp and access the interior of the island.
- 15 Ecotourism, 3 private, 1 kayak
Skies overcast in the morning, scattered clouds by evening. Moderate to fresh westerlies. Daytime temperatures: low 12, high 17.