This is my last post and tonight is my last sleep here. There is so much I will miss…the ever changing sea, current, winds and fog, the 360 degree view, seeing the curvature of the earth, the tower, sleeping with three blankets, my toque, the smell of the ocean air infused with gull and seal aroma, the sounds of the rushing tide and waves on the shore, and yes, I will miss the constant gull calls and chatter, the barking and growling of the sea lions, the high pitched calls of the pigeon guillemots, the alarms of the oyster catcher, the excitement of seeing a new bird, and of course, the two elephant seals. In a way I am glad I am leaving before the elephant seals do as there will be an emptiness here when they go. Unfortunately, I won’t get to see the chicks learning to fly, the pigeon guillemots leave their nests, the influx of new bird species as migrations begins and the onslaught of the sealions. I will need to follow the logs of the next Ecoguardians to learn of those things.
I leave you with two photos: Virabhadrasana 3 and Yinyang.

Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior 3)

Yinyang. It is comical to watch her slap him in the face as she stretches or moves her rear flipper.
Facility work:
- Tidying up, finishing small jobs
- Cleaning keeper’s house, fridge, stove, floors, bathroom etc. for the next Ecoguardian
- Ran the generator and the desalinator together on account of the fog and overcast conditions.
- 27 Ecotourism, 3 private
- Fog in the morning. Overcast most of the afternoon. Winds light and variable throughout the day. Daytime temperatures: low 14, high 18.