This brightly coloured bryozoan, Disporella separata, can grow in patches 30- 40 cm in diameter. It may initially be mistaken for the purple variety of the Pink hydrocoral Allopora sp. It is found on the rocks right off the docks at Race Rocks in 8-12 metres of water.
This species is classified in The Lophophorate Phyla of British Columbia: Entoprocts,Bryozoans,Phoronids and Brachiopods by Aaron Baldwin School of Fisheries, U. of Alaska.
This brightly colored bryozoa can have patches 30- 40 cm in diametre. It may initially be mistaken for the purple variety of the Pink hydrocoral Allopora sp. It is found on the rocks right off the docks at Race Rocks in 8-12 metres of water
Rich : Animalia
Tribe : Bryozoa ( Moss animals)
Class : Stenolaemata
Order : Cyclostomatida
Family : Lichenoporidae
Gender : Disporella
Disporella separata

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