Pam Birley from England took this first set of images of mallard ducks at Race Rocks with the remote camera today. Over on Vancouver Island it is a very common duck but has never been recorded out here before.
This is the first image taken of this species at Race Rocks. Pam said in her e-mail “Not too exciting but never seen them before at RR. A group of 6 Mallards in a rock pool along the NE shore. Seemed to be one breeding male and I believe the others were all female. Light very poor but have enhanced the pics as best I could.”.
Domain: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Aves
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Genus: Anas
Species platyrhynchos
Common Name: Mallard Duck
Return to the Race Rocks Taxonomy
This file is provided as part of a collaborative effort by the students, faculty, staff and volunteers of Lester B. Pearson College and website viewers on our remote cameras on the internet. 15 Dec. 2012–Pam Birley