Camera 5 back on line

After a period of being down, our IT specialist at Lester Pearson College,  Maxim  Wieser has been able to restore Camera 5 to operation.  Now the only problem is keeping it clean, and that is no easy task as seagulls like to hover above it…….cam5a


Please read carefully the directions to control the camera on that page :

“Please close this screen in your browser after watching. The bandwidth used is very high so more viewers will be able to use the site if it is not streaming to your computer when you are not watching. If no one else is waiting, you can renew your view after two minutes.  

Directions for Control: Press the lower right square cross icon to gain control for 2 minutes at a time .  (You can regain control if no one else is trying to control the camera by clicking on the bi-directional arrow icon at the top.) Click directly on the image to change positions or on the panorama image below.  Use the vertical bar to zoom. At the top middle click on 320×240 down arrow and select 640×480.  If you see a “camera is busy sign”, this is because the maximum number of users has been reached. Wait a few minutes and try again. When not in control by a viewer, the camera will automatically move to pause 30 seconds at the 20 different presets.”