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Wildlife notes:

The gull chick found dead on July 24th near “Intersection” gull is disappearing quickly. In just over 2 weeks it is hardly recognizable among the grass, sea lion hair and the bones and hard bits of other birds, fish and chiton.

The male elephant seal is still absent and the female has been sleeping in some odd places these days. Today she was lying against the woodpile.

A sea lion entangled in fishing gear and struggling to breath has been reported by the naturalists on the ecotourism boats. It was last seen in an area that I can’t access without causing terror and unnecessary gull chick attacks. I will search for it tomorrow morning.


Facility work:

  • Cleaned solar panels
  • Operation walkway – work in progress
  • Ran generator, desalinator and washed bedding and towels for next Ecoguardian


  • 27 Ecotourism


  • Overcast in the morning, cloudy most of the afternoon, clear skies by sunset. Moderate SW breeze until early afternoon, fresh W breeze afternoon and evening. Daytime temperatures: low 12, high 17.