Morning fog. Moderate East wind. Sunny the rest of the day.
Tour boats: 4
It seems that, as the sea lions are leaving, more gulls and birds are moving onto Greater Race Rock. There have also been a lot of dense groups of gulls and diving birds on the water in and around the reserve.
- Gulls on the south beach of Greater Race Rock
- Cormorants on South Rocks
- Gulls on the south-west edge of Greater Race Rock
- Canada geese, Cackling goose, Greater White Froonted Goose, and a Glaucus winged gull with a broken wing.
- Group of seabirds seen from the tower south of West Rocks
The juvenile elephant seal with scabby molt (aka ‘Cranky Pants’) has returned to the boat ramp. Her skin has healed up a bit since she was last here a few weeks ago.
- Scabby molt
- Scabby molt

Kayakers next to South Rock-This kind of approach regularly scares birds and the seals and sea lions form the rocks.
-took the boston whaler in, traded it for a zodiac
-loaded the boat dolly onto Second Nature with Erik
-ran desalinator
-cleaned and scraped the zodiac
-tidied basement