Romanzoffia tracyi : Mist maidens–The Race Rocks Taxonomy

Romanzoffia tracyi Scientific classification Family: Boraginaceae (Borage) Subfamily: Hydrophylloideae (Waterleaf) Genus: Romanzoffia Species: R. tracyi (Jepson) Common name: Tracy’s mistmaiden General: Perennial herb from well-developed, brown-woolly basal tubers; stems several, ascending, long glandular-hairy, 2-12 cm tall [1].

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Proposed as a KBA – Key biodiversity area

In June 2023 Ian Adams presented for the Annual General Meeting of Friends of Ecological Reserves on the Key Biodiversity Areas program in Canada.  This presentation is available here: The website of KBA Canada is here: Race Rocks … Continue reading

Christmas Bird Count at Race Rocks- Dec 28, 2017

This year is our 20th year in assisting the local birders with the Rocky Point Bird Observatory in doing a count at Race Rocks. Given the time of year this has to occur, it is often thwarted by bad weather, … Continue reading