The Tidepool File

“If you look into a tidepool and comprehend what you see, you are observing the universe” N.J. Berril, 1951 (one of the fathers of marine biology in Canada). Since 1980,  biology and marine science classes from Pearson College have been … Continue reading

Artificial Tidepool #13 peg #5

This artificial pool was made under permit from BC Parks by Mike Slater and Garry Fletcher in June, 1999. It is part of a long range succession study. See also below for “AFTER the HURRICANE” AFTER THE HURRICANE OF DECEMBER 15, … Continue reading

Tidepool # 6 “Anita’s Pool”

On the West side of Great Race Rocks is a tidepool that we have been observing for many years. Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss has done research on the seasonality of hydroids in this pool and it is published as:  Brinckmann-Voss, A. 1996. Seasonality of Hydroids (Hydrozoa, … Continue reading