- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 10-15 knots West
- Sky: mix of sun and cloud
- Water: 1′ chop
- 14 elephant seals on Great Race.
- The e-seals “slept in” so to speak, before migrating down to the ramp for water play time.
- Some of them continued their sparring back on the grass.
- Noticed a few seagull fights.
- In the evening an eagle was harrowing the seagulls.
- Seagull battle
- The Aftermath
- “Aerial” sparring.
- Backing off.
- Somewhere in there is an eagle!
- More painting!
- More weed whacking!
- Set up the Student House for tomorrow’s incoming three!
- Several eco-tours, though not as many as yesterday.
- Most of them appeared to get too close to the sea lions near the derrick.
- Also one pleasure craft that did the same.
- Too close?
- Too close?
- Too close?
- Not as close as the others.
- Too close?
- Too close?
- Too close?
- Too close?